'Summerland' is the tentative title for my novel Urban Fantasy series, which tells the tale of Arthur Wright, a rich English boy who is heir to a grand estate and family wealth. When Art, his mother and younger sister Alice move to New Zealand by mysterious order of Art's father, everything starts to go downhill. Art has to attend a public school - and while there he meets his first ever friend (Natalie), he also meets and Angel (Nero) who has not only been stalking him but also manages to drag Art away from his family and into a supernatural war. When he wakes up from a coma, he finds himself in an underground Black Angel sanctuary, donning a new pair of silver-white wings.
Sure that Natalie and his family are dead, Art finds comfort in the only person he has left. Beneath their sarcasm and snide remarks, Nero and Art build a fast, albeit awkward, friendship. As war rages in the city above, they live together in the sanctuary, Nero protecting Art from the racism of his comrades. Eventually, their peace is disrupted, and the boys have to leave.
From there on their real adventure begins. After meeting up Natalie they soon discover that Art is of a specific interest to certain races. Being the enemy of Vampires, Lycanthropes and Demons makes survival not only difficult, but also exciting.
Main characters:
Arthur Wright
Natalie Wolf
Sub-main characters:
Alice Wright
Other characters:
Nero & Art: Friends, and later on in the story lovers
Art & Natalie: Best friends
Nero & Natalie: Rivals (both are jealous of the others relationship with Art)
Art & Alice: Brother and sister - they love each other dearly
Nathan & Art: When Nero leaves, Nathan takes Nero's place in Art's life.
Nathan & Natalie: They get on well, but aren't very close.
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If you ever get it published, make sure it gets to the far reaches of Canada. XD I want to read it!!