'09 Fellowship Night
Guess what? Our school held a "Fellowship Night" last week, March 13-14, 2009. Around 5 pm-7 am. In case you're wondering what it is, it's a night for the graduating students pupils (me & the other 6th graders) & the 5th graders (my sis) as a last get-together. To tell you the truth it was very fun!--including the teachers...& the principal, too! whee We had games, workshops, visitors, snacks, took some pics & vids, practiced for the "Farewell Ball" (yep, in our pj's!), told some stories & ate some snacks...again mrgreen There are also some things that happened that are so funny biggrin Like, the time we were all going to bed, some of us were waiting our turns to use the bathroom when my friend, "MoonFang" stepped on a cockroach--barefoot! He freaked out like a maniac! rolleyes xp *sigh* I'll miss those days... Anyway, we woke up 5 a.m. the next morning. We had pancakes & hot chocolate for breakfast (I'm starving myself xd ) Though, before that, while some of our classmates schoolmates went out to play, me & "The Mischief Makers" planned to make a vid, which is a surprise wink , but we didn't have that kind of time cry ... Later we had a "rewarding" for those who partcipated in the event. So, I guess that's just about it! I too tired to type what happened anyway! stressed sweatdrop