A girl about eighteen sat crossed legged on the dock just on the edge of town. She watched curiously as men walked back and forth, from ship to land and back again. The ships that docked here were simple merchant ships that kept the town alive and striving. The girl's attention was caught by a ship she has never seen before. She stared at the ship but no one got off of it and no one tried to approach it. The ship gave her the chills but it made her all the more curious. She wanted to meet the captain since she knew all the other captains docked near by. She stood up and wandered over to the mysterious ship. She looked around and then yelled "Permission to board?" She heard nothing but walked on deck anyways. Something wasn't right but her young curiousity got the best of her better judgement and the others on the dock were too busy to look out for her. She sensed eyes on her form and she bit her lip "Elloz? Capt'n?" She looked around, slightly excited yet scared.