Yeah...I don't know what's up with the's just there ya know. Yeah well anyway. I had Nicoles birthday party yesterdaaay. It was fuuun. I rode up to the place we went with Karisa and Nicole's mom. And we got there...and we swam the whole time. Fun right. :3 Yeah...then we had soap fights when we were done swimming. :3 It got in my eye. and I was like omg that burns. lol Yeah then we went back to nicoles. and we played twister. Kaila and I kept going for like 40 minutes. It killed man D; Then we played the twilight board game. Dude it's so random. xD One time I had to close my eyes and name 3 types of cars that were outside. Dude I don't live there how would I know. Dx YEah kairsa won that game...then we watched a movie and went to sleep. Then we woke up and watched tv and ate breakfast and then I went home! And...that's all.
bobber #14 Community Member |