Gender: Male
Color Association: Darkblue
Occupation: Fukutaishou Squad 12, Gotei 13
Class: Lieutenant Shinigami-Vizard-Arrancar
Background Information: A pale skinned man with dark black hair. He is happily married to Neko-kun of Squad 9. He wears a white Shihakushou, that resembles that of an Arrancar. He is the only one, other than Shadow(Hei) to achieve a type of Super Vizard form, equivalent to that of an Arrancar. This transformation leaves a Hollow hole, his is located just right of his Shoulder Pocket and above his Heart. His hole, however, is concealed by a contraption he made, a pole that extends the length of the hole and extends circular plates on both ends, like a pair of umbrellas, and skin grows over the plates to form a solid, unnoticeable, hole. He is kind and will help his friends at all costs. He has a strong personal rivalry with Shadow-san. He believes he is the one he is to surpass to become the strongest he can be. His last name is Uchiro. His father is the 4th Espada, Ulquiorra Schifer. He was born when Ulquiorra was still Human or Shinigami, and not Arrancar.
Zanpakuto: His Zanpakuto's name is Datenshi (Fallen Angel). Its Shikai release is Hazu Sa Kimi Datte (Spread Your Wings Again). This results in the blade turning half white and half black, lengthwise, the hilt becoming black, and the guard white. His Bankai release is Ankoku Tengoku no Datenshi (Darkness Heaven of Fallen Angel). The information regarding his Bankai has been sealed and will not be revealed, unless he is fought and you make him go this far.
Trivia: Hideki has a group of homemade attacks involving light and dark matter. Beware of these for they are lethal to a high degree. His cero's are normally a dark green, and sometimes appear as Silver-blue when he goes all out. He can form Oscuras Cero's. He has also formed a "Nature Cero" or Esencia Cero (lit. Essence Zero) in which Nature's Essence swirls into the back of his Hollow Hole, forming the Cero in the front of it, and is used as a normal cero. This cero normally occurs as a Silver-blue or Yellow-green Cero depending on the surroundings, Water or Land.
NOTE: Thank you Shadow for the outline for this wonderful thingie-mabob. biggrin