*You don't have to read the bio. I just made the bio because I was extremely bored*
*Sometimes I might also include one of her half-siblings in the RP. If I do, here is the link:
Naomi's Half Siblings
*Sometimes I might also include one of her half-siblings in the RP. If I do, here is the link:
Naomi's Half Siblings
Name: Naomi
Age: 17
Race: Half fox
Gender: Female
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Job/Occupation: Currently None
Favorite Song: Cassis - GazettE
*Note: Fox ears are hidden under the headband and fox tail isn't visible*

Fox Form:

Bio: Naomi was born in a small town called Silver Rose Valley, once famous because of Luchia, who used to be able to make very beautiful silver roses.

Naomi was born to April and John, who were a very happy couple, at the time. But when April got pregnant, they were both only teenagers, still.

John eventually left to be with another girl, leaving April alone to care for Naomi. It is unknown how Naomi got to be half fox. April found another man, Ryan

who gave her twins, Mei (Left) and Mai (Right), who were born normal.

Naomi was a good little girl, 5 at the time, who had never seen Ryan. Ryan left her mother because he didn't want to be a father to a "freak."
That led to her third (Emanuel)

and fourth marriage, Manny(she got married and divorced to all men)

Manny was a very abusive man. Naomi was 6 at the time and had to take care of her two little sisters. Manny would often go to the bar at night and not come back until early morning. Naomi begged for her mother to divorce him, but April was too afraid of Manny. When Naomi finally turned 10, she took matters into her own hands and April and Manny were divorced 2 months later. She still has both emotional and physical scars. (one on her left leg another on her back)
Having gone through 4 marriages, men were reluctent to date April, and April, not being able to care for 3 children by herself, needed someone to help support her, so they left the valley.
On the way to the neighboring valley, they met a man in the forest who was also heading to Peachy Valley. By the time they got there, one week later, April had fallen madly in love with Daniel.

They were happy for a good number of years, until Naomi was 13, before Naomi figured out that Daniel was cheating on April with Teresa, their next door neighbor. April didn't want to admit that she was also suspicious, so once again, Naomi was the one to have to divorce them.
They left Peachy Valley, hoping to get their mother away from finding love and failing miserably once again.

They traveled for months, Naomi in charge of getting money, food, and a place for them to sleep. April had fallen into a deep depression and could not do anything. After a year of travel, when Naomi was 14, they slept in an abandoned building until it was taken down. They lived on the streets for a while, Naomi working most of the time as a waitress, taking her sisters and mother to work with her so she could keep an eye on them. It was at her job that Naomi met David.

It was Sunday, and families were constantly coming in. Mei, Mai and April always sat at a table in the back so they wouldn't disturb anyone, but that Sunday, all tables were desperately needed. So was help, but all the other waitresses got fired except for Naomi. Naomi was running back an forth through the restaurant when she accidentally ran into David, literally. Naomi muttered her apologies, rubbing her head, as she guided him to the only table that was left, which was where her family was sitting.
"Um... can you guys go and help the cook? Take Mommy with you," Naomi had whispered to Mei and Mai. David had shaken his head, "No it's okay. I can sit with them." Naomi responded, "Are you sure?" David only nodded his head and sat down in the only empty seat. "Okay... Um... Welcome, here is your menu and I'll be back in a minute to take your order." Naomi ran again through the restaurant, hurrying to bring orders to the customers and take orders, completely forgetting about David and her family. When she finally got back there, 15 minutes later, her mom's head was up, apparently laughing at something David had said. Naomi looked at them then stepped forward to where she could be seen. "Having a nice time?" Naomi asked them. "YES!" Mei and Mai responded in unison.
That made April's 6 and hopefully last marriage.
Currently, they are still married and had twins, David Jr. (Left) and Emanuel (Right) David was also born half-fox, which meant that most likely April was the one that carried that gene

Naomi was like an unpaid babysitter, because even though April had the help of David, neither of them worked. Naomi left when she was 16, tired of doing everything herself. Now she goes wherever she pleases.
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