Alone Wolf
On a Hot sunny day, there is a wolf mother laying there pregnant, almost time to give berth. The husband of the mother wolf was hunted down by humans with a object that shoots tiny rocks that will kill fast; husband wolf dead to protect the mother wolf and the loving pups that will be entering the world soon. The mother wolf always think about her love, but she have to put this loss aside, and focused the new born pups. Living in a small cave over the rocky areas while the sun heats up the whole desert about 130 degrees; the mother wolf staying in to keep things cool, then she felt a small movement in the mothers wolf whom so she feels is almost time to give the birth of the pups. The sun has fallen down into darkness but the stars lights up along a full moon, the mother wolf sleeping away till she heard something just across the fields so the mother wolf wakes up then sees humans with with feathers on there heads, and playing a noise that bring attention to the other creatures in the night; the mother wolf thinks is a wonderful nose they are making also the strange movement around the flames. Suddenly the mother feels pain, so she lays on her side feeling pressure while the human noise getting louder then the pup has enter to the world. The mother wolf looks at the small pup then start to give licks to clean him, she looks at the small pup with full of joy, and sees the small male pup looks like his father with dark brown fur along with two white paws in front; the mother wolf is surprise that give birth to only one pup but she didn't complain or disappointed because one is still a blessing. 6 Months, 10 days, and 11 nights went by living the small cave over the rocky area. The pup has grown very fast, also knows how to hunt prey; the small pup sees a nest of baby birds up on a old dry tree, the pup jumps onto the tree trying to claim up so he keeps falling, but the pup keeps on trying not going to give up then give another try onto the tree griping tightly with the small claws claim bit higher, the pup finally reaches to the baby birds nest, when he is about to eat the baby birds, randomly a large bird coming swiftly attacking the pup; the pup attacks back not afraid at all of how large the father winged creature. The mother comes by looking up at the pup fighting the winged creature on top of the tree, reminds of her loving husband, when she shead a small tear of joy, seeing how brave, and strong the pup is. while the mother wolf is gazing away, the small pup bits the winged creature on the leg tightly then the winged creature keeps on trying to peck the pup. The winged creature pecks across the wolfs eye leaving a scar bleeding, the pup falls off the tree hard, so the mother runs over giving licks to the pup, then lays next to him cuddling him with love, and care; the two loving family wolf are living happily together enjoy the moments together alone.... The mother wolf is in the cave getting ready to eat, while the almost full grown pup playing out side on the rocky side of there home catching the small bugs with his two front paws; suddenly the almost full grown pup sees a strange beings holding something shiny, and long; the almost full grown pup never seen anything like it, the mother wolf walks outside looking down at the pup but then looks spots the strange being and the mother wolf just remember those long shiny things that will kill anyhting; the mother wolf took action pushes the full grown pup back in the cave, then deep down there is a small hole that is only room for one, so the mother wolf pushes the pup inside the hole to stay in there. The beings stands in front of the cave making odd noises, the mother wolf growls at the beings to stand back, but they just tease her by using the tree branches, and throwing rocks; one of the rocks hits her eye, yelping in pain bleeding, when she start to attack, one of the beings hits the mother wolf with the tree branch across her nose, and falls very hard onto the ground hard bleeding. The strange beings are making this so call laugh that they are enjoying beating the mother wolf, meanwhile the full grown pup peeks out seeing the mother wolf on the ground hurt badly and weak from age.. One of the beings holds up the tree branch then slams the mother wolf hard onto her side then the other being kicks her harshly. Only thing the mother wolf can do is yelp, inside crying, and bleeding from the deadly hits... The full grown pup feels very sad, the mother moved her head seeing the pup peeking, looking at him not to be sad, and stay put so the beings wont find him. One being spits onto the mother wolf then holds up the strange long shiny thing, and shoots her with a loud sound that scared off other creatures around the wasteland. The beings walked inside the cave looking for any more wofls to hunt down, they see the meat on the ground when the mother wolf was getting prepare, one being just takes it making laughing noises, then they return to the front of the cave grab the mothers wolf body, and walk off to the next hunt. The sun is about to close soon to bring in the darkness once the glow shines half of the wasteland; the small pup walks out of the small cave the sees the sun going down then looks around yelping with sadness feeling alone, he walks over to the spot were the mother died, looking down the shaded blood from the beings made; the pup just lays on the floor next to the puddle of blood thinking of his mother.... Three days and two nights pass by... The small pup still laying there but spots something very interesting moving ahead, a wild rabbit hoping around through the wasteland. The almost full grown pup gets up and feels very hungry; he remembers to hunt just like his mother, he starts to run already, chasing the wild rabbit, then the rabbit runs even faster while the full grown wolf is very close to catching; suddenly a red tail hawk swoops down catches the rabbit swiftly close to the ground then the full grown pup jumps quickly grabs the rabbit lower body, biting tightly to struggling with the hawk hard, then the hawk starting to fly carrying the pup in the sky, the pup looks at the corner of his eye seeing his home far away already, and the hawk is heading to a old tree were the nest lyes Full gown giving more tightly then start to wiggly himself to get go of the catch then the hawk finally gives up just drop the dead rabbit falling and hits onto a bush, the pup just eats the rabbit didn't care he got a cut on his paw; when the pup finish the catch he start to lay back again feeling restless inside the cool bush, all of sudden hears something!
I'll finish up next time everyone, oh just so you know... Making the story a bit short and sweet because one I'm rusty and two busy among friends along working smile . Yeah, yeah... There excuses but hey! Better knowing or not knowing like some people! lol...
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![]() Kia-Ruko Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member sad, made me shed a tear...the poor mother wolf...the poor pup...