Furry Story
It all started in 2015, when the human race migrated to a new planet found to be inhabitable by the scientists of NASA. They decreed this new planet be called Earth II. Once the world, a population of 4.5 billion settled, they met with a new race. This race, thought to have been only fiction created by the Asians, were in fact not fiction at all. They are called Furries. These new beings were mammals like dogs, cats, moose, mice, birds, and many other animals that have fur and walk on land. While entirely different, the human race and the Furry race shared several common factors: both were humanoid, meaning they walked on two legs, both have brains similar to one another, the Furries dressed in clothes like those that the humans, and they can talk like the humans.
To many they were government experiments and to others they were aliens but by 2025, the settlers had grown accustomed to these peoples and new laws were passed to accommodate this species and accept them into the society.
Chapter One:
He keeps the deadlock fair: his hands and her hands between his body and her body. She bares her canines at him and in return, he bares his. They have been fighting for nearly two hours before this little stalemate and the crowd, a mixture of Furries, and normal humans, had swayed the judges, all human beings, to allow the fight to go on.
The sweat drenched their uniforms, his black one with a red Spartans helmet on the left breast, and her orange one that had a green Tri-Force on the left breast. The sweat also matted their inch-thick fur so that it shined beneath the fluorescent lighting.
"I see now why you wear that red belt, wolfy." the girl spoke as she gave it her all to try and gain the upper hand in the deadlock, but her hopes were few because the sweat that had perspired between their clasped paws made it hard for either of them to hold a grip.
"Agreed," he replies, "And I see why you wear the red belt as well."
He looks his opponent from head to toe. She was about 5' 5'' tall compared to his 5' 10''. She was a wolf like him, but with white fur. He liked how her white fur glistened when wet, how her hair, long and glacier blue, ran down in front of her right eye; giving her a more complex and seductive look, and how her fluffy tail swayed back and forth slowly and hypnotizing-like. However, what he really liked were her eyes. Her magnificent eyes, which matched her hair, a deep ice blue and in her eyes, he saw her entire person: brave, smart, sly, gallant, but most of all--innocent.
She knew her opponent was preoccupied with looking her over by how he had let his arms bend a mere inch. She also knew because she, too, was doing the same. First, she noticed that he was built. She could tell by how buff his torso was that he had worked out on a daily basis and by how his hands made her hands look like tiny rocks that he benched a good two-fifty.
Next, she liked his tail. Fluffier than hers like how a male wolf's tail should be.
Third, was his smoke-grey fur. It had white markings. On his right shoulder, she had noticed early on, was a tribal sun, which was complimented by his brilliant deep blue eyes that shined beautifully, but were further complimented by the red white line below his right eye.
Finally, what made her opponent even more beautiful was how his black hair laid in front of his right eye, long down to his lower jaw.
"So tell me," he spoke serenely. The sound of his soft voice woke her from her daydreaming. "Do you have a name?" he asked.
"Serena." she quickly answered. "And you?"
"Enir." he answered. Serena smiled.
"Enir, That's a brave name." she flirted, squinting her eyes and tilting her head down, making her hair angle across her eye and lean against her snout; this made her look more innocent, yet seductive at the same time. Enir smiles at her.
"And Serena is a cute name," he spoke, "Fitting for a very cute she-wolf."
Serena's ears instantly pinned themselves down and Enir saw her cheeks flush a light red. She was blushing.
"Tell you what," he spoke, bending his arms slightly as to let her gain ground in the deadlock. She looked at him curtly as she now stood only seven-inches from his body.
"I'll make this quick." he finished. Then, as he did so, Enir slams his knee into Serena's stomach, forcing her to lose her breath, break away from the deadlock, and fall down onto her knees, holding her stomach. As she fell to her knees, Enir then spun around doing a roundhouse kick--his shin connecting with her right arm-- sending her barreling off to the side to the edge of the ring. A loud CRACK! Is heard, but Serena did not know if it was something in her body or his that had cracked. She stops rolling and faces the audience. Her eyes look down and she sees that she is on the edge of the ring. Once she recovered from the shock of what happened Serena realizes that she is having trouble breathing. She couldn't take a single breath without feeling light-headed or like she was going to throw up.
That...Hurt. She thought as she fought to take more than one breath at a time. She coughs, which hurt a lot more than inhaling and exhaling.
Enir walks slowly toward the immobile girl, cracking his neck then his back. Serena heard the cracking of his joints and him clearing his throat. She now felt his shadow creep up upon her. She tries her hardest to breathe but suddenly her breath was gone. He chuckles soundly at her feeble attempt but Serena soon realizes that this chuckle was not a 'victory chuckle' but more of a 'common chuckle.' Enir stares down at Serena, his eyes scanning over her limp body. He sees three long streaks in the back of her shirt where her dirty, sweat-matted fur now peered through, ran from her right shoulder down to her waist. This was from where he had attempted to dig his claws into her back but only managed to cut through her shirt. As he moved his eyes down her backside, he sees three similar cuts in her clothing, these being just below her butt cheeks in a horizontal fashion. This was where he had attempted to rip through the back of her legs with a crouched roundhouse, but his claws again only managed to tear through the clothing. He did notice though the outline of red, which belonged to the rim of her strawberry red panties. As he now stared at her feet, he sees that the bottoms of her pants were tattered and torn.
"Well," Serena coughed, "What're you waiting for? Go on. Push me off and claim victory."
"No." Enir replied curtly.
"What?" Serena was confused.
"Because," Enir went on as he kneeled down behind her, "You've got internal bleeding from when I nailed you in the stomach with my knee,"
Serena's eyes widen in disbelief then she tried moving and coughed. She felt a warm liquid run up her throat and out her mouth, over her lip and down the side of her face. Enir was right.
"But...How?" she choked.
"And I broke your arm when I roundhouse kicked you." he finished. Now that she thought about it, she was lying on the arm that had taken the blunt force of his kick, but when she concentrated completely on breathing she had forgotten about her arm, which had slowly gone cold and numb. Even knowing this, she did not believe him so in defiance Serena tries to bend her fingers, but soon feels a surge of fiery pain shoot up them and throughout her entire arm. Her arm was indeed broken. Serena lets out a loud, excruciating yelp of pain as she endured the surge of pain.
By this time the crowd was no longer cheering or screaming, now they were silent and curious and even some were worried. The judges, acting quickly, called the EMTs. Both of the trainers--Enir's and Serena's--ran over to them.
Serena's sensei, a Siberian husky, wore red fatigues with a green Tri-Force on the left breast just like Serena. Around his waist, he wore a black belt with three red bars on it.
Enir's sensei was a Red Wolf dressed in black fatigues with a red Spartans helmet on his left breast with a similar belt around his waist.
"Serena," her sensei called. She looks at him and smiles discretely then coughs again, spitting up more blood.
"Hi...Sensei." she greeted, attempting a smile, but the smile turned into a grimace.
"Ranua," Enir's sensei called.
"Yes Sakai?" Ranua answered.
"I'll take her." Enir chimed in before either sensei could speak again.
Both of the trainers looked at him as he picks the injured Serena up off the ring.
"Enir, are you sure?" Sakai asked him. Disregarding his sensei, Enir looks over at the judges then at the girl he now held 'bridal-style' in his arms. He walks down the stairs and towards the door. Once at the doors he looks at the audience and smiles then leaves.
As he walked through the crowded streets, Enir looks down and to his amazement; Serena had laid her head up against his arm and chest and was fast asleep.
"Serena," he called; she opens her eyes.
"Yeah?" she answered groggily.
"Stay awake." he told her. She nods her head and looks up at him. She notices they were no longer beneath fluorescent lights, but now beneath a blue sky and warm sun. She next felt the wind blowing through her fur.
"How long," she started but stopped.
"Ten minutes." he answered her as he now ran through the busy streets of the metropolis called Ryuna toward the Ryuna Medical hospital. Serena blinked twice then buried her head in his arms once more. She looks up curtly out the corner of her eye and saw a look on Enir's face that she admired greatly. The look on his face was admiration and seeing this made her smile.
"Do not worry," his soft, angelic voice spoke to her, "It is only your arm that is injured."
She perks up and looks at him with the same expression she had on her face when she heard him deny claiming victory back at the arena: confusion.
"I only said you had internal bleeding so that you would try to move your body so I could assess the extent,"
"The extent of my injuries." she finished for him. He grinned but did not move his head or roll his eyes. Serena rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Correct, Serena." he said. She buries her head once more and closes her eyes.
"You're an a**," she muttered soundly.
"And?" he replied, having heard what she had said. Serena giggles softly.
When Serena opens her eyes again she sees that she is in a white hospital room in a bed with her arm in a cast. She looks over and sees Enir sleeping in the corner. She smiles then looks down at herself; her eyes bulge when she sees that she is in a hospital gown. Instantly she blushed fiercely at the sudden thought of how she had gotten in the gown.
"The nurses did it." Enir said softly, "So don't worry."
Serena yipped at the sound of his voice then smiled gleefully.
"Thank you, Enir." she said gently. Enir opened his eyes; she blushed again when she saw his green eyes shine beneath the light and shadow of his hair. He stood up, walked over to her bedside, and looked at her.
"You're very welcome," he replied, running his finger down her cheek, "I'm glad to know that I am second. It's an honor to be second." he said to her.
"Second? What do you mean by that, Enir?" she asks, looking at him funny.
"I took second place, Serena." Enir told her. "I forfeited the match, declaring you winner. You're number one in the state now." he explained. Serena felt her blush return once more.
"But Enir, you won. I couldn't move," she told him, "All you had to do was push me out of the ring." she continued, "So why did I take first?" she finished with a question.
"Because, Serena, I may be heartless when in battle, but you were good yourself and I have honor. You honored me when you lasted as long as you did against me," he explained to her, "So for me to take what you rightfully earned would have been like me stealing candy from a pup: wrong. You did better than the last wolf that fought against me two years ago. Do you remember her?"
Serena thinks back to the day he was mentioning but shakes her head.
"No." she said, "I don't remember."
"Her name was Avai. She was a Grey wolf like me. She made it to the final round which was me, but she only lasted ten minutes." Enir told Serena, "The reason she only lasted ten minutes was because she did not train her body to withstand taking a blow to the stomach. The same move I did to you, Serena." he told her.
"Yeah, I remember, Enir. You have so much force behind your legs that when your knee entered my stomach I felt like I had just gotten a fast ball going over two hundred miles per hour hitting me." Serena replied, "I'm amazed you didn't break any of my ribs."
"You shouldn't be, Serena," Enir scoffed, "You have a good sensei. I'm sure he trained you specifically to withstand my attacks."
"Now that you mention it, Enir," she said as she thought about her training, "He was making me do a lot of training to strengthen my upper body and stomach."
"That's what my sensei figured as well, Serena. He told me about how Ran-sensei had a new pupil who would stand up as a challenge to me this year." Enir said as he pulled up a chair next to her bedside and sat down.
"Yeah, Ran-sensei told me about how you were powerful, Enir. He told me how you were able to take down ten guys at once in the tournament ten months before the Finals." she said as she looked over at him. Enir chuckled and shook his head.
"Your sensei told you about that escapade? Wow." Enir seemed amazed at her knowledge of that day, but he laughing at her about what she had said made her somewhat mad, but she giggles with him anyways.
"Yup, he sure did. But Enir,"
Enir stops chuckling and looks at her, his attention focused on her.
"Why do you seem so surprised?" she asked him.
"Because it was your sensei who said that I couldn't do it, Serena." Enir answered.
"Yes. Ran-sensei told my sensei that I was good--probably the best in the state--but I wasn't good enough to take on any more than three guys at one time." Enir informed her, "Well Sa-sensei laughed and made a bet with him,"
"A bet? What kind of a bet?" Serena was interested now.
"The bet was that if I would have lost, would have ended my career as a warrior.” Enir revealed. She just stared and listened, wanting to know more; waiting for him to continue.
"He said that if I could win against ten others at the same time, then he would withdraw from Finals," Enir told, "So I agreed to the bet and so did Ran-sensei."
"What happened if you lost?" Serena asked him.
"If I lost then I would have to relinquish my title, my belt, and my entire career." Enir answered.
"So how did you win?"
"By luck." he replied, "I was damn near dead before I finally won. They had managed to break two of my ribs--one on each side--break my right arm in three different places, and one of them had cut me so deep in my back that I was losing blood every minute." he explained. Serena whistled and listened on. She noticed that the more Enir spoke and told her about his win, the more she was taking a liking to him.
"I won when my adrenaline kicked into overdrive. I don't remember all of it, but what I do remember is that I had managed to paralyze two of them, put three of them in the hospital for five months, and the other five... Well," he pauses as he tries to think of what had happened to the other five.
"The other five all gave up. They jumped out of the ring."
Serena and Enir look over at the door to see their respective sensei’s walking in.
"Hello again, Ser-chan," Sakai greeted respectfully and bowing.
"How ya feeling, Serena?" Ranua asked her.
"Good sensei." she answered with a smile. "Enir was just her telling me a little about himself." she told him. Sakai and Ranua smile and nod their heads as they walk further into the room.
"So we've heard." Ranua spoke.
"Enir, how are you feeling? I gather you must be exhausted from the sprint and carrying Serena here and all." Sakai said to him.
"I'm fine, sensei. Thank you." Enir replied. "I fell asleep in the corner so I got some rest."
"That's good." Sakai replied. "Serena, I would like to congratulate you on your victory today."
"Thank you, Sa-san." she responded. Ranua walks over to her and places a gold medal around her neck. She looks at the hexagon-shaped medal and smiles. It said on it: NO. 1 CONTENDER SERENA YUKI.
"Your trophy is at home, Serena. Your parents are very proud of you."
"Thank you, sensei." Serena said smiling.
"Also your parents will be up here later tonight to see you." Ranua added. He looked over at Enir. "And they would like to meet you, Enir Emeri."
Enir looked dazed and c**k-eyed.
"Me? But why?" he asked.
"Why to thank you for rushing their daughter to the hospital of course!" Sakai replied.
"They have also heard a lot about you and want to meet you in person." Ranua told him.
Enir stayed by her side all night. She had tried countless times to tell him to leave her.
'Go home, Enir.' she would say to him.
'No.' he would respond.
'Your parents must be worried about you.' she would say, but again he would not go.
'I don't have any parents.' he told her, 'They're dead.'
Therefore, Serena gave up trying to convince him to leave and soon fell asleep. Enir had passed out in the chair next to her.
The door opens quietly and a pair of deep blue eyes peeked inside. They see Serena and Enir both sleeping away the night. Next, two people walk on in, tiptoeing inside and the last one inside closing the door behind them. The figures, both wolves, walk over to Serena's bedside and smile.
"Look dear," the female whispered to her husband, "So peaceful."
"That's our girl." he replied. He runs one claw down the side of Serena's face gently. "Serena." he whispered. Serena stirs from her slumber, opens her celestial ice-blue eyes, and looks up.
"Mom, dad." she greeted quietly. With one arm, she sits up in her bed. Her mother and father look over and see Enir sleeping soundly.
"Is that him?" her father asks. She looks over at Enir and smiles, her cheeks flushing.
"Yes, father." she answered, "That's the wolf who gave it all up just to bring me here."
"He's a handsome one." her mother complimented. Serena felt her face grow even hotter.
"So will he be the one, Serena?" her father asks her.
"We don't know anything about each other, dad." she told him sweetly, admiring how cute Enir looked when asleep. She blinked when she felt her face burning with warmth.
"Well you are seventeen, Serena. You have to pick one of the three." he told her. Her mother glares at him.
"Now Rasha, don't pressure her about that. Not right now." she scolded. Serena was feeling warm all over and blushing madly the more she stared at the sleeping wolf. She liked the feeling but did not like it because her parents were in the same room as her so it made her feel embarrassed and uneasy.
"Serena," her mother called.
"Yeah," Serena replied, looking at her mother.
"You're coming home tomorrow, why don't you invite Enir along?"
"Um...Okay. I will, mom." Serena answered with a stutter. The thought of bringing Enir over to her house made her body get even warmer than it already was and her already fierce-flushing face flush yet even more.
"Let’s go, Acaia. We've got things to prepare." Rasha spoke. "Sleep well now, Serena. You've earned it."
"Uh-huh." Serena replied, lying back down in the bed and pulling the covers over her with one arm.
"We'll see you tomorrow, dear." her mother said to her before leaving the room.
Enir opens his eyes a tad and sees the door to the bathroom open. He soon smelled cherries and next he saw Serena walking out of the bathroom drying her hair with one hand while her broken arm was in the cast still. He noticed that she was wearing a plain pink bra and velvet red panties. His face flushed then he watched her walk over to the bed and slip on her martial arts pants then the orange top. He took notice that her clothes had been washed. He plays innocent and stretches then yawns. Serena was startled shortly until she realized that she was holding her shirt over her head, only part way on; revealing her covered chest. She blushed fiercely before pulling the shirt all the way down. Enir hid his smile, but could not hide his blush and he knew that Serena could see it clear as day. She smiled at him, her cheeks now a dark red.
"Morning," Enir greeted, hoping to get rid of the awkwardness that filled the air.
"Good morning." she greeted back, spraying perfume on herself. Enir stands up and takes in a whiff of it.
"Cherries?" he guessed. Serena giggles.
"Close." she said, "It's watermelon-cherry."
"Oh. Well then." Enir said jokingly. Serena finishes packing her things into a blue handbag then looks up at Enir.
"Um...Enir, I was wondering if, um," she felt her face flushing again as Enir looked at her with question. "If, um...If you would be interested in coming over to my house today?" she asked, her face bright red now. Enir thinks for a minute then nods his head.
"I'd be honored." was his answer. "But first we need to go meet our sensei’s." he told her. She agreed with him.
"My guess is that they'll both be at the dojo." Enir spoke, now standing next to her two-feet away.
"I bet you're right." she replied, trying to hide her blushing face.
Sakai and Ranua stand in the boxing ring, staring at one another. Both were breathing heavily; their fur matted with perspiration. The two were sparring.
Serena and Enir walk in and see their sensei’s staring each other down. Sakai and Ranua see their pupils out the corner of their eyes. They bow respectfully then leap over the ropes of the ring and walk over to them.
"How are you?" Sakai asked.
"How is your arm?" Ranua asked Serena, noticing her arm in a blue cast, Serena smiles.
"Getting better." she answered, "Still can't take a shower with one arm though."
Sakai and Ranua both chuckle with laughter at her remark while Enir shies away to the showers. The image of her in her bra and panties came back to him and turned his face bright red.
"Awww...He's shy." Serena giggled as she watched Enir disappear around the corner out of sight.
"So Serena, I understand that Enir is a nominee." Sakai brought up. Serena flinches and gasps then regains her composure. "Y--Yes. I s--suppose so." she stuttered, wondering how he knew about her talk with her parents last night. Sakai saw her frightened expression and smiled.
"Serena, both me and Ran-san know about your dilemma." Sakai told her.
"We know about your family's tradition." Ranua picked up. Serena sighed and sat down.
"I see. I didn't think anybody else knew." she said, looking down at the concrete ground.
In the showers, Enir lets the luke-warm water beat down on his body. Sleeping in that chair all night was killer on his back, specifically his shoulders, and the warm water was helping immensely. He thought about Serena and how, even only having met in the ring and telling her about his past fights, he already took a great liking to her and he knew she was taking a liking to him as well.
"She's invited me to her home today," he reminded himself as he turned the knob on the metallic pole; turning the water off. "I'm so...Happy." he finished as he felt little droplets of water fall from the nozzle. He walks over to the bench and grabs the towel from it and dries himself then walks over to the only locker in the room, puts in the combination then opens it. Inside was a black outfit hanging up. He grabs the pants, which were Tripp brand and had four two-foot-long chains; two chains hung down the sides of the legs, connected at the waist; the other two ran from the waist and to the back in a criss-crossing pattern so that it looked like they made an X design. He grabs a pair of clean boxers from the top, slips them on then slips the pants on. He grabs the tank top next and puts that on then he closes the locker.
He walks back out to Serena and the two senseis. They greet him accordingly.
"Feel better?" Sakai asks. Enir nodded his head.
"Yes." Enir replied. "Are you ready, Serena?" he asked. Serena nods her head and grabs her bag then her and Enir bow to their sensei’s and leave. They were off to Serena's house. Enir was going to be surprised at what was in store for him there.
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Koska Nagauwi & Karas, The Sixteen-tailed Wolf; his Bijuu
Koska Nagauwi & Karas, The Sixteen-tailed Wolf; his Bijuu
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