I couldn't help it, I failed, as a nerd, unable to resist my inner nerd.... This is my found poem... ~hides in shame~
My Found Poem
Those Faint... Final Words--
What is that?
What would
I see
if I cracked
open your chest?
If I broke
open your skull,
what would I see
You humans
say the word
so easily.
Just like--
I get it.
This is it.
This here
in my hand.
The Heart.
What is that?
What would
I see
if I cracked
open your chest?
If I broke
open your skull,
what would I see
You humans
say the word
so easily.
Just like--
I get it.
This is it.
This here
in my hand.
The Heart.
Does anyone know what it's from? Anyone?
....... Um....... ~blush~ Those are Ulquiorra Schiffer's last words sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop ... I know.. redface
I know at least one of my other classmates would shake his head in disappointment! XD