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Just a place where I put stories I write.
Shadow Ryusaki
(Need a upgrade)
General Information:
Name: Shadow Ryusaki
Gender: Boy
Age: 17
Birthday: October 7th 1991
Species: Kixy-Fox/cat/human.
Hometown: Ninge
Theme song:

Body Information:
Height:6'7 when in human form. When cub form 1'3
Weight: 120. Cub is 40.
Eye Color: Dark Red
Hair Color: Black
Vision: 20/20

Other Information:
Fighting Style: Swords and using his brain, also a bit of alchemy
Aura Colour: Gray
Family: Ryusakis and Sukoshis
Geneology: Japanese
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: Sweets, sparring, hanging out with friends and family, devleoping new attacks. Using new weapons or trying them at least.
Dislikes: Failing experiments. Friends and family getting attacked. Becoming evil when he is the good guy. Certain types of food, example, onions.
Residence: Japan.
Favorite Music: Japanese music.
Favorite Food: Ramen
Favorite Drink: Cream Soda.
Hobbies:Drawing, experimenting, studying.

Blood and the body-Just as the names says. Talks about blood and the body and how it functions.
Elements and beyond.-Elemental things.
Blades from hell-A book exclusively on all weapons.

(Trying a new weapon now)Tsuki Ken-Moon blade. The hilt is black with a white jewel in the middle of it that sticks out on both sides. The jewel has a constant spin(inside of it) of light and darkness. The jewel is referred as the moon jewel seeing how it sometimes looks like one. The blade is directly connected to the jewel, though ti doesn't look like it. So time from time the blade's color switches from black to white then back.

Character Description:
Body-Shadow isn't slim, nor is he buff. Thus, beginning medium size. Shadow's fox/cat ears and tail at both black going from the head/butt then near the tip it is white. When Shadow is in human form he has only one fox tail. Yet in cub he has two fox tails and one cat tail in the middle. Also Shadow has really long black cat claws and can see well in the dark thanks to his cat half.
Attire-Dark red with some black on the sleeves, long pants, black at that. It has two pockets that run a few inches in, they aren't that big. His pants goes to his ankles. Also black shoes with a black lace, no strings.
Casual Personality-Shadow is a pretty cool guy. He tries his best to stay cool, agree with people and such if they have the right idea. If it can't work, he will try his best to make it work. He loves to help and is usually the good guy of things. Even though he does act like a good guy, he does have a bit of a evil side which is basically his experiment of black blood gone wrong.
Habits-Creating things. Many many things.
Making Friends-He is pretty cool. If he isn't your friend on the first few tries, sooner or later he will be. Just you wait.
Accessing..... Accessing.... Accessing...>




Data acquired....>

R.U.S. - Ryusaki Ultimate Shutdown

Commencing text.......>

This is a state Shadow goes in sometime. Shadow's eyes and face show no expression and are dull like a robot. Shadow also talks like a robot. Yet Shadow isn't a robot at all. Shadow's Ryusaki symbol takes full control over Shadow in this state then only uses its fist and Ryusaki mark. He moves faster and is stronger than normal as well.

Shadow doesn't know friend from foe at all in this state, but that doesn't mean he will attack everyone. If he feels you are a threat then he will attack you. It isn't really that he doesn't know friend from foe, just doesn't know anyone at all. Once Shadow enters this state he stays in it for a while.

Shadow is the only one with this, he has a prototype version of it actually. Shadow only enters this state in a near death, extreme sadness, random though out his life, knocked out or fighting someone he can't. Shadow can focus hard enough to get into it, but that takes a while.

Date over.....>

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File will self-destru-destru-destru-destru......>

Accessing new files.....>

File retrieved.....>

S.H.A.D.O.W - Secret Halo Attack Data of the Open World

This is Shadow's second attack form. When Shadow takes a lot of damage in this form he uses his black blood to form a tri-headed scythe made from black blood. The scythe doesn't increase Shadow's speed or strength just gives him a weapon. Though because it is made of black blood it can deform itself and change into another weapon, though Shadow only has three. A scythe, hammer and a sword. Hammer is slow, yet powerful. Sword is quick, yet weak. Scythe is in between.

Data over......>




Password accepted.....>

New data file found.....>

I.N.A.R.I. - Intelligent Noble Attack Relay Increase.

Commencing text......>

This is Shadow's alternate form. If he doesn't go into the other one then he goes into this one. Shadow uses his black blood to create eight extra tails onto himself then on those nine tails are swords. One sword for each tail. Shadow's speed and power still doesn't increase in this form. Just the fact he has more weapons that he can use.

Data end........>


Password accepted....

Unknown file retrieved.....







Chapter 1: Black blood

Shadow grew up in sweetheart cafe' with his friends and family. Sweetheart is the family's and Clan's business place for the Ryusaki's. Shadow is second in line to be the boss of the whole clan. Right now is his mother, who he doesn't see much since she is always on missions. So Shadow has to take care of the cafe' and is in charge of everything. Shadow didn't always have black blood.

One day when everyone was sleep he decided and thought to himself,"What would happen if I could create blood that was impenetrable?"

It was a good plan at first, but that was next to godliness. He mixed his blood plus dark element into a bottle, then took some acid and mixed it with his blood. Acid, didn't seem to work well with the blood and destroyed it in a instance. So Shadow mixed his blood with a dark matter element. Acid and dark matter are almost the same, they eat through stuff. But this one had a stronger reaction to it, making it stable.

Since Shadow had no one to test it out on, he tested on himself. Everything seemed fine. It was a success, but he needed to test it. Shadow took out a gun then shot himself in the chest. Bang!

"Did it work? Am I dead?" Shadow thought to himself as he opened his eyes slowly. Shadow then looked down and noticed the bullet had stopped at his chest and didn't go in. It was a success! Shadow had created the ultimate defense. Or so it seemed. As Shadow walked up stairs, his heart started to hurt. Like someone stabbed him with a thousand swords.

Shadow falls down the steps then rolls into the main room. Holding his chest where it hurt. The mix inside him was acting up, the dark mater was over coming the red blood. Changing it into something else. After a few minutes of the pain, Shadow passes out.

A few hours later, Shadow wakes up and the pain was gone. Seemed like it was unsuccessful at all. Shadow now knew that achieving godliness was impossible. Shadow slowly stands up then winces. His head was bleeding."Damn..."Shadow thought as he gently touched the spot with his hand. When he pulled it back, it burned like crazy. Shadow looks at it then sees it was black.

"Black...blood?"Shadow now knew this must have been the sacrifice for trying to that experiment. Still, Shadow trained and worked on using this blood to its full power. He'd rather have red blood since, black blood was to dangerous to use. Still, if he really needed to use it, he would.

Chapter 2: Intro to Nine tail
Yako and Zenko are brother and sister. They both travel the world constantly until one certain day. They met a boy, human boy at that. His name was Shadow Ryusaki and he was at the age of 3. Well these two didn't think much of the boy. He was small, normal and didn't seem all that smart at all. Well they watched the boy for a while, feeling drawn to him, like he had some kind of high spiritual power.

After a while of following him though Shadow some how steals the ball in their tail and mouth. maybe while they were sleeping. Anyway as legends go if you steal the balls from a Inari they usually give something back in return if you give it back to them. Though it was hard with Shadow. Somehow they got an agreement then Shadow fuses with the two Inaris. Shadow's body is now one with theirs. If they split, so does Shadow until they become one. This also gives Shadow his Nine tailed ability and fox ability.

Weaknesses and Strengths:
Strengths:Darkness, light and moon. Being pretty smart, like by setting strategies, learning the enemies weak spots and such.

Weaknesses:His information is sometime wrong about the enemy and it can turn against him pretty badly. Because Shadow uses black blood a lot he usually acts a bit evil and such. Elements like fire can do a number on him.

Moon ball: In most facts, when light and dark hit. They explode. Say a light ball hits a dark ball or shadow ball with equal power? Well when they collide they cause an explosion. Well in my theory, if light and dark was fused in a slow manner, we would call it something like twilight or moon. I prefer moon since most people do have something called twilight attacks. The moon ball is just what would happen if light and dark collided. Moon ball equals explosion. Moon ball is a moon colored ball. Depending on the ball, depends on how big the explosion is.

Chaos ball: Like the moon ball, it is created by light and dark, though this time without order. Chaos is created without order while Moon is created with order. Same as my theory in moon ball, when dark and light hit it explodes. Chaos ball is a bit different. Instead of exploding, it implodes. Chaos ball sucks in things around it, before exploding outwards. The Chaos ball is ball that has nothing in it nad is clear. Only thing visible is the black outline of the ball. Shadow can add things into it to make it a lot bigger, causing it to suck in more before exploding.

Dark arm: Shadow applies darkness to his arms and sword then his power is slightly increased while his speed is so much slower. If shadow wants to get out he has to wait a few minutes for it to sink back into him.

Light Arm: Shadow Applies light to his arms and sword then his speed is slightly increased while his power is much weaker. Same as dark arm, it takes a while to get out of.

Sewing: This has many different forms, but almost always does the same thing. Basically, Shadow adds a aura around his finger tips. Whatever he touches sends a sewing thread through that object, leaving them unable to move. Thing about this, it last for a long time if and only if Shadow is touching them still. If Shadow moves his hands away it only last for five seconds.

Refra sewing-Can be shot across the ground in a long distance. Also it appears as white.

Abyss-Slams his tail into the opponent then sends a few stitches into them. First set only slows them down, after two more hits it makes the freeze for five seconds. Shadow can use his three tail split for three hits as well, but usually they fall one at a time.

Lunar-A quick dash is used. Slashing passed his opponent. This leaves no cut, but does leaves the moon color stitches. These have a different effect though. Instead of them holding the opponent they just appear, doing nothing. Unless Shadow hits them three times with the stitches, which then sets off an explosion.

Ketsu-The ketsu fires off a string at the opponent. When they are hit, it sticks to them, but doesn't freezes them. Instead of stopping them, they start to burn for a few seconds.

Moon Dance: Shadow holds his sword in front of him then closes his eyes. After a few seconds the jewel on his sword glows white/black(along with his sword) then Shadow stabs it into the ground, allowing it to sink into nothingness. Shadow then reverts to his Kixy cub form then his holding a smaller version in his mouth and two in his tails. Shadow has to stay in this form a while before reverting back. This form is called Lunar.

Black Alchemy: Shadow draws a pentacle in front of him. He then flips his sword upside down so the jewel is higher than the blade. The jewel glows black. After a few seconds a black round jewel appears, about the same size as the on in the blade. Shadow eats this jewel then reverts to his fox form(Not Kixy.) Though when he is in this form his whole entire body is covered in darkness and it slowly rises up like fire, but it isn't fire. Shadow's fox eyes are also white now and he still has three tails, also has a black jewel on his forehead. This form is called Abyss.

White Alchemy; Shadow does the same as black Alchemy, but he draws a white circle instead of a black one. Also the jewel is white not black and instead of eating it he fuses it with himself. Shadow then changes into a white cat form. Shadow's eyes are black and he still has three tails, also he has a white jewel on his forehead. Also same like the darkness form, the light slowly rises off of Shadow. This form is called Refra.

Corruption: This only happens every now and then because it has a really low chance of happening. Though, Shadow has many ways of activating this, disregarding the chance. One way is the more Shadow is damaged, the higher the chance goes. So randomly when he is changing he will take on this form. Another way is to cover at least three jewels(any type) with black blood. Though this usually takes a long time. This form is know as the Ketsueki.

Aura and Dark matter: Shadow makes a small crystal appear from a pentacle. The crystal has a aura around it. Shadow fuses this with himself then turns into a Kixy. Like Corruption, his whole body is made out of clear, aura. Shadow's eyes are black and he has a white jewel on his head.

Nine-tailed Fox: Shadow creates one of each jewel(except the black blood form) then fuses them all together to make a shining brown jewel. Shadow fuses this with himself then turns into a fox cub once again, only this time he is gold colored with nine tails and on the tip of each tail and ear is black or black. This form is called Inari. In this form has most of the normal Kitsune fox has.

(More info on this later. WIP or Work in Progress)
Shadow reverts to his Kixy cub form and is holding a smaller version in his mouth and two in his tails. Shadow has to stay in this form a while before reverting back. This form is called the Moon Kixy because it's coat is the color of a shinning moon. Just like the others, its fur slowly rises up. This form mostly focuses on the power of the moon and chaos, a mid combat type, basically it uses swords.

New Moon: All the blades turn black, representing the color of a new moon. Shadow then holds his two swords(fox tails that are holding them) to the side of them, pointing outward. Shadow jumps into the air then spins in a quick motion, making him look like a black ball.(new moon) Shadow flies towards his enemy, but not aiming for them, but the ground in front, sides or back of them on the ground. Once Shadow hits the ground, he comes out and a black slash wave surrounds him for a few seconds before disappearing. This is a very short range move and is really easy to dodge.

Revolving Moon: Shadow jumps up into the air then slashes widely in all directions. Sending out five moon colored slashes. These slashes are filled with moon power, thus meaning explosions when they hit something.

Crescent moon combo: Shadow slashes at his opponent once, going upward. This sends out a very short range slash. Shadow then slashes downwards, sending out the same slash, but also making him flip in a 360 angle.

Moon ball: Shadow uses his middle tail to create a moon ball.

Chaos ball: Shadow uses his middle tail to create a Chaos ball.

Crescent Moon Slash: Shadow slashes upwards with one sword, sending out a short range black or white wave. Very short ranged.

Lotus Stance Cut: Shoots a huge black or white projectile that is in a X shape.

Negative Soul: Shadow borrowed this move from Saku, but perfected it a bit more. Though instead of splitting into two people or three, his tails split three times, making nine tails. Each tail has a sword and Shadow loses the sword in his mouth. Shadow can stay in this form a while, though longer if he doesn't use it for a long time.

Soul Sign "Bitter Turn of Dark and Light": Shadow splits in half, like Saku's double soul. Shadow then can stay in this a while before changing back. The clone of himself disappears after one hit though.

Temptation Removal Sword: Shadow's three swords(or nine) gain a black or white chi. Shadow then aims all three up, making a chi sword appear before he slashes it down towards his opponents. This sword is rather large too.

Thousand black Cherry Blossom: Shadow dashes towards his opponent then disappears. After a few seconds a few cherry blossom leaves appear. If the opponent doesn't move then each cheery blossom leave will explode with a black ball.

Chi Cutting Sword: Shadow takes a lot of his chi then slams his swords into the ground, causing a large spire of chi to blast up and around him. This move is very short ranged so his opponent has to be close for him to use it on them, or block.

Wicked Soul: Shadow's swords fuse together and so does his tails. After that a large scythe that is much bigger than Shadow appears. The scythe is his traditional Black with red outlines on the blade. Even the handle was black.

Scythe of the Grim Reaper: Shadow slashes either across or downwards, sending out a small black wave of energy that doesn't go far and last as long as the swing does. So not very long at all.

Welcoming slash: Shadow pulls the scythe up over his head then slashes downwards after a bit of time charging the hit up. Shadow then slams it down, causing a large impact. So large that if the opponent is close it sucks them slowly towards it for a quick second.

Sickle of Sorting the Dead: Shadow charges his scythe up then waits for a few minutes. If the opponent doesn't stop him then a small portal appears in the sky after Shadow swings and stabs his scythe into the ground. Once the portal appear a quick, fast black or white blast flies towards the opponent.

Dark fox is the dark side of Shadow. He use only black and dark moves. Though when he is in this form his whole entire body is covered in darkness and it slowly rises up like fire, but it isn't fire. Shadow's fox eyes are also white now and he still has three tails, also has a black jewel on his forehead. This form is a physical type, meant for close range.

Rising tail: Shadow's tail fuse together into one wide tail. Twice the width of Shadow himself. Shadow's tail in this state is much harder then metal so it can be used as a sword.

Black liquid: No it isn't a water attack, so sorry aqua fans. Anyway, black small balls slowly rise up off of Shadow in a liquid like way. Each one is a different size and they aren't that big. Shadow can do many different things with this though.

Strike-Shadow can swing his tail into it, sending out black slashes that seem to get smaller as time passes. So the farther he is away, the weaker it is, the closer the stronger. Though if it stays out to long, it disappears.

Drill-They form small drills that fly at the opponent. The farther away they are, the weaker they hit.(They lose momentum.) The closer, the stronger. Though if it spins to long it disappears.

Alchemy- A black pentacle appears in front of Shadow made from the small bits of white liquid. It takes five white liquid balls to make this. Once the circle is made three black balls appear. A single beam is shot out, but has very short long range, but does have a big wide range. Though it is only out for about 2.5 seconds before complete disappearing. And it comes out pretty slow, so it is only used for close range.

Light cat is the light side of Shadow. Shadow can only use light and bright moves with electric. Shadow's eyes are black and he still has three tails, also he has a white jewel on his forehead. Also same like the darkness form, the light slowly rises off of Shadow. This is a magic and long range type.

Mirror tail: Shadow's tail turns clear then three to six white mirrors appear next to him. White laser(s) are then shot at these mirrors, then reflected from one to the other until it reaches the opponent. The more it bounces off, the faster the laser(s) get.

Heaven's tail: Shadow fuses his tails together to make one really long white tail, about twice his length. His tail then forms a circle above him then a mirror appears in it. The mirror then comes off and Shadow's tail turns back to normal. The mirror is used like a teleport for Shadow and only Shadow. Though it has a limit. Shadow can enter it and reappear somewhere else, but after that use, it has to recharge which takes a long time.

White Liquid: Same as Black liquid. White small balls slowly rise up off of Shadow in a liquid like way. Each one is a different size and they aren't that big. Shadow can do many different things as well.

Alchemy-A white pentacle appears in front of Shadow made from the small bits of white liquid. It takes five white liquid balls to make this. Once the circle is made a white ball appears in front of the circle then starts to charge up. Once it is done a beam is shot out. It is small in the beginning, but starts to get larger.

Mirror illusion-Three white liquid balls are used to create a copy of Refra. This form can only take one hit before disappearing. Also it is mostly only used as a decoy, not for attacking.

White bulb-This is created using only one liquid ball. It forms a mirror ball.(see through) Only one of these can be out at a time. The more light this bulb gets, the bigger it gets and the better you can see the light moving around in it. Once it hits a certain size, it bursts open, letting sharp white shards of light rain down. Basically it takes energy and forms it into a solid. This move can take in electric and light. Anything else well destroy it.

Railgun: Shadow's body starts to gain an electrical charge then he fires off a few quick, speedy shots of electric. These travel almost at the same speed as light.

Spark: Shadow's body sparks a few times before sending out a wave of electric across the ground, no matter what kind of ground it is. (If it is wood it will burn.)

Indignation: A pentacle appears over head and on the ground where the opponent is. After a few minutes a large white lightning strikes the whole entire circle. Destroying everything in it. Depending on the size of the pentacle depends on how long it takes to send down judgment.

Lightning jolt: Shadow fires off a electrical bolt that bounces off the ground from point to point to point, homing in on the target.

This is the one of Shadow's form which sometimes turns out to be pretty random to get into. It is basically as strong as the other, but only focuses on the Black blood type. Shadow is turned into his Kixy form and is covered in Black blood. His eyes are dark red and the fur on him seems to leak off slowly, though as it hits the ground, it disappears quickly, as if never there. Shadow still has his three tails and a jewel on his for head, yet the jewel is pure black as well.

Insanity Tail: Shadow's three tail's black blood liquid stops dripping off of him then turns sharp and thin. Shadow then rolls into a ball and starts spinning towards the enemy. Everything in the way of this attack is sliced. Though it can only go in a straight line. Shadow has to get out then go back in to turn.

Blood: Just like the others. Small black blood balls rise up off of Shadow. They can use many different moves and such.

Insanity Blast-Small black liquid balls comes off of Shadow. Once he gets five they are then placed in front of Shadow in a circle formation. Shadow opens his mouth then a small beam is short out his mouth into the balls. the balls spin a bit then fires off five really small beams in a single direction, though the odd thing about these beams is that they continuously zig zag, so predicting where they will hit is hard. Not even Shadow can predict them.

Insanity slash-Shadow licks his arm a few times, lettering the black blood on his arm to form balls before slashing his claws at his opponent. Doing this allows his black blood to harden and become solid slashes(3). An average sword can not usually stand up against this attack. Though that is only against normal people swords. Magical swords won't break like normal ones.

Insanity moon ball-Shadow creates a black moon ball that is dripping with black blood. Unlike the original moon ball, this explosion is pure black when it explodes. This move is a lot smaller then the original, but is twice as hot.

Insanity Chaos ball: Shadow creates a Chaos ball that has blood dripping all over it. Unlike the original Chaos ball, the implosion takes in air, turning it black before exploding outwards. This is way smaller, and so is the wind, but it is a lot hotter.

Like Corruption, his whole body is made out of clear, aura. Shadow's eyes are black and he has a white jewel on his head. Shadow's fur rises up just like the others too. Shadow has all aura like moves. Being able to split, stretch and rotate. Also since this is also dark matter. At times when Shadow walks he makes the ground under him slowly disappear. Making Shadow sink lower into the ground. Shadow can use this to his advantage. More in skills.

Aura tail: Shadow can send his tails forward. Spearing anything in it's path. Though, if you are hit, you don't feel any pain and you aren't hurt. No marks or anything. When Shadow pulls his tail out, a small bit of aura is left behind. This aura starts to burn you slowly in the inside. It doesn't last long, but if the tail stays in you too long then it burns for a while once the tail is out.

Aura ball: Three balls come off Shadow's tail then form into one ball. This can be used for a few things like:

Aura Spin: Shadow can make the aura ball spin rapidly. Spinning faster and faster, getting bigger and bigger. The ground and anything else it touches gets sliced by it. This move has about a five feet radius, but the more aura balls that are added to it, the bigger it gets. Adding five more feet to it every time. Highest is 25 feet.

Aura Spear: A small pike is made out of the aura ball. Shadow spins it quickly then sends it flying. Whatever it hits gets drilled for a few seconds.

Aura blast: Five aura balls are needed for this to work. Once all five are made they fuses into Shadow once more. Shadow's jewel on his head glows then fires off a small blast of aura. Getting hit by the blast won't hurt you immediately. Your body gets covered in aura. After a while you start to feel a burning sensation on you and in you. Now if only a body part is hit then that part will be hurt only.

Dark matter tail: Shadow's aura tail turns black. Shadow sends it forward at the opponent. If the opponent is hit, it does cut them, but also it burns them, leaving a black aura on them that disappears after a few seconds.

Special ability of Dark matter: Dark matter slowly gathers energy from objects around him. After a certain amount is taken in, Shadow jumps into the sky. Shadow fires a very small black aura ball. Once this hits the ground a dome of dark matter appears. It's radius is about ten feet, it can be increased, but going passed that would hurt Shadow. What this move does is, if you are stuck inside, you feel a huge amount of pressure being put down on you. Also causing a large crater in the earth.

Dark matter ball: Dark matter balls rise up off of Shadow then fuse into one ball. These can do many things as well:

Dark matter absorption: Shadow turns into a small, 3 feet dome on the ground, not large at all until it grows out a bit. He then turns back to normal after eating the ground, making a small crater. shadow then fires off small dark matter balls at his opponent. Getting hit by these will put force on that part of your body or object. The balls are small, about the size of a baseball. If this move hits a tree, earth, rock or something like that, that object will get eaten around that spot on it until there is a hole in it.

Note; These are not stronger forms! They are types that Shadow can go into, that only focuses on that type of condition.

Nine-tailed Fox: Shadow creates one of each jewel(except the black blood form) then fuses them all together to make a shining brown jewel. Shadow fuses this with himself then turns into a fox cub once again, only this time he is gold colored with nine tails and on the tip of each tail and ear is black or white. Shadow's knowledge is large in this form, able to notice even the slightest change in things, from sound to site. Another thing is that inside Shadow's mouth is a golden ball that takes up his whole mouth. Shadow can close his mouth and still eat, but it is a mystery how he does it.

Zenko & Yako: These terms literally mean(Left to right) Good fox and outsider fox. Shadow's tails and ears represent this too, the black being Yako and the white being Zenko. When each one of these attacks there attacks change to that color.

Ninko: Shadow's body slowly starts to turn invisible, though this process takes a while. The way you can tell Shadow is about to turn invisible is by his tails. Slowly each tail starts to disappear, starting from left to right. Once all the tails are gone Shadow disappears too, becoming completely invisible. Shadow can stay in this for a while before coming back. Only Shadow is invisible, if he attacks using his skills they become visible.

Kitsune-bi: Shadow's tail or in his mouth slowly starts to light up, whether it be lightning, fire, or ice. Once Shadow is done he quickly fires it off at his opponent. If it is in his mouth, it becomes random what color it is, if it is his tail then the color is obvious.

Illusions: Shadow's tails start to fade in and out slowly in a random way. When a person sees this they are caught by Shadow's trick already. When they are caught Shadow can create any and all illusions for a while before they disappear. Though a person can easily get out of it by causing there self to bleed. Even if Shadow makes them bleed they will come out.

Hierarch's Arcanum: This is a illusion move. Shadow fires off one of his elements that quickly change into another one. Fire turning into ice, ice turning into lightning and lightning turning into fire. The way to know Shadow is changing them is the fact that his tails are slowly disappearing then reappearing.

Nine contracts: The tip of Shadow's tail gains a small ball in them that glows brightly, though not at the same time. After they all glow then ball in Shadow's mouth glows as well. Once this is done Shadow immediately disappears from site. The moment he does an invisible force spreads out in all directions quickly, causing a huge crater in the earth. Anything caught in this feels like a huge amount of force just hit them. Once it is over the force is removed.

This form is different from the others. Shadow is known for pentacles and this form uses only that. Shadow's fur is black, even on the tips, with dark red markings that glow bright red every now and then. The markings are all over his body, even on his three fox tails. Shadow's eyes are gray. Shadow is weak against ice and fire in this form, but has a variety of pentacles he can use in this form. From summonings to using elements to binds. Also Shadow's special Ryusaki symbol comes into place here.

Element pentacle: Draws a pentacle of a certain color. What ever color it is will be the type of element that shoots out.

Summoning: Shadow draws his Ryusaki mark then summons a certain monster of his choice. His soul is linked to these so if they are defeated, Shadow is hurt.

Bind: Shadow is a great binder in this form, even more so than Remilia. Though this form is actually made for things like this so it isn't her fault. Shadow draws a pentacle then a certain type of bind happens.

((More info on these later.))

((Moves coming soon))

Munashii is a lifeless, soulless form. Though his attacks are just that. Shadow in this form is a bit to use souls like his sister, Crystal. Shadow uses his in a different way though. Shadow's fur is a very light blue with a slightly darker blue on the tip of his tails and ears. Shadow has a light blue jewel in the middle of his forehead as well and his eyes are soulless. This form is childish. Very childish. So fight it with caution.

Shadow doesn't have any attacks for real in this mode. Shadow just changes his shape into a weapon then fights by bouncing around. He has a few moves but other than that it is very immature.

Soul ball: Fires a ball made from souls. If this form hits the opponent their moves are disabled for a while. This ball moves slow so it isn't hard to dodge. The bigger the ball, the longer it you lose your moves.
((More info soon))

(More later on)


These are the stronger versions of each one.Though certain things must be done before they can be activated. Shadow can only go into one evolution state per fight.

Crus miles militis((Crus))
This is Latin for shiny knight. This is Shadow's higher form of Lunar form. The shiny knight form has silver armor everywhere except his head is a helmet, metal of course. Also Shadow has a round jewel on his forehead on the armor. Shadow sacrifices his speed for defense and power. Shadow is really heavy, but can jump as if it was nothing, not fast, but still high. Shadow also loses all his swords but one which is on his back.

How to activate: Shadow must go into his negative soul then stay in this form for a long time. While in this form he must create a lunar crystal again though three of them. Once he creates three he will suck them in then turn into this form.

((moves coming soon))

Volo iuguolo ((Volo))
This is a alternative form of Lunar. Instead of having power and defense Shadow only has Speed and stealth. Volo's name means silence killer, a Latin name. So such thing as Ninja in Latin, but that is what Shadow is. Like the knight form Shadow seemingly gets clothes from no where. Shadow this time gets a ninja out fit, all black. Shadow also has three Kunais attached to his tail, in a pouch. Shadow's outfit has a black hood over his head and clothes that seem to stick to him so he won't trip up. Also a long blade on his back along with a few other ninja tools. His tails are the only ones that don't have clothing on, but are still black.

How to activate: Same as the knight.

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Atrum nox noctis ((Atrum))
This is Latin for dark night. This is the higher form of Abyss form. Atrum has black fur with gray swirls on the sides of his feet, side and tails. His forehead also has a white crystal with a swirl around his forehead. Shadow in this form is speed and power with low defense. Shadow moves extremely fast and uses his speed to create power. So the faster he goes, the stronger that attack will be. Shadow is always fast and can never slow down. If he looks like he is walking that is just a afterimage of him when he really is running at a incredible speed.

How to activate: Shadow must continuously eat dirt, metal or some solid object till he spits out three orbs that are used to make Abyss. Once he does that he eats those as well then turns into the Atrum form.

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Sol solis cattus((Cattus))
This is Latin for sun cat. Shadow's daughter was named after this form. This form is the higher level form of Shadow's Refra form. Cattus is a golden cat with three tails like Refra. This form focus on heat, electric and glass like moves. At times this form will glow brightly, and when he does a beam of electric and heat will fly out towards the opponent. This is called Sun beam more later.

How to activate: Refra must surround itself in a glass bubble and stay there for a while. Once he is done he must crush himself in the bubble then come out, making a small glass crystal appear. Refra needs three of these to transform.

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lux lucis Bovis offa((Lucis))
Alternate version of Cattus. This name means Light Bullet shot, a form that uses guns and special bullets. This form is also a cat instead of a fox, just like Refra or Cattus. This form uses smarts and long range moves to fight the opponent. Shadow is white with black marks that looks like bullets on his side, long bullets. Also Shadow wears a white gunner hat. Speed and smarts is the key element of this form.

How to activate: Hit himself five times with a single railgun shot. The shots won't hurt him, but it takes a while to do this since Shadow has to concentrate a lot and if he is attacked then he has to start all over. Once he is hit the final time a bright explosion goes off then Lucis appears.

Atrum nex cruor((Cruor))
Warning: This form is the worse of the worse. Not worse as in the strongest, but worse as in if Shadow goes into it, he loses all control and will destroy anything, even if it isn't in his way. The name is Latin for dark demon blood. This form is the stronger form of Ketsu form. This form has no solid form and is a complete dark state without a body, meaning it can transform into anything. Cruor looks just like Ketsu only has Blood red stripes going down him.

How to activate: Shadow doesn't want to go into this form, it is a form that comes out if he stays in Ketsu to long. Once Shadow loses his mind in Ketsu and fights like that without anyway stopping him, Shadow turns into three black blood balls. Shadow then turns red in the balls before they fuse together to make Cruor.

((Movers later))

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