I dont know if you have ever done this but, today I totally blew up!
I have always been really agressive, and for being one with a lot of hidden strength it is hard not to use it in sports. It has taken three years to muster enough control to completely be able to not be so competitive that I actually might hurt people on accident.
So today when we were playing Badmitten we faced off against our favorite team, and in case you didn't catch this that was sarcasm. They cheat A LOT, they like to poke fun, and one of their members is so annoying she could make Martin Luther King jr. become a fighter, and make him punch her! stare
She just doesn't know when to stop, so when we were up seven to three she decided to start arguing with us to try and make us back down on some points, well I wasn't having it and she just began acting childish, making nyah-nya-na-na-na noises I told her to stop and then she turned on me.
Which was her second mistake. Eventually she got so far into my nerves that I took the birdie threw it in the air and then spiked it straight at her face! blaugh lol twisted rofl
It hit her full on, and of course I felt a moment of shock, glee and angry joy. It got tangled in her hair and she started to run around yelling "AHHH!! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!" Before it fell out on its own.
I wonder now, how that I ever managed to not use my strength for three years and spike out those who act like this girl. But I guess its alll int he way you look at it! ninja sweatdrop
Then I blew up at the Librarians for kicking me out when I was at the computers for work and some other kids come in! Oh yeah and a couple of other poor suckers who got in my line of fire! [dragon fire is approproate here~!]
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Tarra's journal
I'm the shadower of all. I'm a weaponologist, markswoman, Archer, swords girl and tracker. Also I'm a party goer yet I'm not too outgoing...
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