Total Value: 955,819 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gogh Reed 4th Gen.
Gogh Reed 4th Gen.
Gogh Reed 4th Gen.
Kelp o' th' Loch 6th Gen.
Water Puddle
Diamond Galaxy Belt
Basic Pink Flippers
Pink Snorkel & Mask
Black Spacey Body Suit Leggings
Black Spacey Body Suit Top

Total Value: 125,255 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blacklight Gloves
Amethyst Galaxy Belt
Basic Black Flippers
Black Spacey Body Suit Leggings
Black Spacey Body Suit Top
Syaoran's Goggles
Anima Adamantea 5th Gen.
Scuba diving takes you to a different world with new colors, shapes, textures and creatures.