{The cute}
●All my friends call me:Hime-chan
● Age is but a number, but I'm: 14; 1st year
● You'd have to be stupid to not see that I'm a: (Girl)
●Eh? Well I like to look at: (Boys)
● My rose is: (Lavender)
● I'll tell you where I'm from: (Japanese)
● It's what's inside that counts:
When Himeka gets mad she tends to go on a rampage, and becomes a smart mouth. She can only get upset and mad is when other people tend to pick on her for her height or when they get on her nerves. There is one thing she won't tolerate and thats people who lie or pretend to be something there not. Once she gets past the shyness she's actually a very interesting person, if you can get her talking. To do that, she really has to trust you, or her mouth will most likely stay shut.
● A little on my past: My mother and father work as a senator and a Nurse, and were able to get me into Ouran! I am an only child witch means I live with my mom and dad. I moved to tokyo because my father got a new job as a senator not all that long ago, while my mom is a nurse at a private hospital. I fear being raped because when I was 5 years old I was walking home from kindergarden and this man came up and grabbed me by my wrist took me in a ally and raped me sadly. I found out about the hostess club by hearing some girls in the high school talking about it, When I entered high school my self the current Queen came up to me and asked me to be part of the club! She said I was just too cute not to be in it, so I joined.
● Sometimes I like to show off: Drawing, Reading, entertaining guests
● Gimme more: Cute stuff; Treats; Art; Music; Bugs
● Get it away: Porno, Yuri, Dark, Thunder/Lightning, getting dirty
● I'm not afraid! Ok, maybe a little: Being raped, and Being abducted by aliens