Today was the last episode of Paris Hilton's my new BFF and it was so awesome!! Brittany and Vanessa were the last of Paris' potential BFFs and they both had a chance to spend the day with Paris. Brittany did her best to make the day the best ever with Paris and so did Vanessa. Vanessa spent the day talking about how great she'd be as a BFF to Paris, which was sort of kiss-a**-ish and stalker-ish of her. She was so persistent. Brittany was okay, just a bit too ambitious. In the end, someone had to be eliminated but when Paris was about to come to her decision, she backed out. She didn't eliminate any of them... yet. Instead, she sent them both a car, one was going to a masquerade party and the other to a hotel where she was to be eliminated through a letter by Paris. Brittany and Vanessa were so scared. It was so heart-thumping!! They were both wearing masks so I couldn't tell who was going to the masquerade and who was going to the hotel. Paris was waiting with other people in the masquerade party and when Brittany or Vanessa came in, everyone stared. The one who went to the hotel saw a letter by Paris and read it. It said, 'Dear Vanessa...' Vanessa was eliminated and she cried so hard. She didn't know what to do. So the one in the masquerade was Brittany! Brittany won!! I'm not sure if it's a gyaah or an aww. I just watched it 'cause it was interesting. I didn't really make a vote on who was going to win. But when Shelley got eliminated, I almost cried aww. She was the person who goes to church three times a week. Aww, poor Vanessa....