Gaia Name- Luca von Helson
Character Name- Axum Milante
Age- 398
Race- Dark Nue
Personality-Sly, loves to create chaos, has a bipolar nature where one point he'll be fine, the next he's screaming at you. Loves to tease.
Biography-Axum was once part of the clan alongside Touya, one of his good friends next to Yami. Though, he sold them out to the humans for a petty price, and became known as the Dark nue with his white wings tipped black. Touya surely hates him for selling them to the humans, though the nue doesn't realize Axum is still alive. Axum has been tracking Touya since the day he disappeared...
Character Quirk's- Like Touya, he is a skilled swordsman, though he is not reluctant to use the blade.

Extra's- Piercing on his lip.