((Pics at the bottom. The first is Whitey, then Gigi, then Bullet...))
Whitey is a pretty good dog. She's kinda ferocious to people she doesn't know but she's a good dog. Her best friend, Sphinx, died a year ago. And her child, Poker, died too. ): But at least she still has...
Gigi's a really smart girl. I taught her how to sit, lie down and stand up. But that's all I was able to teach. xd She's very friendly and is a great guard dog. She's also nice and licks you all the time.
Bullet is a Basenji. Bet you never heard of it. biggrin Well, I didn't know there was a breed named Basenji until a year ago. Bullet is a girl, btw. Basenjis don't bark but Bullet barks -- kinda. She's really outgoing and loves leaves. She likes prancing around and is very active. When she was young, Whitey got out of her cage and bit her in the stomach. You could see her stomach. It was pitiful.
Gowpee's a half Shih Tzu and ... something. He's really friendly. That's why a lot of people and dogs like him. :3 He's also a scaredy-cat. xd He gets scared easily and he's scared of boxes. Our fault. >.< We put him in a box when he was young and I guess he was traumatized... We didn't mean it!!
Oh yes, and when he was young, Whitey bit his nose. (She was uncontrollable at that time). It bled but it's fixed now.
((Right now, you would probably think that Whitey's a bad dog. But she's not. She's more tamed now. Don't worry!))
She's a tough dog and isn't scared easily. But when we go to the animal clinic, she gets really shaky. x.x She's a great mother and is nice too. But her only dog friend, besides her puppies, is Gowpee. @___@
Teh Puppies
Bam Bam, Ribbles, Tussle, Button
Ribbles is really nice and loves playing around. He and Bam Bam are always together. Originally his name was Ribbons but then we discovered he was a boy so... o; He is now an only child. His two other siblings died in June 19 - 21 2009.





The Puppies


Rest In Peace ... ):
It hurts when you lose someone you love. But at least they're in a better place.
Bam Bam
((pic to come soon ... ))
Bam Bam is the smallest boy. He's really active and likes biting the other puppies. Sometimes he licks them too. O.o Bam Bam died on June 19 2009. T___T He will be really missed. He was 2 months and 3 days old. ): Bam Bam was one of Periwinkle's first set of puppies along with Button, Tuselle and Ribbles. He was the first to pass away.
((pic to come soon ... ))
Button is the heaviest because she's hard-boned. Her eyes are staring at opposite directions but she's really cute. She's strong and active and loves biting my slippers. : She died on June 20 2009. T___T She will be much missed too. She was 2 months and 4 days old. ): She must've inhaled some chemicals from cleaning agents too... She was siblings with Bam Bam, Tuselle and Ribbles.
Tusselle is the biggest and she's a girl. She likes playing around and biting the other puppies. xd She was the third puppy to die. T__T Like the others, she probably inhaled some chemicals. We all miss them.

Starkle was found in the streets (see next journal). She lived for, I think, about a week. We weren't able to let her live long but at least she died comfortably...not in the streets. She's in heaven now.