1. I enjoy walking. [True] 2. I'd prefer to stay inside than go outside. [True] 3. I'm afraid of the dark. [False] 4. I like dogs better than cats. [True] 5. I prefer warm weather over cold. [False] 6. I'm not nocturnal. [False] 7. I love rats. [Eh.] 8. I've been to jail. [False] 9. I like rice. [TRUE] 10. I'm not straight. [False] 11. I have an annoying sibling. [False] 12. I'm a sucker for puppy eyes. [Sometimes] 13. I'm broke. [True] 14. I'm content with how I currently am. [False] 15. I take pride in using the most correct English that I can manage. [True] 16. I am lazy. [TRUE, unfortunately xD] 17. I am overweight or obese. [... I'm not going to answer this question.] 18. I am way too skinny. [False] 19. I love animals more than people. [Most of the time] 20. I wish stupidity was a fatal disease. [True] 21. I prefer Pepsi over Coke. [Eh. Depends.] 22. I think butterflies are pretty. [True] 23. I'm a morning person. [FALSE] 24. Everyone thinks I'm insane. [Depends on who you ask. x" 3] 25. I'm anti-social. [^] 26. I'd rather be around animals than people. [Sometimes..] 27. I am a devout Catholic/Christian/Insert whatever other religions exist. [True; Christian] 28. I am against homosexuality. [False] 29. I have said mean, hateful things to people who go against my morals and opinions. [False] 30. I have a handicapped person in my immediate family. [Not my immediate family...] 31. I am perfectly happy with my life right now. [False] 32. I love all types of music, from rap to rock to techno, the likes. [False; I hate rap.] 33. I think someone should kill Bush and remove him from the gene pool. [FALSE! CURSE YOU!] 34. I believe many people should be removed from the gene pool, especially before it's too late. [True xD] 35. If I could run a country, I'd be a dictator. [Most likely.] 36. I have burned a symbol of something that offends me (The Bible, Harry Potter Books, American Flags, et cetera). [ ninja True] 37. I actually like rats and their not-so-little worm-like tails. [True] 38. I enjoy reading Harry Potter [True] 39. I'm obsessed with a character from any form of entertainment. [TRUE DUH.] 40. I enjoy sun bathing. [Eh. More or less.] 41. I prefer showers over baths. [Depends.] 42. My hair is dyed or has been before. [True] 43. I am not enjoying this. [...] 44. I am questing for something expensive. [True @@;] 45. I get bored easily. [True] 46. I watch porn on a weekly basis. [False] 47. I love men with a moderate amount of muscle and at least a semi-deep voice. [Eh. Depends.] 48. I am quite mellow. [Eh. More or less.] 49. When I eat too much candy, I almost literally jump off the walls. [Not really.] 50. I prefer small(er) breasts to the huge, gigantic ones that many an adult entertainer possess. [I would rather not answer this question.] 51. I am male and, yet, I have breasts. [False] 52. I prefer to lie on my side. [That could mean so many different things...] 53. I actually enjoy school. [More or less.] 54. I do my homework. [True] 55. I am a virgin. [That sort of depends; although I'd very much rather not go into detail.] 56. I don't believe in premaritual sex. [False] 57. I have yet to find "the one". [Depends] 58. I think the Matrix is real or there's a possibility for it to be real. [Eh. More or less.] 59. I wouldn't be human if I had a choice about it. [True] 60. I wouldn't be the gender I am now if I had a choice about it. [Mmm... Depends.] 61. I wish the threadmaker would die for making me do this. [Not really.] 62. I think animals are adorable. [TRUE] 63. Tigers are my favorite animal. [False] 64. I wish dragons were real. [True] 65. I wish to live in a different era of time. [True] 66. I have asthma. [True] 67. I'm obsessed with yaoi. [True] 68. I'm obsessed with yuri. [False] 69. I love emo boys. [True <3] 70. I'm tired of idiots stereotyping everything (for example, the emos or the goths). [TRUE!] 71. I giggle everytime I see the word "emo" because I immediately think "emu". [False O_o;] 72. I think emus are teh smex! [Not really... False] 73. I want to go visit Australia. [Sure.] 74. I want to go and visit Japan. [TRUE!] 75. I'm interested in ancient history. [True!] 76. I'm interested in learning more about the witch hunts. [True] 77. I'm fascinated with Jack the Ripper and his crimes. [Eh. More or less.] 78. I do so believe it's utterly stupid to kill people who willingly would sleep with me and I'd prefer to kill the snobby bitches who wouldn't. [True. xDDD] 79. I wish this quiz was over already! [False] 80. I've resigned myself to this horrible fate of completing this quiz. [False] 81. I am about to give up. [Depends on what this means] 82. I heart NY! [Eh.] 83. I believe that was a tad bit random to say the very least. [True] 84. I enjoy role-playing and believe that I am good. [True] 85. I absolutely adore getting random PMs. [Not anymore. -.-;] 86. I like the Power Rangers still. [False] 87. I especially love the pink one. [False] 88. I can't wait to dress up for Halloween (and if you do this AFTER halloween, then pretend it says "I enjoyed dressing up for Halloween" wink [True] 89. I love pretty, feminine boys. [True] 90. I love anime and manga. [TRUE, DEMMIT!] 91. I have called 911 before. [True] 92. I have called 911 before for an actual emergency and not just a prank or by accident. [False xD] 93. I have been in a car crash before. [True] 94. I have drank and driven before. [False] 95. If I have, I regret it terribly. [Never have.] 96. I'm a designated driver. [False] 97. I'm pissed off at my parents. [True] 98. I'm obsessed with Gaia. [TRUE!] 99. I prefer the internet over television. [True] 100. I'm aroused by certain accents. [True. >///<]
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Thu Dec 08, 2005 @ 01:38am · 4 Comments |