»||Element Academy||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part VII||«
»||Natalie Rae Lombardi||«
»||Part VII||«
Natalie went up to her dorm after class. She desperately needed to take a shower. Natalie quickly opened the door. Bianca was lying on her bed and didn’t look up when Natalie came in.
“Are you alright, Bee?”
Bianca ignored her and Natalie remembered that they were fighting. She took a shower, but didn’t feel better like she had hoped. Bianca was still lying on her bed. Natalie sat down next to her.
“Bee, I’m sorry,” Bianca looked at her and then turned so she couldn’t see her.
“You are only saying that,” Bianca muttered.
Natalie sighed. “No. I really am. I have been a total mess since my mom died and I took it out on you.”
“More like Cam.”
“What are you talking about?”
Bianca jumped off her bed and walked to the door. Before she opened it, she muttered, “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Bianca opened the door and walked away.
“Bianca!” Natalie tired to go after her, but Bianca was too quick. Bianca had already disappeared.
Natalie wandered around the school aimlessly, trying to sort out all of the drama that clung to her. It was impossible. For one thing, Natalie didn’t even know half of what was going on. Another, did she really want to?
Rebecca appeared beside her. “Hello Natalie.”
“Gawd! Do you have to scare me every time you come to see me?”
“Sorry dear.”
"It’s okay.”
“So how are you doing?”
“Ehhh…I’ve been better.” They walked out the front door of the school and Natalie sat down on the steps.
“So you are having a hard time with your mother’s death?” Rebecca asked.
“It’s not really that,” Natalie stopped for a moment to think about what was really bothering her. “I don’t know really. I guess it might be that the people here aren’t entirely what I expected.”
“What did you expect exactly?”
“I don’t know, I’m just used to people accepting me as soon as I walk in a room. It hasn’t been like that here.”
“So you are upset because you aren’t popular?”
“Yeah!” Natalie looked up at Rebecca, “No. I’m upset because I’m an idiot and pushed Cameron away and now Bianca hates me.” Natalie looked down at her feet and started to cry.
“So you are really upset because you are losing your new friends.”
“Why is that?”
“I think they are mad that I am hanging out with Tanya and Ryan.”
“So they are jealous.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, maybe you should fine out,” Rebecca disappeared, leaving Natalie alone on the steps.
After awhile, Natalie tried to find Bianca so she could apologize, but she couldn’t find her. Natalie put her newest CD, a mix of some of her favorite songs that one of her friends had given to her before she left, into the CD player. She laid on her bed, listening to it.
When it was over, she played another and another, half waiting for Bianca to come in the room. Eventually, Natalie feel asleep.
Natalie woke up to the buzzing noise of her phone. She was using it as an alarm clock. She looked around the room, wondering how long she had been asleep. Bianca wasn’t in the room, but she must have been because Natalie’s CD player was turned off.
Getting out of bed, Natalie reached for her key. It was on the table. “I could have swore I let this in the door,” she muttered to herself.
She put the necklace on and quickly got dressed. She grabbed her books and went to the cafeteria. Hopefully Bianca would still be eating breakfast.
She scanned the tables as she entered, but couldn’t see her. Ryan came up behind her and put his hands on her waist.
“Hey cutie.”
Natalie turned around and smiled, “Hey. Have you seen Bianca?”
“Bianca?” Ryan asked, slightly puzzled.
“Yeah. Bianca Romano. She’s my roommate,” Natalie said, scanning the cafeteria again.
“I don’t know her Nat,” Ryan said, pulling her to the empty table.
Natalie reluctantly let him, still looking around the cafeteria. Ryan pulled Natalie onto his lap. She tried to get off, but he held on to her. Her started tickling her just as Cameron walked in the cafeteria. Natalie stopped giggling as soon as she saw the look in his eyes.
Cameron quickly looked away so she couldn’t see how hurt he was. “Cam,” she pleaded, but her ignored her and walked away.
“Bianca and Cunningham?” Ryan asked emphasizing the and. He looked at her as if she had lost her mind.
“What is so wrong with Bianca and Cam?”
“Nothing,” Ryan looked away.
“Well, I have to get to class,” Natalie hopped off Ryan’s lap and rand out of the cafeteria.
Community Member
So he DOES know Bianca!
He lies.
Poor Cam.
What's the deal with Ryan?!