1.Are you a boy or girl? Girl. But if not I've been buying the wrong underwear.....
2.Do you like boys or girls? Both^-^
3.What is your age? 15 but i act like im 7 xD
4.What is your horoscope sign? Aquarius
5.How many toes do you have? 7! no wait 10.
6.Do you like to paint your toes? No! meh hate feet>.<
7.Favorite animal? Wolves!
8.Favorite food? Steak>:3
9.Favorite music genre? hm......Rock i guess! OH AND TENCHO!
10.Favorite band? Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance!
11.Favorite song? Currently it wld have 2 be....um..West Coast Friendship By Owl City..and like any tencho song. i <3 tencho
12.Favorite number? I rly do not have one .///.
13.Favorite game on Gaia? Well idk if Skittles Wrld counts but i choose it
14.Favorite shop in Gaia? Barton Boutique
15.Favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip!
16.Celery or carrot sticks? Carrots! Who like Randomly eats celery?!?
17.Apples or oranges? Apples
18.Red or green? GREEN!<3 mrgreen
19.Black or white? Black
20.Blue or orange? Orange!
21.Purple or yellow? PURPLE!
22.Left or right? Left. Three lefts make a right! biggrin
23.Up or down? ...................THTS PEVERTED!! DX
24.Happy or sad? Well im sad right now
25.Country or city? City
26.Ocean or lake? Ocean!
27.Dog or cat? Kitty cat! ^-^
28.Paper or plastic? Paper. SCREW PLASTIC!! :3
29.Big or Small? BIG!!!!!.......................again PEVERTED!
30.This or that? …what the heck kind of question is this?
31.Do you like the outdoors? Yeash
32.Do you like staying inside? Yeash
33.What is your bedtime? Anytime i want it 2 b^-^
34.When do you wake up? Schooldays: 6:30, Weekends: 11-ish
35.Pajamas or nude? NUDE!!!!!!!!!!! FEEL THE BREEZE!!!!!!! biggrin
36.Do you go to school now? Noppers im out!
37.What was the last grade you were in? 9th (oh yeah!)
38.Have you had a crush on a teacher? No. My teachers are old and wrinkley and bald! I HATE WRINKLEY PEEPUL! DEY SCARE MEH!T.T
39.What is your favorite subject? WOODSHOP! Im gewd with miie hands! ;D
40.Least favorite subject? Reading!
41.Love or hate gym class? HATE WITH A PASSION!
42.Do you sleep in study Hall? Yeppers sometimes.
43.Ever got on Gaia at school? Yeash, Millions of times ninja
44.School lunch or your own lunch? My own lunch. duh! razz
45.Do you miss preschool? YeashT.T
46.I know you do... do you miss the nap time? H3LL YEASH!
47.Year round school or having a summer break? Summer! DUH!
48.Private or public school? Public!
49.Are you afraid of the school bathrooms? Yeash!
50.Are you afraid of the school lunches? YEASH! I SWEAR, THEY MOVE SOMETIME!
51.What did you want to be when you are an adult? No Clue!
52.Do you have a job now? Yeash
53.What is your ideal vacation place? Japan!
54.Have you gone there? No
55.Do you dream a lot? No
56.Do you remember your dreams? Yeash.
57.How about nightmares? YEASH!
58.Are you afraid of the closet? YEASH!
59.Sleep with a night light? NO! i cant sleep in light.
60.Do you leave to door open when you sleep? No.......
61.Are you religious? Idk...
62.If yeas, what religion, if no, then say no. NO
63.What days do you go to church, if any? Never
64.Are you happy with that number? Yeash
65.Do you celebrate Christmas? Yeash
66.Do you celebrate birthdays? Yeash
67.Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? Yeash
68.Do you celebrate St Patty's day? Yeash!!!!!
69.Do you celebrate Easter? YEaSSSSHHHH!!!!!
70.Do you celebrate New years? kAY, IF I STOP SAYING 'YESH' WILL YOU STOP ASKING????
71.Do you like to swim? Yeash.
72.Do you know how to swim? Yeash.
73.Do you know how to ride a bike? Yeash
74.Do you know how to whistle? Yeash!
75.Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time? OH, YEAH!!! AND I CAN ALTERNATE!
76.Can you wiggle your ears? Ewwwww no!!!
77.Do you know how to speak more than one language? No
78.Do you know how to make sushi? No.
79.Are you double jointed anywhere? Yeash miie hands!
80.How long can you hold your breath? I dunno..... a while. (Where's a stop watch?)
81.Can you drive? Yeash but i dnt have miie licence
82.Can you recite the abc's backwards without looking? NO
83.Can you tie balloons? Yeash.
84.Can you tie your shoes? Yes... uh... no. I just forgot. Sorry. (YES, I KNOW HOW TO TIE MY SHOES, MOUSE-BRAIN!!)
85.Do you know how to feed yourself? NO MIIE ARMS ARE GONE THEY JUST DIED!
86.Do you like blue or green eyes? BOTH~
87.Do you like brown or blue eyes? BLUE!
89.Do you like green or brown eyes? GREEN
90.Do you like brown, blond, red or black hair? Anything but red.
91.Do you like skinny, muscular or overweight people? IDC. but REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY fat people scare meh. O.O
92.Do you like short, tall or average people? I'm tall, 5'8 but midgets are cool 2 so it dnt rly matter
93.Do you like outgoing or shy people? Outgoing people are funner, but shy people are usually cuter. Guess it doesn't matter.
94.Do you like popular or nerdy people? Populars are ok. It's preps I have a prob with. Plus, niether of them can talk about ninjas or Starwars, or anime, or video games! Dx
95.Do you like artsy or athletic people? Either or.
96.Do you drink alcohol? I have.
97.Can you legally drink alcohol? No!xD
98.Do you smoke cigarettes? NO!
99.Can you legally buy cigarettes? No
100.Ever played the lottery? NO im unlucky!
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Just look at that bear.
He needs you to give Sommer money,
so that she may buy The Reverse Panda Hat.
She needs it for her dream avi.
Sommer will even donate back:3