Broken Hearted

Cassi sat at a counter at a slushie bar grabbing herself something to drink quickly. She jumped lightly as her phone started ringing in her pocket. She reached down and pulled her cell phone from her pocket,flipped it open to place to her ear.
"Rawr. Cassi speaking. Oh, hello sweetie. What's up?" She asked. Her voice becomeing happier as she herd her boyfriend's voice.
"Yeah i can meet you at ten. I have nothing to do anyway. I'll meet you at your place at ten? ok! Bye bye!" She said before flipping her phone shut and returning it to her pocket.
Cassi then ordered another slushie and payyed for them both. Being ten minutes from ten at night she decided to walk to her boyfriend's house and get there abit early to surprize him sweetly.
Takeing only five minutes to walk to him house Cassi walked up to him door, now holding one of the slushies between her arms and cheast and the other with her hand to give her a free hand to knock on the door. He boyfriend opened the dooronly a little bit, shirtless and covering the small opening of the door.
"Oh hey Cassi. I thought we were meeting up at ten" He said.
" Yeah but i wanted to surprize you, silly. Where's your shirt?" She asked.
"In my room." He said simply.
"Well, can i come in?"Cassi asked tilting her hed to one side slightly, knowing something was up.
"U-uhhh,... no. I'll just go grab my shirt." He said.
"Sweetie! Who's at the door? I'm lonley in here!" A diffrent voice said.
"Who in the world is that?" Cassi asked.
"A friend honey."
Then a woman wrapped in a blanket walked up behind her boyfriend."Who is this?" She asked.
"His ex-girlfriend,now." Cassi muttered as she grabbed his slushie from being squshied by her arm and threw it straight to the ground. "Have some fun." she said throwwing her own slushie at her boyfriend before turning to run of.
"Cassi, wait!" His voice called.
Cassi's only reply was running faster, tears now falling from her eyes and smearing her mascara. She only knew of one place she could go that someone would care.
Soon later Cassi stood infront of another door and knocked on it as she tried to whip some of her tears.
"Please,please open up."She whined.

Cassi sat at a counter at a slushie bar grabbing herself something to drink quickly. She jumped lightly as her phone started ringing in her pocket. She reached down and pulled her cell phone from her pocket,flipped it open to place to her ear.
"Rawr. Cassi speaking. Oh, hello sweetie. What's up?" She asked. Her voice becomeing happier as she herd her boyfriend's voice.
"Yeah i can meet you at ten. I have nothing to do anyway. I'll meet you at your place at ten? ok! Bye bye!" She said before flipping her phone shut and returning it to her pocket.
Cassi then ordered another slushie and payyed for them both. Being ten minutes from ten at night she decided to walk to her boyfriend's house and get there abit early to surprize him sweetly.
Takeing only five minutes to walk to him house Cassi walked up to him door, now holding one of the slushies between her arms and cheast and the other with her hand to give her a free hand to knock on the door. He boyfriend opened the dooronly a little bit, shirtless and covering the small opening of the door.
"Oh hey Cassi. I thought we were meeting up at ten" He said.
" Yeah but i wanted to surprize you, silly. Where's your shirt?" She asked.
"In my room." He said simply.
"Well, can i come in?"Cassi asked tilting her hed to one side slightly, knowing something was up.
"U-uhhh,... no. I'll just go grab my shirt." He said.
"Sweetie! Who's at the door? I'm lonley in here!" A diffrent voice said.
"Who in the world is that?" Cassi asked.
"A friend honey."
Then a woman wrapped in a blanket walked up behind her boyfriend."Who is this?" She asked.
"His ex-girlfriend,now." Cassi muttered as she grabbed his slushie from being squshied by her arm and threw it straight to the ground. "Have some fun." she said throwwing her own slushie at her boyfriend before turning to run of.
"Cassi, wait!" His voice called.
Cassi's only reply was running faster, tears now falling from her eyes and smearing her mascara. She only knew of one place she could go that someone would care.
Soon later Cassi stood infront of another door and knocked on it as she tried to whip some of her tears.
"Please,please open up."She whined.