My fma fanfic
the beginning
Story behind it:
Edward and Alphonse Elric recently lost their mother,the two boys were alchemist,so since they were young they wanted to bring her back to life with "human transmutation" a forbiden act in alchemy,they went and got themselves a teacher,but when the two decended home,the younger brother,Alphonse,fell ill with an uncurable illness,so 3 years passed as edward took care of him,one day Alphonse was finally feeling better so he begged Edward for them to attempt the human transmutation now while he was in good health,but as they went to actiavate the transmutation circle,Alphonse started coughing up countless puddles of blood,Winry and Edward rushed Alphonse to the hospital.....but it was far to late,Alphonse then dies,Edward was then alone to suffer with the loss of his mother and younger brother,he then deicded he couldnt go on without Al,and decided not to bring their mother back.....but to transmute Alphonse back to life,Edward then left to study with his teacher again,a year passes before he returns,but edward will soon realize.......that even alchemy cant revive the dead.....
Part One The Beginning of The Curse:
{3 years ago}
Edward: sigh...........damn I cant stand sitting still in this stupid old train*starts pouting*
Alphonse: hehe oh brother just calm down Ed.......
Edward:I cant help it *angry face*
Edward: Al....hey Al you ok?
Alphonse: .........oh huh what brother?...*looks very weak*
Edward: you look so pale...Al are you ok
Alphonse:...oh huh, *starting to breath hard*
Edward: well ok then..........
{Edward and Alphonse then get off the train and are standing outside it}
Edward: its good to be able to move huh Al heh heh- Al?
{Alphonse started coughing blood and was on the ground}
{Edward rushed over to Alphonse to help}
Alphonse: br-brother whats......happening to me-
{Alphonse then blacked out}
[the scence shifts to the hospital]
{moments later}
Edward: Al....PLEASE BE OK!!
Doctor: sigh.....
{Edward grabs on to the doctor's jacket crfing and screaming for Al}
Doctor:.......well we know whats wrong-
Doctor:.....and its not good either............
Edward: what do you?!
{Edward's grip on the doctor's jacket got tighter}
Edward: dont tell me he's.......gonna die.........
Doctor: well no....
{gets Edward to loosen his grip}
Edward: then what is wrong?!
Doctor:..he's contracted an illness that has never had anyone survive from......
Edward: oh-no!....
{Ed burys his face in his hands with tears running down his face}
Doctor:and ontop of has no leaves who ever has it bed ridden and unable to take care of themselves......
Doctor: what?-
{Ed busts thourgh the doors to the room Al was in}
Alphonse: brother your here?...............*still breathing really hard*
Alphonse: oh-oh kay brother..........why are you cring?
Edward: no reason Al.........
{Edward wipes his face with his arm}
Alphonse: are-are we still gonna bring mom back Ed?
Edward: yeah.........yeah Al we are..............
[3 years later]
{Ed comes into the house coming back from the market}
Edward: hoooooooooo-boy im finally home!
{Ed put down a paper bag and started taking stuff out of it}
Edward: HEY AL?! AL YOU HERE?!
Alphonse: yes brother im here......I've been in my room ever since you left....I havent felt like getting up....sorry.....
Edward; oh........sorry? for what?
{Ed finished takeing stuff out of the bag}
Edward: what should you be sorry for.....?
{Ed nozzeld his was into Al's room}
Alphonse: brother...........Im sorry BECAUSE I DONT WANT YOU TO HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF ME-
{Ed sits next to Al}
Edward: Al........I dont mind taking care of you.......
Alphonse: yeah but-
Edward: Al....were all we have...........and besides...your my little brother thats why I do it
Alphonse:.......yeah I guess
Edward: now dont worry about me ok.....just worry about yourself
{Edward then left and Alphonse stared sadly at the ceiling}
Alphonse: brother...........
[later that night]
Edward: DAMNIT! these books are imposible to figure out!!why couldnt the old man figure it out! oh of course he wouldnt HE ISNT HERE TO HELP!damnit! I have to figure this crap out!!!
{Ed threw a book at the wall out of anger}
{Al was behind the door listening to Ed}
Alphonse: *he whisperd*
Edward: hell......all i want is to bring mom back.........but...................Al........Mom........................
Alphonse: *his eyes widened* all my fault*he drops to his kness cring* ALL OF IT MY FAULT!IM SORRY BROTHER!IM SORRY IM SO SORRY! I-
{Alphonse coughed up a big puddle of blood and contiued coughing}
Edward: A-Al? is that you?.......
Alphonse: *cough* *cough* Br *cough* other *cough* help *cough* me!
{Ed rushed to Al}
Edward: Al! Al!
Edward: ALPHONSE!!
Alphonse: brother I...........
{Al blacked out}
[the next morning]
Edward: here you go Al
{places a wet rag on Al's head to cool his fever down}
Alphonse: brother im sorry know last night and everything
Edward: oh that? no im not mad about that nore am i mad at you just try to rest and feel better ok*he smiled*
Alphonse: ok..............
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this is mainly to advertise my fanfic and ideas biggrin yay me XD
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MY GREED-CHAN! >w< heart heart heart heart

Yesh im a girl >w< and yesh im a greed fan-girl xd
(just has a dude avi for cosplay XD )

Yesh im a girl >w< and yesh im a greed fan-girl xd
(just has a dude avi for cosplay XD )