I left off when we got to the hospital and my mom went to checkus in.

Ashlen lifted her head off of my shoulder.

"Azare..." she startted "don't make me let go." Ashlen pleaded.
"You won't have to, for a while that is." i asured her. We then slid out of the car door. As soon as we got out I reached for Ashlen's hand, and lead her through the big glass doors of the hospital.
As soon as we entered my attention was drawn to my mom sitting in a chair filling out a form. We stood there for all of 30 seconds when i felt a tugg at my arm, and the next thing I knew i was being pulled into a small hallway leeading to a pair os larg doors. Ashlen then pulled me to the left and stopped at an elivator. She the pushed a button with an arrow pointing up, that was located next to the door.

"Whe..." i started but was interupted by Ashlen. She put her index finger on my lips and brought her face about an inch from mine, a couple golden hairs fell in front of her face and covered one of her eyes.

"Just trust me." She said. I was about to protest when we heard a *ding* as the elivator doors opened, and i was being pulled in side.
Ashlen then hit a button that took us to the top floor. The doors closed.

"Ashlen whe..." before i could finish Ashlen pulled me into her and kissed me in an ambush. And i don't mean a peck kiss, i mean a full fledged make out kiss. I didn't fight it.

The elivator doors opened, and about ten seconds later we stopped and I startted to walk out.

"Azare, we've gotta go back down." Ashlen said pulling me backward.

"Oh...yeah." i said still a little dazed. Ashlen then pushed the button that took us back down to the ground floor.

Now it's my turn.
I thought.Thats when I pulled Ashlen to me and then kissed her like she did to me.


The doors slid open again and we walked out into the main room of the hospital.

"Are you Azare Bernath?" a doctor asked me as Ashlen and I walked over to where mom was sitting.

"Uh, Yeah... Yeah i'm Azare" i said.

"Come with me please." The doctor comanded. Ashlen let go of my hand, as my mom caught up with us. The doctor took us through three sets of doors, untill we reached a fourth.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bernath, Mss. Lee'an, but you are going to have to go." the doctor said while leading me through the doors.

"Azare!" Ashlen shoutted, "Azare, just... just don't leave me." Ashlen said with a couple of tears running down he face. i turned my head.

"I won't." I promised.