Also, I learned how to play an Ocarina (Sweet potato, extended range.), and I have recently purchased another one (This one requires more fingers to play, but it's craftsmanship is absolutely beautiful. It's known as the "OoT" wink .
Both were purchased at the Songbird Ocarina Website.
Here are pictures of the two ocarinas.

In the post previous, I stated that I would post some more of my pictures (I also said that I'd write longer posts, but that may not hold true). These are two images that I entered in a contest awhile ago. Although I didn't win, I had a lot of fun making them. (I'm considering entering the second one in the art arena.)
Please click the links below to view the pictures.
Click here for the first one.
Click here for the second one.
The promise that I made long ago to update often is now moot. I should probably mention that I'll be away for a month at a little place known as "Camp", but once I come back I'll share my experiences and try to update when interesting things happen.
Have great summer, everyone!