zOMG expadition for june
This month I am goin on an LLfor an exploration across.There will be oe each month.This month I will charge 100g for each person.But in a crew,Each person with u it costs 25g,but with a 5 man crew,it costs 200g for the expedition.But if uhave more than 10...you must pay for them...it costs a low 10g.I will be in Garlic (it might change next month so If it doesn't nxt time,I will be in Flying Giftbox).I wil start out a village greens (NOTE:If u know bills ranch u still have to pay 100g bcuz u might die,u get lost,etc.).Also,if u leave u will not get a refund.I will take you on the following expadition areas.These areas concluded are:Bill's Ranch,Zen Gardens,Bass'ken Lake,Gold Beach,and Old Aqeduct.The expedition will start on June 26th,2009.I hope every1 will join in.This s Gavin_The_Rocker,and every1 must join this expedition.