Lonely. Lost in my sea. Of forgotten sorrows and painful memories. Shine your light to embrace me with some hope. Come...come in santuary...
Bring those lullabies and releash me from my nightmares. The tainted stories with never-ending screams. Scared. Alone with silent stains. Pretend...pretend that those voices call my name....
Torn and forgotten. Left in dust to collect such armagenden lies and brutailities. Suffer no more. Reach...reach for Hell's back door....
And face the world with tears of joy with a message that can prove such fights!
Show them that crulity and punishment is blessed cherished behind closed doors and hidden smiles!
Let loose the fallen dreams of a small girl so fragil and tamed that bares her fangs!
Believe once more in miracles and say the dread that weighed you down for so long in this stagnic state!
And cleanse yourself and close the bottle up agian...
Hide the brave face and wollow....wollow in the never-ending nightmares...
Alone with silent stains on my lips. Let the fragile rose bloom. In this never-ending story but please end it quickly.
I can't bare this anymore...
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Just Me Talking Out Loud
just personal stuff thats making me feel something
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You look delicious today.[/i:f07b92bb5f][/color:f07b92bb5f][/align:f07b92bb5f]