Character Name: Qo'tuel (Ko-tell) 'Shift'
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Race: Osqool
Character Class: Transmuter / Rogue
Personality: While largely confident, Shift does not normally boast. He enjoys challenges, even if they are obviously impossible, and will give them several tries before deeming them so. Though he loves company, and to be around people, the nature of his race seems to get him tossed in with 'badies' due to his appearance.
Abilities (4 max): Transmute: Pretty straight forward, he can use one thing to create another of it's mass, the two must be of the same mass, and relatively the same in size.
Omni-aptitude: He can be seen as a quick learner, someone who catches onto things easily, though this stems from his race in all actuality. The lot of them are quite good at learning the basics of things which they are allowed around five minutes with. Of course, this depends on the complexity of the thing at hand, and the time given to understand.
Shifter: The race he falls under, is that of a sub class of shape shifters. As such, he has no vital organs, and can slightly alter his own anatomy at will. (Skin changes usually take little longer than the blink of an eye, while changing an arm into a sword may take a few seconds, as well as a reference.)
Fighting Style: That of most shifters, he keeps his style unpredictably predictable. After some time in battle with him, you may realize a pattern, though it would be a simple pattern that involves when he is random, and perhaps how.
Weapon of Choice: Either an Arm-Long Bow (Made of his own (Left) arm.) Or an Arm-cutlass (Made also, of his own arm.) The cutlass, is around three feet from where his knuckles would have been, and goes the length to his elbow. Hard as steel, the weapon can be broken, though he takes particular care to avoid such events. He makes his arrows of items he happens to find on the ground, or those which he carries with him. Often picking out items that would make good "arrows" or "armor" while he travels.
Strengths: His skin is particularly adept at changing to keep him both concealed, and disguised. In the blink of an eye, he can assume a sort of "active camo" with which he projects the things behind him to his front, and visa verse. The obvious flaw with this camo, is that when moving, he becomes easier to spot.
Weaknesses: Shift can swim, sure, but not in water. The density of his flesh is something unless in water that is highly salty, forces him to sink rather rapidly. He cannot drown, as he seems not to need oxygen. (Though with transmuting, it's obvious as to why.)
Brief History: Shift's history is rather obscure, he has played the part of a spy for many a men with plenty of coin, being an expert in the field, given his abilities. In his natural appearance, he is a criminal, anyone who sees this true form is usually questioned, sometimes in ways not so moral friendly.
Appearance: Shift's true appearance, is of course, a very shifty one. With hair that seems to slowly migrate along the colors of red, purple, pink and black, even some whites occasionally make their appearance. The hair is approximately ear length, and is quite shaggy, it falls down wildly, as it seems there are no eyes upon his face to speak of. The creature's head, is little more than a human-shaped oval. With ears only at certain times, they always appear pointed when he is in this 'true form'. The actual face upon this head, is little more than a crack, where pinks purples of brilliant neon shades define the edges. It is always moving, and this, is where his nickname sprang, for the beautifully rich colors are often described as 'shifting'. The rest of his body, is a simple black, colorless and strangely deep. Only on occasions do more cracks of pink and purple appear. The being's blood is a deep vile shade of purple, leaking slowly like an oil, and congealing rather quick. His clothing is usually the same, and probably little more than an extension of his own body, for they bear colors of dark black, and deep purples. Gypsy like clothing, a vest, many belts, pants that are tied just under the knee, and for this, they are quite puffy and baggy. Tribal designs mottle this garb, mostly upon it's edges, or where seen necessary.
Played by: Voluntary Insanity
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