Family:Yuki Anna Cross (His wife) and Elie Ichgio Cross
(His only daughter.)
Hair color:Raven Black
Eye color:Pure Blood Red
Weight:190 pounds
Height: 6 foot

Personality:Eric is a samrt and wise young man.He is kind and sweet when he wants to be,but he is strong and likes to uphold the laws.When Elie was born he turned into a loving and caring father.Also when he fell in love with Yuki,his honor to uphold the lawleft.
Scars or Marking:Yes,on his right arm,he as a burn mark of a darkness dragon.This is the mark all fire uses in the Cross family get if they can master the Darkness Dragon.The mark starts at lower part of his hand and goes all the way up to the top of this right shoulder.
History:Eric was born into a noble family.In his younger years he was the weakest child in his family.He was luck to be a only child.But once Eric lost his mother due to a illness,he starts to push himself to get stronger.Eric then once he turned 21 lost his father and was then to uphold the noble family name.That same year Eric became the captain of 6th divison.Years pasted and then one fately day,Eric was sent out on a mission to the world of the living.Knwoing this duty,he went and he was faced with a enemy,who made his heart skip a beat.Eric had to face Espada number one Yuki.But the battle ended when Yuki and the others retreated.Eric didn't care much,but then once Yuki came to the soul society asking to join them,something inside Eric,just melted.Eric at the trail dropped his honor of upholding the law and stood up for Yuki.Soon after Yuki and himself fell in love and married.Once Eric turned 28,Yuki and himself had a child.It was a baby girl.Eric had never been happier.Eric fromthen on out was a kind and loving father and captain.Once Elie's 6th birthday arrived,Yuki and himself were call on for a mission.Eric left Elie with his most trusted friends the Kuchikis.Eric and Yuki met their match in the world of the living against Rai,the new number one Espada,who took Yuki's place.
Zankpaku-to name:Darkness Dragon
Zankpaku-to Sex:Male

(Zankpaku-to Soul)

(Zankpaku-to appearance)
Shikai: "Burn my fire,show them you're power."

(Shikai appearance)
Shikai Abilities:
1.)Dragon Twister-This attack will destory anything in this wake.The flames of hell,or the darkness flames and the normal flames from earth combine.A cloud will form above Eric and he points his Zankpaku-to to the sky.The flames that were buring on this blade rise up into the sky and the cloud then turns black and blue.The twister forms and lands behind Eric,waiting for the his command.
Bankai: "Flames of hell and flames of earth combine and show me the power of the gods."

(Bankai appearance)
Bankai Abilities:
1,)Dragon of the Darkness Flame-The best know attack from the noble Cross family.
Eric is the 3rd person in the Cross family to master it.That is how Eric as the burn
mark of the darkness dragon on his right arm.Once this mighty dragon is summoned
Eric's arm turns pure black,with the flames of hell.Eric can also use this attack without
being in his bankai state,but it's weaker then.The Zankpaku-to is only there to help Eric
control the dragon.Once the darkness dragon is released the flames turn into a dragon
and go stright for the enemy head on.
Other Skills:Master Swordman,Master of the flashstep,and very smart and wise.
Theme Song:45 By:Shinedown