Name: Tessie Marks.
Gender: Female.
Age: Fourteen.
Birthdate: November 29th, 1994.
Eye Color: Lavender.
Hair Color: Black.
Height: 5'4".
Weight: 95.6 lbs.
Likes: Video games, cats, photography, sunflowers, cake, comic books, Japan, France, Taiwan.
Dislikes: Veggies & fruits, dogs, horses, horror films.
Personality: Quiet, yet, full of curiosity. A daydreamer, and a superb thinker.
History: Tessie never knew her mother -- she died in birth. Her father, Jayce, took very good care of her for all her years. Tessie owns two cats, Storm and Sheila, as well as a Japanese Fighting Fish named Spork. Since she and her father moved to a new house and switched schools, Tessie has been able to fully show off her incredible intellect and has aced all of her classes, making her the top of her school.
Other?: She has a huge crush on Darius Tanders, though she keeps telling herself that she's too young [ which is a huge lie. ] and tries to keep her affection a secret, even though if he even approaches her, her face turns bright red and butterflies flock in her stomach. Her skin is a light-chocolate color.
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