Vincent Valentine from FF 7

Total Value: 538,587 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gift of the Gods
Infernal Spirit 6th Gen
Fremere's Guard 6th Gen.
Red Tennis Headband
Cockerel's Waltz
Wingding (phase one)
Red Gunner Coat
Gold Automaton Arm
Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
I already have the:
~Gift of the Gods
~Wingding (phase one)
~Red Gunner Coat
~Gold Automaton Arm
~Red Tennis Headband
~Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
~Fremere's Guard 8th Gen
Kakashi: Anbu Black Ops

Total Value: 5,741,254 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kitsune Mask
Fallen Wish 2nd Gen.
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Ninja Hood
Cool Starter Ninja Gloves
Audrey's Black Long Gloves
Steel-plated Ninja Band
White Sport Vest
Red Paw Print Arm Tattoo
Gray FLEX Top
Charcoal Velcro Sandals
Warm Starter Ninja Pants
Feet Wraps