*Tyra come swooping down from a rope*
*Tyra drops down*
Tyra: One who is just looking for some adventure ^^
Fox Tail: o.e; You have quite the British accent there.....
Tyra: Quite right, I was knighted by the queen herself, I was.
Fox Tail: Were you born in Britain?
Tyra: Nope, I was born..... Now where the devil I born? ...Aww what does it matter, I'm living aren't I? Quite right, quite right...
Fox Tail: uhhhhh..... Ok, Well uhhhhh, isn't sitting in that armor hot? I mean it must be like in the 90's out here, and your wearing metal!
Tyra: Nah, I'm fine, but you shouldn't be talking, your the one in a fur coat, you are.
Fox Tail: ..... Ok, I have to ask this before my head explodes, when are you going to ask me if I want a crumpet, or tea??!! I mean your voice just screams it!
Tyra: You stereotypical, b*****d!! I should have your head for this!!
Fox Tail: Oh shut up, you brought it on yourself!!
*Tyra starts to pull off her glove*
Tyra: You best shut it before I shut it for you permanently, I will!
Fox Tail: What are you gunna do, slap me and challenge me to a-
Tyra: That's exactly what I plan to do! After your little interview thing is over, meet me in the chard remains of the set, Good day!! scream
*Tyra walks off*
Fox Tail: ugh........ What is it with me and my big mouth.... Ok, well, how bout we Get the last guest out, before my timely death..... *gulp* Give a warm welcome to Trish the Lime Green Armadillo!
Trish: Wow, I have never seen Tyra that mad before.... What did you do?
Fox Tail: Its a long story gonk ...So, To start off with.... uhhhh, why do I have the feeling I'm being watched?
Trish: I got that alot too, but after I realized who it was, I didn't get the feeling anymore ^^
Fox Tail: *gulp* Who is it? gonk
Trish: I can't tell you that! ....I think if I did you would only get even more freaked out even more ^^
Fox Tail: Oh gawd.... *starts to look around*
Trish: If you keep doing that your only going to make it worse for your self!
*suddenly Fox Tail Lets out a girly scream and jumps away from the tree behind him*
Fox Tail: That tree just F***ing blinked at me!!!
Trish: *sigh* No one ever listens..... Its just Espio, you nit-wit
Fox Tail: You mean, Espio....
Trish: Yep....
Fox Tail: The Ninja Chameleon, Espio...
Trish: Ye-
Fox Tail: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE!!!! *runns off*
Trish: O.o; Wow, what a scaredy cat..... Well I'm going to have to end the show here........ Tyra is going to kill him when he doesn't show up..... Awwww well ^^
Tyra: I'm glad you showed up....
Fox Tail: Just get it over with gonk
*Tyra Lifts her sword up, and- Well you know the rest...........*