-♣- I'll Help You Out -♣-
I was given the name: Leonard Black
But you can call me: Monster
I'm alive, I'm a success, I'm The: shadow Walker
I may have just been changed, but I'm really: 18
I'm pretty sure I'm a: Male
You asked. Are you interested. If so I'm: Homo-sexual
It's not so important: None, not like it will happen.
Find me here: Building,Dorm
Before I forget: If you ever see Leo talking to himself here are the reasons why that is; its either the dark mysterious voice in his head or, its because he drifts into the past and speaks out whats on his mind.
-♣- Not So Important -♣-
Here are my classes: Algerbra 1,Biology,World history,Enligsh,Gymnastics,dancing and Graphics.
It isn't all that hard to notice: Leo, an outcast by choice really,i guess you wouldn't call him a peoples person, perhapes because he doesn't have a care in the world for anything or, the motherly love he always wanted,never came to him, both are true but who knows. Leo has the stubborness of a spartan like warrior, who dislikes it when people have to go and save his butt, to him its a sign of weakness,So if you ever get the chance to see this sweet teddy inside of him, then well done,you've just be known to Leo,aren't you special.
Give me:
-Tough love
-sometimes attention
-what you hate the most
-spicey food
Keep them away
*Impulsive people
-♣- Only If You Ask -♣-
The past is the past: The great family of the Blacks had been greatly known out through japan, now you would think this to be quite a misunderstanding,seeing as his name to not be a japanese name, well the details of that will come soon. Before his name was changed to Black, his true last name was Mitsujido, the heirs of Japans most greatest rulers in history,well,so they believed in such stories, during the late centuries of time in old japan a demon had walked along this insubtantial land,putting dire into the people of japan,the demon was known as "The Minx",seeing it to be a white large demoed fox,with teeth sharper than razzars and indestructable,eyes as red as blood can be,a white long fluffy tail,cute but also destructive,that cute fluffy tail was able to change into a spiked long club or a sharp spear and last, the minx had the power to conrtol all the elemants,including the shadows. The emperor of japan,leo's great(x's 10) grandfather had fallen into doubt, until, one night he had heard of a great powerful magic, that was able to perish any demon to oblivion,without striking to know the consequences, his grandfather had used it to demolish the demon, the minx was succesfully destroyed,or so his body. The Minx had been destroyed,however, the soul had lingered around still,vowing to take revange by finding a host in his family, and so, when the time of leo's mother giving birth to leo, the demon had found the right time and found him to be in leo.When he had opened his eyes, the infant did not weep or whine,but just,stare with a sense of a gloomy atmosphere, it was strange to the family,they wondered if something wrong was going on with the child,but as time went by the child had no problems,and the threat was forgotten again, that was until the child soon turned three, then the child had gained some 'special' abilities such as; brute strength, great intellegence, disapearing into the dark,peer through the black darkness and see without problems and soon the powers came to a extreme extent where things started to get,quite dangerous. Suddenly,the 'sudden nightmares' appeard in the poor childs mind, leaving him in the corner of his room,babblling for days and up for weeks, his mother and father soon were starting to get a bit terrified by what was going about with there son, they soon called in there most powerful priest and priestess,trying exericisms and rituals,but all it did was bruise him physically and mentally, leo started to think his parents had abandon him and started to distant from him more and more,he was certainly correct about that.
At the age of five the child was bind in chains and locked deep inside a chamber,leaving to bruise and abandom him,only to bring him out when of the up most importance or for school, left alone, the demon inside him was able to 'bond' with leo,seeing as his hope for his parents had been crushed already into dusty ground. The demon began to put things in his mind,such as lies and truhful words,but mostly,things that made him how he was now. Being himself in this small life he had,leo wasn't the one for being popular in school,since many people found him vicous at the first impression he gave them,you know how it is at school when your reputation is how people see you,instead of how poeple could see you. People at his school would mostly, talk about in a rude sense of way,tease him for being different, back away when he came anywhere, soon it came to a very vital extent that leo had been bullied at his school, at first leo didn't do much until it became a push over, and then came the killing. Thats right, leo started to enjoy the scent of pain and death, he began to beat other students for of course many reasons, then, i began with outdoor killing such as criminals and even the innocent people, the police had not found who the killer was to this very day, psh, what good are the police if they cant catch someone like him.
With all this happening so badly, he was expelled from his school and his parents had gotten a divorce,leaving him to be more distant and agile with planning and with people,things were going smoothly for him,that was until his mother had gotten the chance to finally leave his dear son in a high school,hoping she would never see him again and perhaps bring him to be more less elusive in the crowd.
My own personal guardian angel: Miko-Mika