As i tried to get through the obsessed crowd I heard Machi calling my name. I turned in the direction I heard her voice come from when I finally made it through the crowd I found Machi in the front.
"Akira you have to see these guys," Machi breathed her voice just barely audible.
I looked at her like I would look at my mother when she went clothes shopping with me and wanted me to try on a pink shirt. It was the cross between a glare and a look that said "do you think I really care."
Machi ignored my look and whipped her head around, looking for something.
"There's Sero, HEY SERO WE"RE OVER HERE!!," Machi screamed at the top of her lungs while waving her hands. I immediately tried to pretend like I didn't know her, Machi nudged me.
"don't just stand there help me," Machi demanded.
I sighed and did exactly what Machi was doing except...
Sero's head then whipped in our direction, glaring at me. I just smirked as she walked over.
"Don't yell at me,"Sero grumbled.
"Hey it was the only way to get you to hear me," I pointed out in my defense.
She just mumbled something, and looked in the direction of the gates.
Machi, Sero and me were all pushed forward as soon as the gate opened and then pushed back by a girl shorter then me (I know surprising right) with crimson brown eyes and short brown hair.
"Get back please," she said trying to keep the girls from behind me to make a line .
Now I know I probably shouldn't have snapped but I was tired and already in a bad mood seeing as none of these girls would shut up so I took my anger out on her.
"Don't!Touch!Me!," I said in my most scariest tone of voice. This girl and the fan girls obviously got my message and it was do not get in my way because all of them cringed back.
Machi and Sero just smiled seeing as we were in the front and no one would do a thing about.
When the students finally emerged from behind the gates I was immediately caught by there movie star looks all of them were gorgeous but one caught my eyes.
He had messy red hair that practically blinded me in the light, and gorgeous amber colored eyes, he had no smile on his face and no tie on. Obviously like me he didn't agree with the dress code completely. His only down fall was he was really tall and I was really short.
Immediately I ripped my eyes away from him I didn't think he would appreciate being gawked at.
Then another male student walked up to the three of us Machi looked like she was going to faint by how red she was.
He was tall but not as tall as the other one that caught my eyes with wavy brown hair that passed his ears, and he had the same crimson brown as the girl that I yelled at did.
"Hello you must be the three new transfers, it's nice to finally meet you all. I'm kaname Kuran and I'm the Night Class president," he said introducing himself, his voice was hypnotizing. It didn't mean anything to me he wasn't my type definitely not, i usually went after guys who didn't like to be considered as a Class president, besides they usually broke to many rules.
All three of us introduced ourselves to him and then he walked back to the group that had stopped. A boy with blond hair and big blue eyes was staring at me.
I glared and he smiled, it was obvious that he thought he was god's gift.
Then just like that the commotion stopped and all three of us were on our way to our dorm.
When we made it to the dorm we immediately noted the things that would have to change.
"It needs to be completely redecorated," Sero sighed.
"And needs to be repainted," I said pointing out the pink walls.
Another girl entered the room all three of us turned around.
"Um.. are you guys new here," She asked.
We all nodded.
"Um.. this is my dorm,"she said trying not to be rude.
We all looked at each other I could feel myself blush.
"Oh then maybe you could tell us where were supposed to be," Machi said handing her the slip of paper.
"No this can't be," she said shaking her head.
"What," I said now nervous.
"Your in the Night Class dorms," she gasped.
Sero and i just looked at each other while Machi ran out of the dorm to our real dorms. Sero and I apologized to the girl for being in her dorm and then ran after Machi to the Night Class dorms.
All I knew as we got to the gates was, I had a bad feeling about this.
Sero Mitsuro (16)

Akira Suko (16)

Machi Yukiko (16)

Midori Minagawa (16)

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