These Caballitos tend to be very eccentric. Often they are incredibly intelligent though are at such high levels of IQ that some of them can become so intelligent that their behavior makes them unintelligible and impossible for their fellow Caballitos to understand. They are very jovial for better or worse and have very vibrant personalities, though often prone to drastic mood swings. They tend to be very bright colors and have eccentric patterns. Storm Caballitos get along best with water Caballitos and tend to think that earth Caballitos are overly analytical ninnies.

Fire Caballitos are very aggressive, very bold and confident. Though they often are kind at heart, they can often be emotionally or physically damaging to other Caballitos. They are stubborn and confrontational, though courageous and strong. They tend to be the most conflicted and have a very hard time while growing up, though have the ability to take roles of leadership, good or bad. Fire Caballitos tend to frequent the red to yellow spectrum as well as black, white and blue. They get along with death Caballitos though can’t stand water caballitos.