Are you feeling rather exhausted from work? Feeling the need to get your mojo back on? Feel like your legs are about to collaspe? Well think no more for the answer to all your prays has come to you at last, I give you Mitsujido Bathhouse,A beautiful bathhouse for people to enjoy and relax from hard work, need some help? We have just what you need, some strong men in the bathhouse are here to assist your everyneed whether it be to massage your foot or maybe just a friendly chat to keep you company. S come and enjoy life the way it should be...or so they are told.
That intro you just heard, sounded nice right? Yeah well that wasn't EVEN the entire story of this bathhouse, i'll take it from here boys, *Ahem* What that intro had just told is semi true BUT, do you know what it really is? Do you even know the secrets of the men who work there? Well,Deep under ground that "Beautiful and Relaxing" bathhouse lies a huge facility of a prision called 'Slumber town' for the most vile and cruelest criminals to stay inside secured from the world, the bathhouse however is a secret cover for the prision making it seem like a happy place at first to all when all its used for is the government to make money and to make the prisioners work the rest of there lives.
The bathhouse was first concoted by a family called the Mitsujido's, one of the top bathhouse's in Japan, who had run this buisness for generations through lifetimes to come. The one next in line was a young man named Roku Mitsuhashi Mitsujido, who soon had dissapeared, some say he died, others say he decided to just give up on the buisness. Since Roku had not been found the government had taken over it and turned it to this horrible prison.
The prisioners are confined inside ceils that are completely blank white, the rooms, the walls, everything. They have a white colored bunk bed, a small couch, a desk and chair and A/C. and all were MEN ONLY, since men were the usual species to have been caught in crimes,women were surely not allowed in this prision since of different genetics and you know how it goes, also they all were bunked with two people at the most. Not just humans were confined in this prision but other races as well, such as vampires,demons,nekos whatever was putten in. The government knew that there were some races not comfortable with other races but they forced others to go along with others, this way perhaps they might start getting along.
The prision is how the name is desrcibed, a small town like place for the prisoners to roam around,though just to be on the safe side they all are clipped with a collar in case of any fights or such. The collar keeps them in line, for example if there was such a fight then the guards would only have to just press a putten,causing not just that person but everyone to feel a strong zap go through there body,not killing them but just to stun them or paralize.
When in the morning time the prisioners would wake up,eat breakfast and then go straight to working in the bathhouse,helping other customers,cleaning or fixing, after for awhile they would have a lunch break and then even let themselves enjoy a little bubbly in the water for awhile. After the day it was over and all the customers served it was back to prision town and they would have dinner,hang out and then lock out.Thats how the day went everday,unless something special was given DEPENDING on how good there behavior was.
So Who are you exactly, are you a lovely customer, a family member, a guardsmen or are you a prision boy?
That intro you just heard, sounded nice right? Yeah well that wasn't EVEN the entire story of this bathhouse, i'll take it from here boys, *Ahem* What that intro had just told is semi true BUT, do you know what it really is? Do you even know the secrets of the men who work there? Well,Deep under ground that "Beautiful and Relaxing" bathhouse lies a huge facility of a prision called 'Slumber town' for the most vile and cruelest criminals to stay inside secured from the world, the bathhouse however is a secret cover for the prision making it seem like a happy place at first to all when all its used for is the government to make money and to make the prisioners work the rest of there lives.
The bathhouse was first concoted by a family called the Mitsujido's, one of the top bathhouse's in Japan, who had run this buisness for generations through lifetimes to come. The one next in line was a young man named Roku Mitsuhashi Mitsujido, who soon had dissapeared, some say he died, others say he decided to just give up on the buisness. Since Roku had not been found the government had taken over it and turned it to this horrible prison.
The prisioners are confined inside ceils that are completely blank white, the rooms, the walls, everything. They have a white colored bunk bed, a small couch, a desk and chair and A/C. and all were MEN ONLY, since men were the usual species to have been caught in crimes,women were surely not allowed in this prision since of different genetics and you know how it goes, also they all were bunked with two people at the most. Not just humans were confined in this prision but other races as well, such as vampires,demons,nekos whatever was putten in. The government knew that there were some races not comfortable with other races but they forced others to go along with others, this way perhaps they might start getting along.
The prision is how the name is desrcibed, a small town like place for the prisoners to roam around,though just to be on the safe side they all are clipped with a collar in case of any fights or such. The collar keeps them in line, for example if there was such a fight then the guards would only have to just press a putten,causing not just that person but everyone to feel a strong zap go through there body,not killing them but just to stun them or paralize.
When in the morning time the prisioners would wake up,eat breakfast and then go straight to working in the bathhouse,helping other customers,cleaning or fixing, after for awhile they would have a lunch break and then even let themselves enjoy a little bubbly in the water for awhile. After the day it was over and all the customers served it was back to prision town and they would have dinner,hang out and then lock out.Thats how the day went everday,unless something special was given DEPENDING on how good there behavior was.
So Who are you exactly, are you a lovely customer, a family member, a guardsmen or are you a prision boy?