Hello all. Seems that quite some time has passed since my last post. Well, let me tell you that quite a bit has changed.
Camping was wonderful. With spelunking, backpacking, kyacking, and bbqing going on the 4 days we were gone.
As for Will and I, we are still together, and still happy. He and my friend were good, and didn't do anything of poor taste.
The financial situation is still tough, but because of that the government gave me a bunch of money to go to school! Hooray!!! blaugh
Now for the crazy part: You all know my boys FFG, and you also probably know that they just got back from a trip to Europe. (Remember this, it will come back into play) Well, BK and I have been talking about having another show at the Grange back home. Grace and I used to throw huge concerts there every summer. And every year we get pretty good bands on the ballot. Well this year, we might just have one more. wink
It just so happens that there is a band who I am completely in love with called Post Stardom Depression. They're local, but very very good. (And I have to be honest- Jeff, their lead singer, is my celebrity crush!) Anywho, about two years ago they broke up. Last week, they got together for a benefit show for the guitarist's daughter who needs some medical attention. Well of course you know me, couldn't miss the chance to go to a good show. So I go and there's this beautiful man standing over by a booth. Yeah, I basically oggle him for an hour or two before PSD goes on. And who should walk up on the stage but Mr. Pretty boy. Yeah, that's right, it was JEFF! So I basically spend the duration of the show completely infatuated by this "gorgeous hunk of man meat", and even manage to get their signatures after the show. I give Jeff my email and let him know that I'm a promoter. So of course he starts plugging his other bands.
After all is said and done, I go home with Will. Completely unable to speak because I just talked with THE Jefferson Angell! Now by this point, one would think "good luck ever getting to see him again" right? WRONG! Because two days later I'm at a friend's party drinking my face off, when my little brother decides we need some subway. So we get up and meander in a drunken stuper over to Subway where I succeed in looking like a complete fool. As I'm striking this gangster pose, and ordering a very strange sandwich that I know not even I will eat, I hear "Corey? Corey the red?" coming from behind me. I stop dead. There's NO WAY that could be the voice I just heard. My mind was playing tricks on me. It had to be! Very slowly I turn around and see Jeff Angell standing there in all of his 6' 3" glory!!!
Needless to say, I turned 5 shades of red and sobered up real quick.
So now we're standing in this subway talking about life, the universe, and everything, and out comes the fact that he lives in the same neighborhood as I do! O.O Eeep! Very calmly I start to talk about what brought me to Seattle, and the funny thing is, he is very into art as well! In fact, he wants to be a graphic designer! Holly hand grenades batman! After about 10 minutes of shooting the breeze, he says, "Well, i've got to go. We're working on a new album. But I've got your email address right?" And of course I start studdering like a damn crazed lady. "y-y-yeah. I'm p-p-pretty sure." Then he smiled that million dollar rock star smile and said "Great. Talk to you soon then."
After he left, I lost it! I kept asking my friends who were with me- "Did that really just happen?!?!?" So after going home and rejoicing about what an amazing night it had been, I check my email, and stop. There's a new one with just the title "You" I open it up, and just about fall out of my seat. I have just been invited to Sushi and drinks with a man that I am completely gah-gah over.
But Old Red's gotta keep it cool. I can't let him know that I'm THAT into him. Because let's face it, we all have a celebrity that we'd desperately love to have "Drinks" with. Mine just invited me first. razz
So now I'm just waiting for the time and date. Hopefully it won't be during classes, because I'd hate to have to skip school. wink But hopefully he'll listen to my offer of throwing a show and playing with his old band again. And you never know, I might just get commissioned to design another album cover. Hey, anything's possible! Right?
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"No matter where you go, there you are"
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*Hugs* for you & your happy-doings.
Glad to hear you got your school $$!