well tonight im writing this post at almost 1am last day of camp T//////////T
was the most awesomest experance ever i gotta thanks gaia for doing this
thanks to this camp i got to know the most incredible people in this world (yah yuli was in the rich camp in case u dont know yuli XD)
i love every single person for our beloved thread (exept for noobs XD)
i cant belive this is ending tonight just a couplem ore mins and everything will be over **sigh**
but i have all the memories in my heart and that will never be taken away from me ^w^
this has been a sad day i gotta admit saying bye bye to te thread is not a funny thing
even if we r moving to another awesome thread i would like tos tay on this one T////////////T
well i did took a couple of screenshots of the bye bye speachs for those who wasnt there at that time ^w^
so ill post them at the end...
omg T///////////T
well as i saido n my post i wanted to tell everyone how much i love them and how greatfull i am for what i got from this
not exactly my gifts even tho i love them they were given to me with the love of my friends wich makes me love all my
items and treasure them ^///////^
about the gifts i gotta yell something
I FREEAKING LOOOOOOVE MY FALLEN WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROG!!!!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
(who didnt just gave me fallen but like 50% of all what i have now .__.
PEOPLE DONT BE STUPID dont get me wrong i DONT love him cuz of the gifts i love him cuz he is the sweetest person
alive in this whole galaxy/angle ice fairy pwince...
**coughs and looks arround**
oh yah back to what i was saying **giggles**
i got to know the most awesomest people in the world my bestiests friends..
heart mid-chi.. i love u soooo freaking much D8 always here for me chearing me up and feeling me with love =D **hugs chu**
heart grog..well idk what to say **cry** wubs chu so much T///////////T chus just the awesomest person alive T///////T
heart alex..omg ur sooooo awesome bestie snow fwiend =DDD *pokes cus bear** X3
heart murder..is like a mommy to me X3 always so sweet and caring and yelling at me .__. im not saying anything to disagree with u D8 dammit ...**giggles**
heart thund..my crazy pony buddy always yelling at people and fullo f hyperness X3 but me wubs chu thund chu always make yuli feel better ^^
heart blazy...gimme those freaking sleepers!! D8 jk XD love chu sleepers buddy X3 looooove talking to chu ish shoo fun =D
heart moon-sama...omg moon-sama is sooooo the best me wubs him dearly was the first person nice to yuli in the thread and will be always part of my heart wubs chu moon-sama!! =D
heart melu-sama...always so kawaii and sweet =D yuli chus bunny X3
heart rex-sama...always so nice with yuli T////////////T
heart kitty...the neko ninja XD always following me -__- wubs chu kitty X3 kitty and sasuke 4eva ;D (u own me this XD) ninja
heart DEVI!! chus so awesome and crazzy!!!! **hugs chu** wubs chu muchies =D always make me smile ^w^
well theres lots more of people i love in the thread but is 1 am and im dizzy just slept 3 hours XD
this thread was just more than awesome best thing ever i love u guys so much for giving yuli a chance and for those who love me thanks sooo much T^T
i know im troublesome and stupid D8 but chu guys were there for me T^T
i soooo love u all OMG I CANT STOP CRYING D8
new thread new thread!! we gotta keep our familly together T////////T
oh yah the posties this is for all who wasnt there at the final moments my bye bye post and mids.murders and melu's
first go mine:

mid's post:

murder's post:

melu's post:

so yah this is the bye bye for the camp but a big HI for the new castle thingy =D
ill miss the thread alot best summer ever!!!
and for those that r going back to school hope to c u guys on weekends ill miss u like a crazy person with overdose
but ill be waiting fer for chu ^w^ love chu with all my heart...guys..*cough and looks arround...ettou nvm that .__. XD
feel free to comment here chu know yuli wubs chu all!! =D
and thanks for everything again T^T
heart heart rolleyes
Community Member
That's okay though! It took me a while to find the "add comment" button, but I found it! See you on the new Thread ^_^
art by Dodii
I eat people.