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Lanna's Intermezzo (rewrite) Ch.7
Lanna's Decision

Later that evening, Lanna sits at her desk and tries again. She knows that her deadline is coming in only 5 more days, she knows how impossible the task may seem. But she is willing to try it out one more time. If she does a good enough job on the songs she can finish, she feels that she could at least convince her manager to give her just a little bit more time.

She takes a deep breath as she sits in front of the blank sheet of paper. She then takes out a pencil from her cup, and thinks for a moment. At first, her mind is blank. Trying to force the ideas out doesn't seem to work. So she rests her back on the chair, and leans back a bit. With her pencil in her ear, she closes her eyes, and faces the ceiling for a while.

She knows she needs to relax. All she needs to do is let the ideas flow in her head, just like she did last time. She takes a couple of deep breaths, and relaxes her mind. After a couple of minutes, she begins to think about the kiss she shared with Mark only a few hours ago. She smiles happily as she remembers how warm and soft Mark's lips felt against hers.

Her heart begins to beat a bit louder. As she touches her lips with her fingers, she begins to hear something. It was not a voice in the distance, or a sound coming from outside. It is her heart trying to sing to her. A beautiful melody that only she can hear and understand. She had this feeling once before, all she needs to do is put them into words.

Taking the pencil out of her ear, Lanna presses the lead against the paper. At first, her hands do nothing. But after a few minutes, she begins to write some words down. After writing her first line, she gasps cheerfully seeing that she has written the first idea she is satisfied with. After taking a deep breath, she continues to listen to her heart some more. Word after word, ideas continue to flow from her heart into paper.

It takes her several hours to finally finish the first poem that her heart was trying to sing. After reviewing her poem, she realizes that it had a lot to do with her first kiss with Mark. How it felt, how it untied the knot she herself placed on her heart, and how sweet it felt.

After making some random corrections, she takes a look outside, and realizes that it's getting dark. If she is going to do her best, she'll need some rest for the next day. So she places her pencil back into the cup, staples the pages together, and places them into a large envelope. She then changes into her nightgown, and drifts off into a peaceful sleep.

That night, Lanna has many wonderful romantic dreams. She cannot remember the last time she had one of those. One of her favorite dreams that she had was about how she was trapped in a castle, and a handsome blond haired prince came to rescue her.

She remembers that dream well after she wakes up. After getting ready for the day, she begins writing a story about that dream. After the story is done, she decides to write a song about that story. Before noon came around, Lanna already had a second song for her album.

Lanna continues to write songs as the days passes. One idea after another inspire Lanna to write something different. Her heart had a lot to say to her. There are about 2 years worth of memories that her heart could sing about. Her deadline is quickly approaching, so she works hard all day, and rests when she needs to. Mark continues to deliver lunch for her at 2:00 pm every day. But rather than looking for her in the east side of the island, Mark just delivers it straight to her house.

It is now the evening of the fifth day after Lanna's manager has left the island. Lanna is in the middle of writing a song that has a lot to do with Mark's cooking. A fun, upbeat song that tells how delicious his cooking really is, how important it is to her daily life. She gets done at about 10:00 pm, she was so preoccupied by the song that she did not realize how late it is.

She then takes a look at the calendar, and sees that she has only one more day until her manager comes to check on her work. She sighs, then takes a look at her envelope to see what she has done so far. She was having so much fun, she did not keep track of how many songs did she write after she had completed the first one.

After counting her songs, she gasps after realizing that she wrote a dozen songs. She cannot believe that she has met her quota before her deadline. She thought that she wouldn't make it in time. But after so many days of hard work and listening to her heart, she did what was believed to be impossible.

Lanna starts to celebrate her victory by dancing around her room joyfully. After giggling and jumping for a few minutes, she then stops for a moment to shout, “I did it! I actually finished! And I even have a day all to myself tomorrow! I can't wait till I show the manager! When he sees this, I'll be able to get off this island and-”

Just then, Lanna realizes something. If she shows her manager that she has done her work, she'll have to leave the island, and continue to be a Pop Idol. She will work long hard hours recording the songs, then go on tour, sing in concerts, and travel the world. But then, she'll be leaving Mark behind.

Lanna falls to her knees, and sigh sadly. For the last 2 years, she had been wanting to get off the island, and continue doing what she does best. But after realizing that there is someone important to her in the island, she suddenly finds herself not wanting to leave.

The next morning, Mark wakes up and gets ready for another day in the farm. After leaving his house, he yawns and wipes the sand from his eyes. It's a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, and not too hot either. Summer will be ending soon, so it has gotten a little bit cooler.

Before he goes over to work on his animals, he notices that there's something sticking out of his mailbox. He walks over to the mailbox, and finds a letter inside. The letter reads:

Please meet me at the beach. By the rock where we sat on a couple of days ago. I need to talk to you about something. Please bring your fishing gear. I'll wait for you there at noon. Don't be late.


After reading the letter, Mark scratches his head and wonders if Lanna is okay. Last time, Lanna was in trouble. But this time, she wants him to bring his fishing gear. He has no idea what to think. But rather than asking himself a hundred questions, he continues on to his job. He then heads over to the beach at noon with his gear.

Just as the letter says, he finds Lanna at the beach sitting on the rock. There is a bit of sadness in her eyes as she stares off into the ocean. Once again, he starts to ask himself the same questions as before. “Is something wrong? Did the deadline pass, and Lanna didn't finish in time? Does she need my help? Will I be able to help her?”

Just talking to himself in his mind is not going to help her. So he slowly approaches Lanna and says, “Hi Lanna. I'm here.”

Lanna then looks over towards Mark. She then smiles and says, “Hi Mark. I'm glad you could make it.”

She then jumps off the rock, and grabs her own fishing rear that lays beside the rock. As she is putting the rod together, Mark says in a surprised tone, “Lanna, you know how to fish?”

“Of course I do dummy. I thought that was obvious when you saw my collection f fishing poles.” said Lanna is a joking manner.

Mark giggles lightly and says, “Sorry. I sort of assumed that you just collected them. I had no idea that you knew how to use them.”

Lanna then sighs and replies, “Honestly Mark. You say that you like me, but you don't know a thing about me. Don't you read a magazine? My profile is on there. Most of my fans know me better than you do!”

“Sorry. . .” answered Mark.

“Aren't you going to fish too?” asked Lanna as soon as she notices that Mark hasn't started assembling his fishing rod.

Mark nods, and pulls out his rod from his rucksack. The rod comes apart so it can fit in his rucksack, so it takes him a bit longer for him to assemble it. Afterwards, he sets up his line, lure, sinker, and bait. Finally, they climb on top of the rock, and casted their lines out to the ocean hoping for a bite.

Things stay quiet for a few minutes. Mark didn't know what to think or say. Lanna asked him to come over to chat, but all she does it sit next to him, and fish quietly. But now that they've started fishing, Lanna appears more cheerful. Since she seems okay, he just sits next to her, and fish quietly.

“I finished my lyrics yesterday.” said Lanna breaking the silence. “Tomorrow, I show my manager my finished work.”

“Oh, congratulations.” answered Mark. “You must be really excited. I guess you won't lose your job after all. You'll make another CD, tour the world, and-”

“Do you want me to leave?!” yelled Lanna in an annoyed tone.

Mark nearly drops his pole out of shock after hearing that. her smile has turned into a frown on only a matter of a split second. “Well, no. . . But. . . I thought that this is what you wanted.” he answered.

Lanna sighs, and looks down sadly. After playing with her feet for a moment she says, “Well, I thought I did. I mean, that's what I came here to do. But I've really learned to like it here. This is kinda like my home now. And there's a lot of things that I still would like to do here. Do I really want to leave it all behind?”

“So does that mean that if you go, you are not going to come back?” asked Mark.

Lanna shakes her head, and responds, “I will come back. But I will be away for about a year, maybe even longer this time. I'm afraid that if I do go, I'll miss something. Or I may lose something important. I really don't know if it's worth going through that again.”

“So then why don't you just stay here?”

“I don't know. . . I guess that it won't be fair to my fans. I mean they are waiting for my next album. I feel that they deserve it after 2 years of waiting. I can't just drop my career after I worked so hard to keep it.”

“I guess that is a tough choice to make. But what made you like this place so much anyway?”

“You really are an idiot, you know that?” snapped Lanna. She then smiles and continues, “But I guess that's just the way you are. Your not that bright, you're gullible, and you don't know when to give up. But you're still a good person.”

“I can't tell if that was a compliment or an insult.” said Mark sheepishly.

Lanna giggled. She then thought for a minute, and says, “You know, It wasn't really my idea to become a pop idol anyway, that sort of came as a surprise. I have other dreams that I want to accomplish someday.”

“Well, what else do you want to do?” asked Mark.

Lanna blushes while looking out towards the ocean and says, “Well, I've always wanted to be a bride.”

Mark nearly drops his rod into the ocean out of shock again. Hearing her say something like that out of the blue left him speechless, it was the last thing he expected her to say. All he can say in response is, “A br. . .Br. . .Bride?”

Lanna nods softly and says, “In a way, that's kind of like every girl's dream. To find a nice guy who they can get along great with, get married, have a little boy or girl. I guess because of my career, I haven't really thought about it too much. I was always busy, or tired, or sad, sometimes mad. But I still would like to do that once I retire from singing.”

“I see. Well, I hope all of your dreams come true someday.”

Lanna then looks over towards Mark without moving her head to the side. She then looks away and asks, “Say Mark, can I ask you something personal?”

“What is it?”

“Why did you cook for me everyday? Is it because I'm a pop idol? Is it because you really like me?”

Mark looks out deep towards the ocean before saying, “It's because I'm grateful to you.”

Lanna then looks at Mark, and asks curiously, “Grateful? What do you mean? I don't remember doing anything that deserves your gratitude.”

Mark smiles sheepishly while scratching the back of his head saying, “It's a really long story. It's kind of embarrassing, so. . .”

Lanna nudges Mark and says, “Come on, tell me! You can't just start there, and keep quiet. I told you my story earlier, I want to hear your whole story too.”

“Well, if you insist then.” said Mark. He then lets out a huge sigh before starting his story, “You see, it all started when I graduated high school. My parents wanted me to go to college so I can become someone with a business suit and tie. But that's not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be free, and find my own purpose in life. So right after Winter, I purchased a ticket to board a ship, and decided to travel on my own. I knew that I would find my calling out there, so I just let fate decide my future.

But fate was not very kind those days. That night, I found myself in a really bad thunderstorm. The ocean waves were rough, the rain was freezing cold, and the thunder roared loud. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

Everyone got out in life boats, but I wasn't so lucky. When the storm hit, I was sleeping in my bed, and I didn't get out in time. I tried to get in a life boat, but the wind was too strong, and the deck was slippery. So instead, I fell off the ship and, nearly drowned to death. Luckily, I survived the storm, and ended up in the shores Sunny Island.

Even though I survived, things were not that easy for me. A family of redheads also ended up in Sunny Island, and we all decided to stay on it. I was chosen to work as a farmer all by myself in an abandoned ranch. An old man taught me how to do the work, but it didn't make anything easier.

Soon enough, we got a merchant who can sell seeds, and the family of redheads became shippers. Several days later, animal merchants settled in the island. I had a lot of work within just a week of landing on the island. The worst part of the job was trying to find some food. Without any food stores, I was reduced to eating some wild grass and herbs, sometimes I could scrape off some seaweed to eat. I got sick a lot, and sometimes went for days without eating.

I wasn't used to the work load, there was nothing to eat except some crops I was lucky enough to grow, and sometimes the weather of the island was not on my side. Summer came around, and I wanted to give up. I thought about going back home, and go to college like my parents wanted. Things were too hard for me to handle alone, and the other villagers were telling me that I wasn't trying hard enough.

All that changed after the carpenter came to live on the island. He was able to clear out a large boulder that blocked the east side of the island. There we found a few abandoned buildings. I was so desperate for something to eat, so I went ahead and raided the abandoned homes hoping for something. Even though the abandoned homes didn't have anything to eat, one of them had an old TV. Even though it was old, it still was in good condition. There wasn't anything fun to do in the island, so I brought the TV home, and tried it out.

The TV worked, but it was a nightmare getting a signal in the island. I played with the rabbit ears for a few hours, slapped the TV hoping to get any working channels. I didn't have anything better to do, so I just keep trying until I got something. That afternoon, I was able to pick up the closest signal. By some stroke of luck, I picked up a concert on TV. It was your concert.

I wasn't a big music fan back in those days, but I still sat down and watched it.

Within minutes, I was quite impressed. Your voice was amazing, your moves were great, and your lyrics were nothing less than incredible. I just sat there in my home watching you in stage, I became an instant fan.

After the concert, you had this interview with the fans. You were overwhelmed with questions and comments, but you answered them all as best as you can. One of the questions someone asked you was, 'Isn't working as a pop idol at such a young age hard for you?'

And you answered, ' It is hard to deal with. The rehearsals, the classes, I hardly have any time for myself. But seeing so many fans who love my music makes everything well worth the effort. I love what I do, and I will continue to work hard at it.'

I'll never forget those words. We were both about the same age, and we are doing jobs that are hard for the both of us. But you stuck with it, and made so many people happy. I, on the other hand, wanted to run away and go back home. So after the interview was over, I decided to try again. Some people are depending on me to do my best, and you inspired me to be strong for them.

Not so long after that, the old man who taught me how to farm found a fishing pole. He gave it to me, hoping I could ship some fish in my free time. Getting used to that fishing pole was hard, but rather than starving to death, I got used to it as quickly as I can. I shipped some fish, and saved some for myself. At night, I light a bonfire, and cooked roasted fish on a stick. I learned to really like fish a lot, which solved my food problem.

After I made some money, I ordered your first album, along with something to play it. When I had nothing better to do, or when I'm fishing, I would play your CD. It really made living in the island enjoyable, and I learned to like my job as a farmer. Little by little, the island started getting popular, and many residents came to live here. Luke opened up his diner, and taught me how to cook all types of food.

About a year later, my farm completely changed. I had a barn and a coop built, and I raised animals. I grew rice in the paddies in the back, and mined in the caves in the Winter. I remodeled my house, and had a brand new kitchen installed. I became quite a talented cook, and made a lot of friends. All this happened because you inspired me to do my best.

I was so grateful to you, that I started to wish that we could meet someday so I could tell you how grateful I am. However, one day while I was cooking a new dish, one of the kids in the island bursted into my house, and told me that a celebrity was moving into the island. I became curious, so I followed him to the beach where a helicopter has landed. Everyone in the island was there, so I became really interested who is coming to live here.

Then you walked out of the helicopter that day. I was so stunned, that I could hardly move. It was you, THE Lanna Songstress who decided to live in Sunny Island to write her next album. Everyone was excited to meet you in person, they just crowded around you, and you just smiled for everyone and greeted yourself warmly.

And that's when I decided that I was going to thank you someday. I found out from a few of your fans that you liked fish and sweets a lot. So I asked Luke to teach me how to make the best fish meal he knows, and used it to try to get to know you. I wanted to go on a single date with you so I can tell you how grateful I am. But after 2 years, I had no success. But I didn't want to give up, so I kept trying.

I guess I never told you earlier when I had the chance because things got in the way. When we ate lunch together in the diner, the date was too short for me to say anything. And the fireworks distracted us at the Fireworks Festival. Then last time we were here, you were too upset, I didn't feel as if it was the perfect time to say it.”

After Mark's story was done, he laughs a bit and continues, “Sorry, I didn't mean to take so long telling my story. What I'm trying to say is, thank you so much for everything. I would most likely be doing something I didn't want to do if I haven't seen you in your concert that day. And I am happy that I had this chance to be friends with you, and tell you how you changed my life.”

“It sounds like destiny to me.” replied Lanna catching Mark's attention. She the looks at Mark with a smile on her face and says, “After all, we sort of inspired each other to do our best. You know. . . I bet I can make a song out of that.”

Lanna then starts writing a new song in her head about destiny. Mark just laughs sheepishly again, and says, “You don't have to come up with a new song. I thought you had enough already?”

“It's fine, after all, there is no harm in writing an extra song or two. I think my Manager would appreciate it anyway.” answered Lanna.

Suddenly, Lanna's fishing line caught a bite. The fish on the other end pulled hard, but Lanna was able to get in control of the rod before it got away. By the way the rod is bending, they both can clearly see that the line has caught a very large fish. Mark drops his rod and runs to Lanna's aid yelling, “Lanna, that fish is huge! Let me reel it in for you!”

“No thanks!” yelled Lanna struggling with the fish. “I never caught a fish this big, but I think I can handle it!”

Mark worries that something might happen. Like Lanna could slip on the rock that they are standing on and get hurt. But he looks into her eyes, and she is determined to reel the fish in on her own. So instead, he just cheers for her, and stays close in case something happens. Lanna may be a famous pop idol singer, but at least she has enough strength and skill to handle the massive fish on the end of the line.

After several minutes of fighting with the fish, it finally grows tired. Lanna is able to reel it in slowly so that it doesn't escape. Little by little, the fish's shadow could be seen. As soon as it gets close to shore, Lanna gives it one last pull, ripping it out of the sea, and into the sandy beach.

Mark and Lanna stand between the fish, and stare in amazement. “Wow, that fish is huge!” yelled Mark. “That has to be the biggest Tuna that I have ever seen. It's way over a meter long, almost two!”

Lanna nods proudly and says, “See, told you I could do it. I may not look it, but I am a pretty good fisher.”

Afterwards, Lanna picks up the tuna, and places it in Mark's arms. “Is this for me?” asked Mark.

“Of course not!” yelled Lanna. “Your going to cook it for me. I'm going to be really busy, so I'm counting on you to make a really tasty lunch tomorrow.”

“Okay.” responded Mark struggling with the fish flailing around in his arms.

As Mark tries to keep the fish under control, Lanna remains quiet for a minute. She then looks down and whispers, “Will you really wait for me?”

“Did you say something?” asked Mark.

Lanna shakes her head no, and says, “Not really. But thanks to you, I got my answer that I needed.”

“So, are you going to stay, or are you going to go?” asked Mark.

Lanna then places a finger on her lips and says, “It's a secret.” And with that, Lanna goes on, and walks back home to be prepared to meet her manager tomorrow. At first, she wasn't sure if she wanted to leave Sunny Island or not. But after hearing Mark's story, and what he had to say to her, she is now sure that she knows which path is the best one. She only hopes that things turn out for the best in the end.

To be continued.

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