Age: Forever 24
Race: Fallen Angel
Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Bio: Tadaaki died while protecting his little sister, Keiko. He'd pushed her out of the way of an oncoming truck, taking the brunt of the impact himself. He died on scene, and watched as his family mourned him, his sister especially, because she felt guilty about his death.
In life, Tadaaki was a reserved, gentlemanly young man, who had aspirations to become a doctor, and was in university as a pre-med student. He loved his sister dearly, and because of her nature, vowed to protect her whatever the cost. This cost, he later found, was his ability to ascend to the heavens and rest peacefully.
Even now he cares his sister, watching out for her, and protecting her from anything that would threaten to hurt her.