Today was a little different than I expected...
I woke up yelled by my mom, since I accedently put the alarm on 6pm instead of 6am. sweatdrop I skipped breakfast too because I was so late. I thought it was the begining of a horrible day, and maybe horrible year.
When I got to school, I had to look to for the gym. I knew exactlly where it was, but I didn't know how to go directly to the gym from the outside. sweatdrop I followed some girl that just came to the school this year. Not my best idea. sweatdrop
Once I got in the gym, obviously late, my name was already called to go to the home room but I didn't know so I waited 10 BORING minutes until the other people left and the kids that didn't know where they were going had to stay behind. I saw my friend, Kiahtay, that also came in late and stuck with her. "I bet they're going to give us a long-a** speech of why we weren't listening when they called us" I said. She laughed agreeing with me. And unfortunatly, I was right. "great. Now I have to start my year with a screaming lady, just because I was late. Very perfect." I kept thinking.
The principle finally shut up and gave me my homeroom. C21. "hmm...isn't that math? But last year my homeroom was in english with my friend, Rachel B........ wow homeroom changes already."
My squeaky shoes were making me nervous, and when I walked by my old homeroom, I saw most of the people in last year's class. Even more nervous. I walked through the door, took one blind glance at everyone and then looked at the teacher. "Your name?" Her voice came out in echoes, something so attractivly unusual was getting my attention, but I struggled not to look like a fool and look for the sorce. I told her my name and sat down next to my other friend. I finally got to look where the feeling came from. It was obvious. One small glance at his shadow was all it took for me to know who it was. I didn't even look at everyone in the class to know that feeling. Hector.
I felt so happy, not the type of happiness I get when you like-like someone, it was the good-you're-okay-I-missed-you happiness. I thought to myself "hello brother, you are looking mighty handsome today" and smiled.
Completely conspicuous my friend Rachel H. whispered "PSSSSST! HEY STEPHANIE! IT'S ME, THE PSYCHO GLITTER BI***!" We had no choice but to laugh our heads off and catch up with each other. Everytime I was talking to her, I had to turn around, and it was VERY hard not to look at Hector, he was about 4 seats next to hers. I concentrated on her but it only worked a few seconds because then I saw Alex. stare
Alex was a type of douche bag you would want to be away from. He was stalking me... eek stressed I tried so hard not to see him but really, HOW CAN I WHEN HE HAS CHUBBY CHEEKS! 4laugh (I call him chubby cheeks xd ). Anyways, as I talked to Rachel, he looked so bored and lonely. I actually wanted to laugh in his face! (I'm not cruel, it's just that he did the STUPIDEST thing in the world and I hate him for it. He reminded my enemy that she and I had a big problem because the she told on me in fourth grade for having a cell phone. I don't hold grudges, but she has picked on me ever since. But now, I want ABSOLUTLY NO PART OF HER AT ALL. But the douche bag went and picked me a fight by reminding her that. Good news: she just ignored it. BUT OMG IDK HOW I LIVED WITHOUT BEATING THE SH** OUT OF THAT BOY.) Now back to the topic. Alex was a sad little douche bag sitting alone with everyone else talking around him. mrgreen It was only a matter of seconds before he sits next to me and my friend and bothers the hell out of us. I was right. He started telling us about the girl I want to kill, Marissa. (obviously to piss me off.) Then I asked him "why do you even care about what she says about people, when she's insulted you too?" And it's completly innocent for a douche bag to respond "cause what she says is interesting?" stare Then after that, he mentioned my enemy, with the whole cell phone problem. (and again, just to piss me off.)
After about an hour of the stupid boy not shutting up, he finally did when he had to go get his agenda fixed or something. My head hurt from how much he was talking! I got a few minutes of peace and closed my eyes to let the headache go away. I whispered something in my thoughts, I wonder if anyone heard it...probably not.
When I pretty much "woke" up, it was time for first period. since today is Wedsday, I have to go to....... surprised gym. stressed WORST DISCOVERY OF MY LIFE IN GYM! It was a little obvious that I had all the classes that the douche bag did, but what was really schocking: Hector was in my gym class. I swear I could hear myself crying and screaming, way deep inside. It wasn't that I'd get too sweaty, it was just that, gym wasn't my strength. So today, the teacher went over every consequence blah blah blah and then he made us play basket ball. I thought "okay I'm good at it." BIG MISTAKE! THERE WERE FLY BALLS EVERYWHERE! Then I would be the stupid girl holding a ball on top of her head because she doesn't want to get hit by one.
OKAY! I survived gym! and now to my homeroom, math (algerbra). How bad could it be? We played the name-game or whatever it's called. Rule: remember who the person is and what they like. I had to remember people I don't know and don't want to know, and things I don't really care about...not what I was good at either. I was trying my best not to forget, but I did. Only 5 people I had to remember and I couldn't even do that! There was a guy that I didn't know his name, when it was right there in HUGE letters on his binder. sweatdrop redface and on top of that, I didn't know what to say about what I liked so I looked at my shirt that said "I gots mad ninja skills!" So I just blurted out "I LIKE NINJAS!" redface The teacher said I have to remember everyone elses' in the end of the game cause I didn't pay attetion apperently. I thought "WTF!? IF I CAN'T DO 5 PEOPLE I CAN'T DO ABOUT 25! I think this teacher hates me." But, luckly the class ended before I had to say anything! mrgreen thank you world! xd
So next I had...Geography? yup, the loudest teacher. I didn't mind my history teacher cause he was cool... and he likes to bother me in a good way...sorta. Only thing bad in geography, I always end up having a B+ as my grade. It's okay, I blame myself because I don't care about the homework and don't do them, so he was on my good teacher list.
After, it was lunch yay! FINALLY FOOD! but I got too excited to remember that the food over there was gross. I took a cheese burger, looked at the meat, took off the meat, and ate bread with cheese and some ketchup and mustard. I was EXTREAMLY hungry. After I ate, I chilled with my old buddy friends, laughed like a person having a seizure sweatdrop blaugh and I got to hug a couple of friends.
Then off to english. Something was up with hector's agenda cause he had some different teacher, oh well, at least I'll relax in English. I saw the blond/young looking teacher. She made us play the name-animal game. rolleyes what a drag. rule: Your name and the name of the animal that has the same letter as you. I was Stephanie the siberian husky. stare BORING. I started day-dreaming. "I wonder what hector would be if he was here... hedgehog... Hector hedgehog." I kept thinking.
Onward! To spanish! surprise, surpise... I didn't have my favorite spanish teacher. He danced to the twist, any teacher that can do that is a great teacher! Anyways, spanish was weird, considering that I was in a room with no windows. &_& &_&
The last thing was science. Just what I needed, a racist teacher. stare We went over stuff fast, school was pretty much over.
I think it could of gone better.
I sat with kiahtay on the bus. We talked, laughing and then it stoped. I saw someone I haven't seen since kindergarden. Christian. He was some boy that used to have a crush on me, then moved because he stayed back. I never thought I'd see him again. I wonder if he reconized me...either way, someone was pulling my hair. it really hurt! but then again what do you expect when you're in a bus you have to fit three to a seat? What a day. ^_^
Day 2. Akward much.
I had health class... Hector's seat is suppose to be in front of mine. -_- didn't see that coming. Maybe I'll get used to being near him now.
In advance algerbra, they made me take notes like crazy, wow it's tougher than I thought...good! I like a challenge! > biggrin
Then it's off to history. In the hall I saw the usual hugs between hector and his gf or who ever she was, but I thought it was sweet. But my moment was ruined when I saw victor in the was so weird, hector was in front of me in oneside going forward, and victor was going the other, but when they both got near each felt so weird. Did this mean sonething? I pushed my thoughts aside and tried to be nice. "hi!" I waved my hand in his face. He was shocked. "...ew." he smiled. "Jerk!" I smiled and kept walking. "just my luck." I kept thinking.
History went smoothly.
Lunch as well.
In English, hector was back he took a seat and class began. The teacher however, decided to do the stupid name game again because hector wasnt there. She asked him to come up with an animal for his letter. Only half a second passed "hedgehog. Hector the hedgehog." SHOCKED AS HELL. My thoughts "he said what I thought of... He didn't even wait two seconds and he said it. And the way he did, from his voice, it reminded me of the picture I drew almost exctly a year ago. It looked like hector in a hedgehog way, and he looks almost exactly how by picture looked like... dark clothes, just like my drawing's skin, and he had a small mohawk, just like what I drew. Hector the hedgehog..." how predictable was that, coming from a guy like him.
I did the usual trying-not-to-stare thing in Spanish... again. >.<
science was boring, learning about significant numbers or something.
And off to the buss. My friend said "hey isn't it weird that hector the hedgehog was like sonic?". I nodded and thought "yeah but the coincidence between him and my drawing was what freaked me out the most.". I was listening to my music, the usual "River Flows In You" by Yurima or something. I looked to the right side of my window, saw him laughing with some other guys and the music became perfect.
What does this mean? Who are you hector?
day 3
Deja Vu
Today Everything was going very slow... and boring. When I entered the auditorium, I saw Victor Dx . I figured it'd be better if I hide behind my back pack, and I did. My friend Rachel B. Asked why I was so spazzy. I answered "look the douche bag is right there!" we both laughed then the teacher gave us the signal to go to homeroom. I told Rachel to hurry up because I didn't want to talk to the douche bag, but she was very slow on purpose. He was getting closer.... "HURRY UP RACHEL DON'T BE A MEANIE!" I got out fast and felt half relieved. My locker happened to be in the courner where everyone walks by in. "no, he can't see me. I am invisible! invisible! invisible!" I kept whispering quietly. I ran into homeroom, sat in the back like always and sat there bored for about 20 minutes. I remembered I brought Twilight just in case, then I started reading. It was the usual boring stuff. Some girl asked which book I was reading, and responded to her with one comment I'm not afraid to say anymore "I think it' boring." She was surprised then walked away. I was getting annoyed by the people bothering me because I said it was boring, I just ignored them and kept reading.
Finally first period! I sped my way through to see one of my favorite teachers. the teacher smiled "Hi, how are you?" I gave the usual "good." and moved to my seat. Hector came in and sat in front, I did a good job in not blushing too much. Class began and I was looking around the room to see if anything insteresting was happening, nothing good, but I found a douche bag staring at me. It was Alex, he was copying the way I was sitting. I moved to one side, hekept doing the same thing. Then I stuck up the middle finger (LMAO) and the teacher almost saw him when he was going to copy me! He finally stopped. Then I realized... Hector and I are sitting almost exactly the same way. My left foot to the side, the right elbow on the desk, the right hand being used to keep my head from falling was pressuring the desk, one foot tapping the floor, my left hand on top of my right arm muscle. He was exctly like that except his left arm was on the bottom part of his right arm muscle. I just remembered, last year I noticed that about him and I and I thought he and I were some how related. Now, I think the exact same thing that happened almost exactly a year ago. It's like when I'm near Hector, my abilities like sensing aura and seeing a little bit of the future, are stronger. I felt like the teacher was going to call on me soon so I tried to pay attention again. Unfortunatly, the teacher used me as an embarrassing one. He was telling the class "What happenes when you have drugs and smoke. let's say Steph is addicted to crack," I heard giggles everywhere, I felt my face exploding, and I saw a big annoying smirk on the teachers face "So she smokes crack, she's a crack head." I wanted to scream, mainly because I knew Alex was going to annoy me about that forever. I got that sad part of my life over with, and got ready to do the next activity. I had to correct someone elses' paper and someone had to correct mine. I was hoping on all of my life, not to have Hector correct mine because I knew I did a VERY crappy job on it. I saw what he corrected, whew it wasn't me. Instead... the paper I got was Hector's. "why do things like these happen to me!?" I read his paper he did very well actually. I remembered last year, around this time, in my english class, my teacher made us switch papers with each other, "Hector and Stephanie, switch" I remember the words from my teacher. As I gave him my paper I saw an akward look from him... like a blushing smile thing. IT CREEPED THE HELL OUT OF ME. So I quickly grabbed his paper and turned back around to my seat panicked at the look. I concentrated on his paper. "wow. Crappiest thing I've every seen." I thought. It was an asignment on weather or not you liked some mouse story the class read and he said he hated it *giggles* and that it could of been better. Barely three sentences "oh man, how am I going to grade him? I don't want him to hate me... but I need to focus on school... I'm going to rergret this." I gave him a poor score told him what he should of done better and decided not to look at his face for the rest of english class. He gave me back my paper, gave me a fair score and told me something I can't quite remember about the words I choose. "I wonder if I still have that paper?" I shook away the memory and focused on now. I couldn't help but smile, writing down a good grade for him "you did very well, described and summerized smoothly. You might want to work on the closing sentence a little more next time." I wanted to add so badly "you did better this year than last in writting when I first met you. I'm proud" but nothing in the world woukd give me enough courage to do that. The class was over, the teacher said to put the papers in the folder he would collect, and that he would give the people back their essays by having them in the correct folder. Somehow, I wasn't convinced.
In algerbra, my hand was hurting like crazy...again. Too many worthless notes that I already know all about. I didn't see why I had to copy them, along with easy practice problems. On top of that, we have homework...and it's a friday. stressed
On my way out the door from algerbra, stalker-douche bag Alex randomly walked up and asked if I liked Bleach. I was going to say yes, but instead I asked why. He said because he wanted to know, I knew I'd regret it, so I just walked away and let the crowd of kids block him from being near me. One kid in the croud was Victor Dx "I keep running into him!" I thought fast "now I can punch him and no one can see me!" I aimed perfectly at him but only got his shoulder because the crowd was pushin me forward! Dx "GOSH DAMAGE!" I screamed in my mind hoping someone would hear it.
In geography, I had to do some dumb scavenger hunt. It really was a slow boring far!
On my way to lunch I ran by Victor... again. I heard his deep voice was talking to some girls. I giggled when I walked by because I just can't get used to him going through puberty, it just makes me die of laughter! rofl
At lunch I had my usual laugh-spazzy moments. We laughed and made fun of youtube videos.
English was haunting me with the whole Hector the hedgehog thing. The teacher made us write stuff that we liked, and whoever got the most as her, would get prizes. I was the only person that was nothing like her... I felt proud about it! I was nothing like the blond girly teacher. Alex said "wow you didn't get anything like her!" I told him to shut up and he said the weirdest thing "it's okay, it's good that you are unique." O_O W.T.F!? He's being nice...WHY IS HE BEING NICE? I walked away, okay, I ran to spanish class.
BORING!! I SWEAR I WAS SO CLOSE TO FALLING ASLEEP! I'm spanish, it's easy for me, I have no interest in participating because I'm great at it. No one can have a 100% to 95% average on spanish like me. I'm staring at the clock and I swear, IT DOESN'T MOVE!
Scinece boring, and didn't feel like doing any work, so i did three problems, skipped the rest.
On my way to the bus I saw Victor lost or something (LMAO) and I just walked by him again and, left to the bus.
In the bus, I was squished three to a seat like always, but my neighbor next to me was a 10th grader that had a crush on me *shudders* but he doesn't remember me... I think. Either way it was good to see him.
Next week day 4
WTF day...
I wore my black rose chain I got a day ago. It was very beautiful, and sparkly. I made my way into the auditorium, I sat behind Rachel B. "hey look behind you." she loudly whispered. I was scared, I felt the unusual feeling of who it was... Some sort of his aura scent made me know. I slowly turned my head, and I saw him staring at me. It was Victor. He was shocked with something about me... he turned his head away and put his hand in front of his head as if I couldn't see him. "ew, it's Victor" I laughed continuing to talk to Rachel.
The principle sent everyone to homeroom everything went smooth... except that I kept beginning to day dream, but I snapped myself out of it most of the times.
Health was simplistic.
Algerbra was hard.
I saw Victor in the hall... and the weirdest thing happened.... he walked by with a smile and I lowered my head... OMFGosh I WAS BLUSHING!? WTF!?
I finished History, and I went back to my locker for lunch. I felt a small tap on my shoulder, it was Victor... leaning on the locker next to me as if he were my... my.... my................... boyfr- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Like the dumba** he is, he asked out loud, "where's Hector?" DX shut my locker and ran to lunch... but he pretty much walked me to lunch (AKWARD) and I got to slap him! ^_^ but he acted like such a f**. >.> -_-
The rest of the day was boring... but lunch seemed to get my happiness going. I told my friends about how my dad called me a little fu**. XD Too bad for Rachel B and my other friend Elizabeth because they were drinking water when I said that! LMAO NEW RECORD! XD
Day 5
The black rose has another day.
In gym I had a hard time running 1/2 a mile under 6 minutes. Hector did it like it was nothing... wow... he's even fast like Hector the Hedgehog should be... as for me, I finished the track in 4:53 minutes compared to his was around 4 minutes even. I was gasping for air like crazy! I was gasping so much I felt like throwing up! >.< I kept coughing like I had astma but the doctors say I don't. Alex finished in like 6:12!!! XD chubby cheeks has to do it over next wedsday! After I ran the track, I had a choice between flag football and just walking around the court... my friend begged ne to play flag football with her, so I did. But apperently, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY! and unfortunatly she's not on my team... instead I get stuck with Hector. -_- I had no idea which way to run, and on top of that, the teacher wants to be nice and let me have a chance of catching the football to score a touchdown. My first attempt at catching the ball, SUCKED, I ended up getting hit with the ball! On my second attempt, the teacher threw me the ball and I caught it and ran to the place to score a point and I GOT A TOUCHDOWN! mrgreen ^_^ WOOOOOOOOO! it took me like 5 minutes to realize I caught a ball...(which is big for me cause I suck at catching!) XD
In algerbra my hand was still wobbly from gym, and the notes get more and more complex everyday!
Yeah I saw Victor... =/ didn't really care.
Almost fell asleep in History.
Had fun at lunch... hehehe the usual, stupid spazzy moments.
Then came english. In class everyone was doing popcorn reading... (you read to the class and pick who wants to go next) at about halfway around the story I started having a daydream/premonition. I was seeing Alex reading aloud then he passed the reading on to tourture me. "Stephanie." said Alex when I came back to earth. My reaction:WTF!? O_O didn't I just see this? oh man i don't know where he left off from! >.< sh** I'll have to stand up if I don't know where he is... I'm losing time to think say something! "Do you know where we are?" the teacher asked. I quickly just looked at a page and started to read but it turns out...the class already passed 3 paragraphs from that one. redface Everyone was laughing. "what an a**." Alex said to get pittiful attention. redface gonk "awww why me?!?! Is it really my fault I had a premonition now!?!?!?" I kept thinking. The teacher left me out of the hook from getting in trouble...but not too well. she asked me what I'll predict in the story... "ummm... the greedy guy will enter the inn?" *Oh crap I just remembered they're already inside! "umm... the greedy guy might get lost into time???" she let me off because that was the tinyest bit reasonable because the story was called The Lost Inn Of Time. redface redface redface redface "why me? why me? why me? .....I'M GONNA BEAT THE s**t OUT OF ALEX!!!" I kept thinking over and over until I got to spanish.
It calmed me down... I read a story about a ducky who wanted to meet the world! ^_^ FINALLY SOMETHING EASY! Good thing I'm spanish! wink
Science was boring... and... boring... and oh was boring. Not much to say... umm Hector sneezed, some kid in the class made a high-pitched sound. *giggles*
The bus was stuffed. and my friends and I had a good time talking about stupid things...but I kept feeling sad deep inside. Like the words "you hate me...don't you?" kept echoing and repeating.
Day 6
Jinxx, I'll let you slip this time.
Health was okay... kinda hard not to stare at Hector's neck, when it's barely a feet away from you. >.<
In the hall to go to algerbra, Alex was really pushing the limit... I was determined to hurt him. twisted
As I got into my room and put my stuff on the seat quickly. No one else was there except for Hector, Alex and I. I saw Alex with that a stupid smile the "nananana" type. That's when I lost it. I grabbed my pen and when he turned so that his back was facing me, I lifted my pen as if it were a knife and pressed down hard! twisted I felt like I could of done it even harder, but then I started feeling bad and backed off. Sad vs. Angry. He screamed, like a little girl! twisted I took the pen and enjoyed his pain one last time twisted I pressed down, slightly softer. I knew no one else could of possibly seen me...except maybe for Hector, but he'd do the same thing if someone drove him crazy that was something I was sure of. Alex kept whinning "owww that hurt! " he was hurt enough to make him have tears in his eyes. sad twisted sad twisted I kept frowning for about five minutes then I let loose again. OMG! YAY NO ALGERBRA TEACHER SO NO HOMEWORK! EEEEEEPPPPP! ^_^ but instead I had to do a stupid worksheet of stuff I haven't learned. -_-
Later that day, Alex had the guts to come up to my face and say "wow... you stab hard! >.<"
spanish... I learned a new word: Otorinolaringologo! Oh and I tried really hard not to stare at Hector but I did... sweatdrop he looked so... different compared to everyone else. His hair up making a small mowhawk
science: Alex was stalking me from his little faggy mirror he has, once again. He has no life. -_-
Day 7
Emma Rose
My daily dose of having my health teacher bother me was even more akward, due to the fact that he was dancing for no reason. O_o
And when I was at lunch today, I saw someone's name written in the school... Emma Rose. "emma rose is real."
Day 8
Today I was a little bit on the off side in general...
on my way to health I saw Hector in the hall with his gf (still not sure) and I saw them kiss (I'm not sure if it was on the lips because I turned my head because I was being bothered by alex -_- I actually felt happy to see him hector happy. ^_^
health was weird cause I was staring at hector's neck O_o
My daily dose of having my health teacher bother me was even more akward, due to the fact that he was dancing for no reason. O_o
And when I was at lunch today, I saw someone's name written in the school... Emma Rose. "emma rose is real."
Day 9 9/14
Today I was a little bit on the off side in general...
on my way to health I saw Hector in the hall with his gf (still not sure) and I saw them kiss (I'm not sure if it was on the lips because I turned my head because I was being bothered by alex -_- I actually felt happy to see him hector happy. ^_^
health was weird cause I was staring at hector's neck O_o
On my way to algerbra, Alex told me he was going to ask my friend, Cynthia, out. I tried really hard to convince him not to, but just like the douche bag he is, there was no stopping him. The reason I wanted him not to, was because... SHE HATES HIM. But I promised her I wouldn't tell Alex she hates him, and I promised Alex I wouldn't tell her that he was gonna ask her out. No way I can stop this. Then Alex got the stupid idea of me being jealous of him because I wanted him not to ask her out, honestly I felt bad for him because he'd be rejected and I'll say "told ya so", either way I'll just act natural...
I was a bit late for lunch, all of my friends were already at the table so I excitedly asked "did it happen yet!?" My friends looked at me weird and asked what that was about. I thought fast "oh... nothing!" I looked back at the table Alex sits in. He made the "come over here" look. I shook my head and worded out "no, what would everyone else think?" but I guess he didn't understand me because he walked up to my table. O_O He whispered what he was going to do, then everyone else in the lower side of the cafeteria turned around and saw Alex looking like he was asking me out! BLECH BLAH EW! Then a girl pointed and screamed "ewww! He's asking her out!" Then I yelled "saying wait! it's not what you think!" stare but that only makes it sound more suspicious. i whispered "ask her now, she's right there." So he did and I waited for him to crash and burn. twisted Cynthia over-reacted and screamed "no!" then he walked away. I WAS TRYING SO HARD NOT TO LAUGH AT HIM BUT I COULDN'T RESIST! Alex was pissed, and cynthia was freaking out, and my friends and I were laughing OD hard! XD
The rest of the day was pretty simplistic. Good things like karma affecting Alex happened. Alex had to stand up for about 30 minutes because he didn't know where everyone was reading when they called on him. "Haha, who is the a**hole now!?" I said. No regrets. I was happy for karma existing.
btw got my scedual moved.
all the dates in between will be added eventually >.<
9/30/09 okaaaaayyyyyyy.
Today I at the auditorium, Victor was waiting for me... as usual. He was just sitting there wearing red, with hair gel (WHICH I AM NOT USED TO), and he had one of those DEATH stares. O_O "whoa.... what the fu** happened." I wasn't sure of which was the main reason I was scared of him. It was either A: he was creepy/goth or B: he was reall handsome looking! O_O AKWARD! *blushes* he does look pretty good with that scary look. omg...IT REMINDS ME OF HECTOR! heart He just staring at me with that look. So beautiful... eyes full of pain and sorrow... so perfect... Hector's were different though, I couldn't be fooled. Hector's aura and his, are different.... but still something is similar. I came back to reality "umm O_O i wasn't staring at you! Why are you dressed up like that!? Why do you look so h-" omg I am glad he cut me off to say "nah, I'm just kidding! ^_^" so close he might of asked what I was about to say. We started talking and like usual, I'd end up searching for Hector while he was talking heart and like usual, I'd find him. hehe, his blood and aura aren't hard to find at all ^_^ "wtf? stop staring at Hector again!" he would always put his hand in front of my eyes to keep me from looking. I never thought of asking him why he covers my eyes from Hector...... but he'd probably say "You just want to drink his blood" and I'd say "no." and he'd say "whatever, I know you want to." ...gosh how clueless can he be? We talked some more,and laughed... at the same time, and said the same time. >.< I'm starting to hate emotions.
the principle told everyone to go to homeroom... *sigh* couldn't i have two more minutes staring? v.v but then... by the lockers, I felt the dark attractive aura. *sigh* it's Hector. ~v~ o.o I should just walk away before he sees me stalking him or something.
at 1st period, I had to play lacross. I was actually good at it biggrin except for the throwing part.hehe XD and we didn't play inside, it was outside. Hector looked at me funny with my white sweater on... Anyways, I loved lacross, it was like I had a sword in my hand ^_^ i kept trying not to hit anyone though...especially Alex. The only thing troubling me was me being against... Hector. It was one hardcore battle. When we both were the closest to the ball, we'd run and battle for it. >;D Whenever I picked up the ball he'd knock it out, and then I'd do the same to him, untill i found a new stratagie: roll it to the teammates! but it didn't work out too well. One time, I was in the "GIMMIE THE BALL OR ELSE" mood, and when I went for the ball he was on my right side (where the ball was heading) and when I tried to scoop it up he was right there and it was a slow motion moment. The ball in the cross stick and I'm lifting it just as he's heading towards the stick. "NO NOT HIS PRETTY FACE! PLEASE NOT HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE!" I screamed inside. I quickly reflexed to the left so the stick headed to the left. And he was still runing but he turned a half mili second too late. The stick probably skined the tip of his nose. I was gasping inside like I was watching some movie! things began to feel fast motioned now. He turned to right where I couldn't see his face and I could only hear "agh!" I was scared "oh no... did I hurt him? ...but I would of felt it if I did... OMG I NEED TO KNOW IF HE'S OKAY!" I stared for two long seconds, then got my mind back and left him alone and tried to score. "he's strong... he'll live." Then we were in sudden death this time. He was going to score a goal and I tried to block him cause i knew the goaly sucked at this, and I knew I could of stopped him but I was 1 scared he could hit me (even though i have fast reflexes when it feels like I have a sword in my hand) and 2 I didn't want to accidently hurt him, so I just gave in. It was like the for almost the whole game... we both were in war heart It reminded me of the other week where I thanked him for holding the door for me. Some part of me had a flash back of when I almost sliced Anthony's neck with my nails...or knife... not sure, but Anthony dodged... just like Hector and little damage was made with both of them.
"Oh Hector, how I wish you'd call my sis." day dreaming in english.
"Gosh what a whore." I giggled and day dreamed in math. Not a good idea cause I was doing a test XD
on my way to lunch, I saw Victor as usual. And he stood by my locker... as usual. And he walked me to lunch (not so far) as usual. And some kids were staring at us together... as usual. Everyone has bothered us about "are you two bf and gf?" it's getting annoying, but our responses dont change "no. we're friends". I have been thinking about seeing his blood driping... and he has wanted me to give him some of my blood... but we always try to avoid that thought near each other. It was dangerous to tell him that my neck hurt yesterday... I said bye to him, and gave him a small on unusual scratch on the back. When I contined to lunch, big head Nathen was near me. He turned around and saw me smiling (he cant walk right! LOL) and he spazzed out "OH MY GOD!" he triped and almost hit him self with the door. I laughed so hard "haha am I really that scary?" "YOUR SMILE IS CREEPY! YOU ARE ALWAYS THERE!" we both laughed. Which was akward cause we hate each other. hehe maybe he changed.
Everything from there was boring... well... too usual.
However, at the end of the day at the lockers, I took my bag and jacket in a hurry. As I tried to get out of the crowd a girl was putting on her sweater the way that takes up space and blinds you from every thing, and I only saw the sleeve of the sweater, blocking everything higher than that. Everything began to be in fast motion. As I tried to push my way out, through the sleeve, on the other side I felt something weird and I kept pushing. A quick reaction "it's Hector!" I stopped pushing and felt his sweet aura and closed my eyes. Everything slowed down. I opened my eyes, everything was back to reality. I wonder how long I stood there... So I began to slip my way through instead of push. As I got to the half clear, Hector stood right in front of me. I wasn't sure if the sleeve or something else kept me from staring at his eyes and stopping again, but I didn't see him. Instead, since everything was going so fast, I ended up being LESS THAN A FEET AWAY FROM HIM... AND HIS LIPS! O_O
I don't think he saw my reaction, but I put my hand infront of me mouth just incase someone pushes me towards him and regrets happen. o_O And out of no where I heard a voice I've never heard before say "excuse me." and I'm POSITIVE only he and I heard it. O_O GOSH I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS THAT CLOSE! ...although... an accidental hug would of been nice... heart
Imma cherish that forever! ...or until it haunts me ^_^
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where my all my posibilities are on a page
this "journal" is a place where i say things that can and can't have reasons. btw try not to compare me with anything in comments.
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~* darkness creeps inside of you until it consumes you...
light brings out the heart in you...
too much light and your heart gets brought out to the dark...
too much dark and you won't exist until the light gives you a shadow once again...*~
light brings out the heart in you...
too much light and your heart gets brought out to the dark...
too much dark and you won't exist until the light gives you a shadow once again...*~
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