Mrs.Chandler spikes her coffee, I SWEAR!! I SMELT IT AN EBERYTHANG.
Though whenever I try to prove it people give me a weird look and walk away run away. heart
TEEHEE, In Math class there's a kid named Ben. I HATE HIM!
He was like "Hey, [ENTERNAMEHERE] I beat you here! HA!" stare
Dosen't matter, I got to ninja kick the air next to his fat head. 4laugh
P.S. This journal b secrt! an clasifedddd! dun tell any1 mah dep dark scrts, tho thiss b public I TRUST YOOOO!
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Annoying words flying out of my mouth.
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S.O.S. she's in disguise
S.O.S. she's in disguise....

....There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out.
S.O.S. she's in disguise....

....There's a she wolf in disguise
Coming out, coming out, coming out.