Rin is a character in multiple universes.
In his native universe (The World Above):
References: Header, [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Name: Rin (no last name)
Age: 505 (appears 20)
Occupation: Vagrant
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Orange
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 6'1"
Body type: Muscular
Notable characteristics: Has an affinity for Light magic, but it fails him if he gets depressed.
Usual mode of dress: His outfit is SET! Use the refs (particularly the avi edit)!!! The sash is the most important part. It is not a scarf. @_@
Personality: Rin comes across as very agreeable and carefree, and a bit of an idiot. He has a dark, depressed side, but he seldom acknowledges it because his Light magic would fail him if he did.
Background: Rin is a denizen of the World Above (essentially a purgatory, where everyone lives backwards until their reincarnation/2nd chance) who cannot pass on. He is cursed to live for 25 years, die on his 25th birthday and be reincarnated after 25 years to live and die again. He falls in love once every life, and does not remember his past while living (but he does during the rest of the time).
During the part of the story where he is described above, he is currently waiting for his next reincarnation.
He spends his time constantly doing outrageous things to distract himself from his fate. He practices Light magic in the World Above, his favorite spell being to weave himself a magic carpet out of light and float around. Overall, his distractions succeed and he generally has a lot of fun before his 25 year mark approaches.
Other stuff about Rin:
- Likes alcohol. But he doesn't drink to forget... probably.
- He also practices darkness magic because it's necessary to weave his carpet. But he doesn't know much because he doesn't enjoy the thought of it.
- Has a crush on Cala (profile not written yet)
As a genie:
References: See above, but add a leopard tail.
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Name: Rin (no last name)
Age: 505 (appears 20)
Occupation: Genie
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Orange
Skin: Caucasian
Height: Whatever he wants. (Usually at least 7ft lol he is rather theatrical)
Body type: Whatever he wants (usually muscular).
Notable characteristics: He's a genie who grants three wishes to whoever can find the item he's disguised as. But he's really only somewhat of a genie in training...
Usual mode of dress: His outfit is SET! Use the refs!!! The sash is the most important part. It is not a scarf. @_@
Personality: Very energetic, wild, and theatrical.
Background: Rin is a young genie-in-training who is assigned to grant wishes on Earth as part of his training. He's not very good at summoning items; his specialty is levitation.
He ends up being found (as a box of matches with 3 matches in it) by a Vegas blackjack dealer known as "#1". Rin takes an instant liking to annoying him and now #1 cannot help but accidentally find Rin again whenever he uses up his wishes to try avoiding Rin's presence.
Other stuff about Rin:
- Likes alcohol. He's amused at how impressed humans are at his ability to drink like a bottomless pit. XD
- Partial to shapes that have something to do with fire, the desert, sand, etc...
- Has a love/hate relationship with his master, #1.
In the steampunk universe:
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Name: Rin (no last name)
Age: 20
Occupation: Air pirate (boarding crew member)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Orange
Skin: Caucasian
Height: 6'1"
Body type: Muscular
Notable characteristics: Likes to run and jump around. He is not on particularly good terms with a lot of the rest of his crew.
Usual mode of dress: His outfit is SET! Use the ref!!! The sash is the most important part.
Personality: Very energetic, wild, and theatrical.
Other stuff about Rin:
- Likes alcohol. Yeah, he's the drunken pirate.
- Likes taunting people who are easily angered.
- HATES Ping Yin (steampunk version)
- Admires Nada Nara (she is a good foil for his energy)