It's dark in the club and the music is pumping loudly in the speakers as he walks through, weaving his way past bodies dancing and grinding into each other. It's so dark hardly anyone could see jack s**t and his shades didn't make things
any better. Not to mention the horrid reeking odor of sex, drugs, and alcohol seems to permeate from the very walls and fibers of the carpet. It made his nose crinkle with disgust.
He briefly wonders what the heck he's doing in a place like this that reeks of everything he's been trying to stay away from and then some before he spots who he's looking for in the first place.
But one glimpse at the person he's been looking for reminds him why he's here in the first place, because he needs to get his fix, and fast. With a wad of cash in hand, he walks toward his dealer, in the usual spot in the back of the club in
the shaddiest corner possible.
He's been trying to stay away from this s**t but he's ******** hooked, addicted. It's hard to come off of the stuff once you've done it a number of times.
"Well well, if it isn't the little b*****d. Come back for more eh? Knew you wouldn't last." his dealer scoffs smuggly, smirking in mirth at having won his bet.
"******** off, Bae," he growls out irratably, "Just give me my fix and I'll be outta here in a heartbeat." he continues with a scowl marring his features.
And I won't have to see your fugly face anymore, either. He thinks bitterly as he hands Youngbae the wad of cash.
"Sheesh. Irritable lately, now aren't we?" Youngbae rolls his eyes as he descretly pulls out the cocaine and low dose of crystal meth from his pocket, handing it as inconspicuously as possible to Seunghyun. It was dry, powdered, since
he doesn't do needles. They just don't appeal to him, he's basically a cowardly b***h afraid of needles. Not to mention mainlining was just way too unsanitary. He just doesn't like them. He thinks he could do just fine by snorting, it gives
him the same high.
He pockets the s**t and is quick to high tail it outta there, making sure to not crash into anyone on his way out. He calls this stuff he's pitifully addicted to s**t because lord knows it isn't any good for your body, even if it is the best damn
quality he's ever had the chance to lay his hands upon. But with his itching urge to get high right that instant knaws at him, prompting him to just get shitting high right then and there. Biting his lip in thought, he decides, what the hell.
Screw it, he might as well just get high here. He really hopes that he doesn't get busted tonight, he's gone long enough without the addicting s**t and it's driving him mad, each passing second driving him up the wall of irritableness.
"Uuugh." he growls to himself as he decides to turn around and makes a beeline for the bathroom anyways, having to makes his way past the clumped, sweating bodies with difficulty.
He's nowhere near the bathroom and somehow the blood in his veins seems to pulse louder the longer it takes him to get there.
With lots of pushing, shoving, and plenty of inappropriate touching to spare, Seunghyun can barely make out the sight of the restroom, not the door itself-but the general vicinity of it. It's surprising how big this club is despite the mass of people all around. Right before he can take another step; however, he is sent crashing into someone with blond hair and he's sent staggering, nearly pulling the stranger down with him.
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Anywhere you are, that's where I'll call home.

|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~
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|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~