"Eh, just bored to tell you the truth" Elijah said as his pencil stuck out from the corner of his mouth. He was sitting at a small table in an equally small coffee shop in the early morning hours. "I have a hard time sleeping at night and I'll sometimes wander into one this place, have a cup of coffee and just stare at people." he said with a slight shrug of his wide shoulders. He was talking to a much younger woman, he guessed that she was in her mid 20's as supposed to his late 50's, though his appearance would never betray his age. "I'm sorry dear, I never quite caught your name." he said realizing this after a moment.
"Well I never gave my name good sir." she said as she sipped on the cup of coffee held between her long delicate fingers. She looked at him through ice blue eyes and smile parted her full red lips. "My name is Edith and pray tell good sir what is yours" she asked with a slight giggle in her voice. Elijah wasn't sure if she was mocking the way in which he spoke or if it was merely the way she spoke, it was hard to tell in this day and age, so Elijah decided that she wasn't trying to make fun of him, well at least till she proved him otherwise. "My name is Elijah it's a pleasure to meet you Edith." he said with a slight bow of his head, removing the pencil from his mouth and slipping between two of his fingers. "Now you know my story dear, what's yours?" he said with a sly smile on his face.
Edith said nothing for a short while and pressed her red lips together in a mock state of annoyance, as she did so Elijah could not help but think if only I was a few years younger and she was a few years older though his profession had blessed him with certain physical attributes Elijah still found it hard to look past the number of years., he was old fashion like that he supposed. Almost as soon as Elijah had finished thinking the thought she let out a giggle, as though he had spoken the words aloud. Elijah shook his head, that just wasn't possible not with him anyway.
"Well, I come here to meet interesting people like yourself. I'm not much of a sleeper myself and prefer a good conversation over a good nap." she said as he ran her fingers through her short dark drown hair. Elijah could not help but c**k an eyebrow, if he didn't know any better he could have sworn that the woman was flirting with him, but that wasn't right, was it?
Elijah shook his head once more he had to those stupid thoughts out of his head an concentrate on the business at hand, it was not a good thin to loose one head in any situation. He smiled once more at Edith and leaned closer to her, "So my dear Edith what's your story?" he asked as he sipped at the now luke warm liquid that was in his cup, it wasn't coffee just hot chocolate, Elijah found that caffeine have made him twitchy and he was never a huge fan of twitchy, well not since that fire a few years back anyway.
Edith smiled, not of surprise or anything so mundane as that, it looked as though she had expected the question. To Elijah it looked as though she had been waiting for him to ask it. Elijah rubbed at his tired eyes again, he needed a vacation maybe he would request one when he got back into the office later that day. "Well, I'm not too found of my own story, a little too drab for my tastes, how about I give you a story instead." Elijah had to admit that she had answered his question in a most interesting manner, so he nodded his approved and sat back to listen to the story that Edith told him:
"Before I start the story proper let me explain a little something" Edith began her finger intertwined in each other, giving her an almost evil look as she sat at the other side of the table. "This story isn't a happy one, though it isn't a sad one either, it's a merely a story like any other." she added tapping one finger on the table. "It takes place in world much like our own, a parrallel universe if you will. Where everything is almost the same expect for a few minor differences. For example in that world magic is real and common place." Edith spoke her voice taking on that ethereal quality that only a storyteller could take, Elijah found himself getting lost in her words.
"I have to admit miss, that I never pegged you as a lady of fantasy." he said interrupting her story for a moment. She only smiled at the comment that he had made. "I'm more of a fantasy fan that you think." She said as she tapped the side of her nose. 'Now let's get back to the story." she said and her voice once more took on that ethereal quality as she went back to her storytelling. "Now, as with great worlds of magic, this one was a fuedol world, filled with kings and queens, knights and damsels." she said as he hands wove around as though trying to conjure the world into reality with the wave of her hands and fingers.
"But our doesn't revolve around a knight, or a fair damsel or even a wise old wizard, no this story is about a man called Reimel, Reimel you see was a farmer his farm located miles north of a small village far out of the gaze of kings and questing knights and even fearsome dragons." Her eyes took on an almost glassy look as she spoke, as though she were picturing the man which she spoke of fondly.
"Reimel was a small man, only half a head taller then most of the women in the neighborring village, with a mop of dirty red hair on his head and the deepest emerald eyes you have ever seen. His face was pale and freckled and he was missing one of his front teeth." she added a faint smile on her features. Elijah could not help but snort at her discription. 'If he is to be the hero of our tale, he is strangely ugly for the part. Aren't the main character's in this tales supposed to be overly beautiful." he asked as he took another sip of his coffee.
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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
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[b:6614f34a3c]The waves of probability are slowly collapsing around me...... [/align:6614f34a3c][/b:6614f34a3c][/color:6614f34a3c]