♥ I am theThe most cutiest and michevious devoted Costumer known as Mika Soni Okita Yamato
♥ Age is just a number. If you really must know I'm 15 thank you!
♥ Haters can suck my d**k. I'm Homo-sexual, SO WHAT?!
♥ This is how I am, love me or hate me.
Yes I know I'm cute and you can't resist me! People say I'm spoild and am like...a total girl boy, and it's true! I can't help it if I act like a boy lolita, I just am. Get use to it. Anyways, I am easily envious and ehh...somewhat stubborn too, being cute and nice to people is too easy for me, after all I am such a cutie huh?! And hey just because I sound back doesn't man I don't have a heart! I can be sweet and kind to people if I wanted to, oh wait I'm ALWAYS am sweet and kind He-he~!
♥ The day I came out of my mother's vajayjay. Was none other than April fools day!
♥ As I always say.
"I'm just a filled with sweets and treats,
come with me! Come with me I say!
I'll show you sweet dreams made with candy,
Play with me! Play with me I say!
I'll give you pleasure that will melt your face,
My name is Mika and I approve of this quote!!
♥ I jam to this song everyday.
Best Friend By: Toy Box!
♥ Check me out.
♥ I figured more pictures of me would turn you on.
I'm lookin smart aren't I?
Did I mention I cosplay?!
♥ This is my sex-tastic story.
♥ I enjoy this alot. [Likes]
♥ I hate this alot. [Dislikes]
♥ This makes me s**t bricks. [Fears]
♥ I'll tell you my dirty lil' secrets. [Secrets]