"I make this sacrifice for the greater good"
His words thick with an Italian accent as they echoed through the blood stained cathedral almost carried his victims' spirit away as he closed the mans eyes and laid him to rest. The young florentine nobleman- turned assassin- had finished off another of his targets, the list his father left for him now slightly shorter. Though Ezio feared it was a cycle that may never end as the blood that ran through his veins had spilled over many battle fields, assassins killing templars and so on for centuries and centuries to come.
"There he is, assassin! Stop him!"
Ezio's thoughts where interrupted as an arrow whirred past his shoulder he turned.
"Come now, can't we all just get along"
He smirked hiding his eyes from the men running towards him as he held out his arms, being daring he couldn't help but tease them every once in a while.
"Kill him!"
Ezio chuckled and reach into his back pocket as he began to close the gap between them,
"Not today men!"
He slammed a smoke bomb down into the cold stones as the guards coughed and wheezed struggling amongst themselves Ezio lifted himself up the wall and out a small window Making his escape with ease.
He strolled slowly along the rooftops keeping himself off of the streets below for a while as a few dozen guards rushed about trying to find him. Ezio knew full well that there would be many guards ont he rooftops as he was cautious not ta catch their attention.
((Please understand Ezio is a seducer. If there is something I type that you do not like then say so in OOC before anything is done to offend. Please no one liners and be creative, stalk him, catch his eye or help him by being a distraction later. Female or male replies. Literacy is pleasurable but as long as it can be read I won't be too fussy. PM's welcome also.))