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this is a HEADER OF DOOM
another after work morning journal entry thing!?!?
itso hard to come home after working 8 hours and get in bed fall asleep.

i may start one of these EVERYyYyYyYyY MOOOOOOOOOOOORNING!???
haha yes no maby sooooo whoo knows possibly???

yeah idk so dinner friday has been moved to 730 since someone has to work till then cuz there a poohead. razz oh well

ummm still no minutes i are is am SO poor. stupid money.
MADE 10 bucks bonus tonight, woot woot?? lame HA stupid bonus stupid dummb stupid head grrrrr. ******** scot called off cuz hes a stupid ******** stoner so we were a man short on our line c**k a a** s**t ********.
so we pretty much had to bust our a**'s all night to make up for bein a man short! ******** pothead aass ******** b***h s**t ********.
ON ANOTHEr FUN note never ate anything before work and i thought iwas gonna pass out so first break i pretty much devoured my lunch and chugged a 20oz dew lol then ifelt like throwing up, yeah all my lunch and a 20oz dew in less then 10 minutes..... so then for lunch and 3rd break i didnt have anything really LAME!
ha im dumb for sleeping literally all day and then getting out of bed at like 930pm and not eating anything lol im dumb

um... made fun of black friend pretty much all night, which is funn cuz he makes fun of me right back for bein white.

ummmmmmmm i hate hairnets. and gloves. and small boxes with large bottles.! lame! ******** them boxes. ******** them bottles.

still have candy ina giant a** bowl.

pretty sure my brother has been coming into my house while im at work and eating my dam food no joke. i noticed some bread and lunch meat were missing from my fridge.... food doesnt just randomly disapear dammit.

ummm dark blue paint possibly for bike tank paint? like a metallic dark blue?? havnt decided possibly that, ide like to see what i could find.

ummmm i think thats all mind blank now??? yes.... or no... orrr maby?? ha dumb, mk enough! thinkkkkk anything else.... ummmm

gots some more vhs from library cuz vhs is way better then dvd.

O should prolly do laundry before friday so i got some clean clothes to wear out to dinner... and um virus scan somtime this week.

still need plywood and tools... but still poor... aghh 2 week shutdown in december is gonna suck DICKSKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSS assholes

ummmmmm need a haircut? its starten to get longer and looks like s**t. buzz maby or real short idk. w/e hair

milky waaaay

um blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa doop doop dooo niagra fallssss, what up there up where idk what im talking about laaaaa
just typing first thing that comes to mind stop that why cuz i said so duhhhh haha you silly silly mortal oh yeah shutup hey what that OMG CANDY WrAPPER

lame right i know i know thiS WAZZZAP

OMG SO LONG I JUST KEEP GOING, this could be good putting all thoughts on here so when i go sleep sleep off to snore land mind be all like woo hoo blank blank blanky doo wizzle dizle and i go sleep better like BAM lights out haha silly....

its working mind blank- harder to type- nothing to type- yay- win-
goose- eat chicken- ********! - stop thinking u stupid brain!-
it used to be so ******** easy to fall asleep dammit. maby its cuz i have access to computer internets in my room now so im all like ooo shiny play and i dont sleep, i dont wonna sleep but i do.i liked before. waking up going to work, coming home relaxing or doing stuff. i liked before. was better... i miss things. sad...sad now great... dumb.thinking.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Nov 05, 2009 @ 12:44am
you still missing your pocket?

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