me and Neko as a children at 8 years old Neko (short hair) Suki (long hair)
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="Me(Misuzu) and my twin sister, Maiyu Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
both of us at 16 we dyed our hair ok &.&" Suki (left) Neko (right) Neko grew her hair =D and we got contacts cuz we're blind xD -shot 324238 times-
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="Twin Anime School Girls Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
this is my guy he's sexy xD -shot-
&a href="" target="_blank"&<img src="" border="0" alt="anime guy Pictures, Images and Photos"/>&/a&
Neko's guy he's sexy to -shot 5 times-