Aviart1 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart2 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart3 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart4 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart5 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart6 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart7 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart8 Made by KatGoddess2
~O to friends~
Friends are the people you can turn to when your life sucks,
They will stay by your side even if your wrong.
They will make you laugh when your sad,
And make you happy when your mad.
They will point out that your fashion sense is so last year,
But totaly you in every way.
You'll always get into the sillest of arguments,
Only to make up five minutes later.
They will help you to remember the end to a funny joke,
Even if its not as funny as you thought it was.
They will help you with your home work,
Even if they dont get it themselves.
They will follow you around and joke with you,
Even if you want to be by yourself.
They are so awesome that you are now finding it hard to write this.
And yet you cant stop,
Because you think you forgot some thing important.
So now your spending half an hour to look this over,
For mistakes that aren't there.
And now your friends are dragging your a** off the computer,
Saying how much of a nerd you are.
And yet they will log onto this,
And create one about you.
Because that is what true Friends are.
Aviart2 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart3 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart4 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart5 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart6 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart7 made by KatGoddess2
Aviart8 Made by KatGoddess2
~O to friends~
Friends are the people you can turn to when your life sucks,
They will stay by your side even if your wrong.
They will make you laugh when your sad,
And make you happy when your mad.
They will point out that your fashion sense is so last year,
But totaly you in every way.
You'll always get into the sillest of arguments,
Only to make up five minutes later.
They will help you to remember the end to a funny joke,
Even if its not as funny as you thought it was.
They will help you with your home work,
Even if they dont get it themselves.
They will follow you around and joke with you,
Even if you want to be by yourself.
They are so awesome that you are now finding it hard to write this.
And yet you cant stop,
Because you think you forgot some thing important.
So now your spending half an hour to look this over,
For mistakes that aren't there.
And now your friends are dragging your a** off the computer,
Saying how much of a nerd you are.
And yet they will log onto this,
And create one about you.
Because that is what true Friends are.


Mizuki Manami

- Nickname: Mizuki, Mizuki-san, it doesn't really matter.
Title: None As Of Yet
Age: Same age Orihime is.
Sex: Female
Height: Same as Orihime
Weight: Same as Orihime
Hair Color/Style: White/silver/long
Eye Color: yellow with black Iris's, doesn't seem to carry the black instead of whites for her eyes.
Build: girlish with a chest as big as Orihime's.
Personality: Kind and Caring, and she can be random and childish at times. But if you try to hurt her friends she can get pretty angry and protective.
Likes: Sweets, mostly all foods, freshly baked bread, reading a good book, sleeping, and Gaa Pandora.
Dislikes: Any one crying or sad for any reason, sour foods, spicy foods, loud noises, being without Gaa Pandora, and people comparing her with Orihime.
Zanpakuto Spirit:

A Young girl with white hair and two fans, she wears a Kimono and her name is Chiyutacchi. Chiyutacchi is stern and hates people who slack off, but under all of her coldness she is very caring and nice, but only towards Mizuki.
Zanpakuto Pre-Release: A Katana, with no hand gaurd, just a sleak black handle.(picture coming soon!)
Zanpakuto Shikai: A katana-type fan, folded up its a normal katana, But un-folded its a fan made up of blades, when she swings it down wards slices of wind shoot at the target, they are very sharp.(Picture coming soon!)
Zanpakuto Bankai: She hasn't achieved it yet
Mask Description: (Coming soon)
Accessories: An oval shaped golden locket with Gaa and Orihime's picture in it, their the only two people that Mizuki could call her family. Two shun shun Rikka clips, only difference is that their red instead of blue.
Skills: She can heal almost any injury just like Orihime, She can do paper work in a very short amount of time, she is a good cook, and she can make shields and attack using her own Shun Shun Rikka.
Theme Song: (coming soon)
History: Mizuki Is Orihime inoue's Hollow, Mizuki has always been with Orihime. When Orihime was sad, Mizuki would cheer her up and they would talk about everything they could. When Mizuki woke up one night she found herself bandaged up and apart from Orihime. Only when she talked to Orihime about it did she find out that Orihime doesn't remember Anything about her. Now Mizuki stays in Hecho Mundo, not because she has to, but because thats where the person who saved her life is, Gaa Pandora fixed her up after he found her with torso wounds soon after his arival in Huecho Mundo. Mizuki's last name used to be Orihime's last name till Mizuki changed it, not wanting Orihime to find out about her true idenity.
Other: Mizuki is Orihime's hollow, that means that she has her own version of Shun Shun Rikka, which she uses to heal and to block attacks. She can fight using her Zanpakuto, but she isn't good at it, normally she trips over her own feet.
Gaia name: Mizuki-Manami
Name: Akina White
Age: 16
gender: Female
Race: Human
Weapon: AutoMail, and Alchemy
Height: 5'2...maybe 5'4
Bio: Akina lived a very normal life, She had a little brother named William. William was a very adventerous child, and by the time he was seven he was running around and climbing trees. One chilly winter day William climbed a large tree over looking an ice cold river. Akina was nine at the time, and she was the kind of kid who would think things over before doing them. But when she saw her younger brother in the tree over looking the river she freaked out and yelled at him to get down. William was standing on a branch above the water at the time, and was spooked by his sisters yell. William then sliped and fell out of the tree and into the river.
William didn't die when he hit the water. Actually Akina saved him from drowning, but later William caught hyperthermia. William lasted for three days until he died from it, and Akina was devistated. Sadly Akina's parents were just as devistated, so devistated that they rurned to Alchemy for a way to bring their son back. After collecting the needed ingredients for human transmutation her parents came to the conclusion that if they both sacraficed a leg or an arm they could bring back their son. Sadly it didn't go as planed, because the moment they activated the transmutation circle they knew that it would take far more then just a limb or two in order to get their son back. And at that moment when Akina's parents were being riped apart and sacraficed to bring their son back, Akina came into the room. Of corss the nine year old Akina freaked and tried to grab her father, She wasn't looking where she put her feet and was caught up into the transmutation along with her parents. It took away Akina's right arm and left leg. Afterwards Akina was left unconsious and bleeding heavily.
When Akina woke up she realized three things, One: she was in the hospital, Two: she noticed that Alex Louis Armstrong as there with her, and Three: she had no right arm or left leg.
After being hospitalized for a few weeks Akina was released, only to find out that her house was burned to the ground by a man named Roy Mustang. Alex Louis Armstrong took Akina under his wing until Akina was able to live on her own. At the age of eleven Alex Armstrong brought Akina to Winry Rockbell who fitted her with automail for her arm and leg. Soon after that Akina started to learn Alchemy, actually she spent most of her time learning Alchemy until she turned 14 when she passed the state Alchemist exam and became a state alchemist. at the age of fifteen Akina made it to a level that she can just clap her hands, though to keep this a secret Akina still draws the transmutation circles, and only claps when she's fighting. After about a year of traveling around Akina is now back in central due to a few rumors that she has heard about an alchemist named the fullmetal alchemist who looks alot like her. Maybe she will finally meet this Roy Mustang, the person who burnt her house to the ground? who knows, only time will tell.
Personality: She's pretty nice, as long as you dont call her short, or the look a like of The FullMetal Alchemist, but she can be rather moody at times, and other times shy.

Alchemist?: Yes
State Alchemist?: Yes
Alchemist Nickname: The Silver Limb Alchemist (Really she doesn't know why they called her that, must be her automail limbs or some thing)
Other: Dont call Akina short, or a look-a-like to the fullmetal alchemist, nor mistake her for the fullmetal alchemist, or else she'll go nuts and probably attack you.
Akina doesn't like to show people her Automail limbs, she thinks people stare at her too much already for her resemblance to the fullmetal alchemist, so she normally has her hood up over her head to hide her face. Akina also doesn't like to use her alchemy very much since its alot like the alchemy the fullmetal alchemist uses, but would use it if she has to.
Greetings. I am Arrancar 13, Akina Shichiyou. My Zanpakuto is Aisubara.
Sosuke Aizen's Army
Grimmjow's Fraccion/Arrancar 13
Aisubara (Ice Rose)
Amatsuhibara (Heavenly Ice Rose)
My Released Forme is:
Young looking Arrancar with long white/silver hair and blue eyes. Is rather flat chested,and resembles a 15 year old or younger girl. Akina normally wear's a white/tan dress with a tie that covers her hollow hole which is under the end of her clavacle or above where her breasts begin. The dress ends just above her ankles and it parts half way down to reveal her white leggings which ends at her red colored shoes. Akina's Hollow mask remander is a small arrow. It is positioned above her left eye where her hair parts and continues in a small band going across her forhead and vanishes under her hair. That part is almost always invisable under her hair, unless you look close enough.
Is very kind and polite to the other Arrancars, though is said to be a little emotionless at times. She is more happy around Grimmjow then any one else. But if you make her mad she can get pretty scary. Akina has also been picked on for her personality.
Hueco Mundo Arc:
A few days after Akina was born she was attacked by some lowly arrancars who didn't like how 'kind' she was. After the battle Grimmjow found Akina wounded and unconsious. He would have just left her there if he didn't see three giant ice pillars and a strong reitsu from deep within Akina's body.
So Grimmjow took Akina and fixed her up. After Akina had regained consiousness Grimmjow asked her who she is, Akina told him her name and that she's Arrancar 13. After awhile of Grimmjow trying to get Akina to release her Resurreccion forme Grimmjow gave up trying and told Akina to leave him alone. Of corss Akina didn't listen and continued to follow him.
A few days later Grimmjow was ambushed by three arrancars who wanted to become the sixth Espada. After defeating them Grimmjow was badly injured, and much to his displeasure Akina healed him with her 'Amatsuhitengai'. After Grimmjow was healed he made Akina apart of his Fraccion, more or less he keeps her so she can heal his wounds after battles. Akina doesn't object to this, instead she likes to follow Grimmjow everywhere and anywhere she can. And when that is not possible, Akina likes to go to the human world, or help out in the infirmary in Las Noches.
Powers and Abilities:
Akina out stretches her right arm, then she puts her left hand on top of the right arm, holding it at the point where the elbow bends. The Cero itself comes out of her right hand's palm and is a light blue color. (it resembles some kido spells stance)
Resurreccion - Amatsuhibara
Aisubara -- Amatsuhibara
When Akina calls out "Spread your wings, Amatsuhibara" Her Zanpakuto changes into a white sythe with a blue crystal on the blade part of the sythe. Also Akina attains white wings that resembles those of an angel, With the wings Akina moves faster then before. Akina's mask grows into a larger arrow and the band's ends spike out of Akina's hair and down wards a little bit before stoping behind her ears. Akina's tie is ripped off, showing where her hollow hole is, and the back of her clothes is ripped where her wings are attached to her back. Her eyes also change color from blue to a bright red, in which they slowly turn back to blue as time passes, showing her true weakness in her Resurreccion form, Time.
Akina has been picked on by other arrancars who say she's more shinigami like then arrancar like, an example of this is her release command.
Zanpakuto Abilities:
Hitsuki(ice moon)-
is a slash that erupts from her sythe in resurreccion form, in the shape of a cresent. Its as large at her sythe blade, and can freeze almost anything on contact. So far she can only do about four giant ones before her Resurreccion ends. And can only do it in her Resurreccion form.
Hitoku(ice shield)-
by putting her Zanpakuto (non resurreccion form) in front of her she can create a shield the size of her body. It comes from the blue crystals on her zanpakuto and can take up to three weak hits, and only one strong one.
In her Resurrecction form she has to spin her sythe in front of her to create the same barrier. It is stronger and can take up to three strong back-to-back hits.
Amatsuhitengai(Heavenly Ice Dome)-
(non Resurreccion form and Resurreccion form) She can heal wounds by holding her zanpakuto above the injured person. By saying 'Amatsuhitengai' a large oval dome the size of the patient comes from the zanpakuto and surounds him/her. Akina then takes her hands and places them above her Zanpakuto.(like the way Orihime does) it takes hours for them to heal completely, depending on their wounds. In Resurreccion form the wounds heal faster and it takes a shorter ammount of time.
(pictures with be added later, please dont steal my OC)
Sosuke Aizen's Army
Grimmjow's Fraccion/Arrancar 13
Aisubara (Ice Rose)
Amatsuhibara (Heavenly Ice Rose)
My Released Forme is:
Young looking Arrancar with long white/silver hair and blue eyes. Is rather flat chested,and resembles a 15 year old or younger girl. Akina normally wear's a white/tan dress with a tie that covers her hollow hole which is under the end of her clavacle or above where her breasts begin. The dress ends just above her ankles and it parts half way down to reveal her white leggings which ends at her red colored shoes. Akina's Hollow mask remander is a small arrow. It is positioned above her left eye where her hair parts and continues in a small band going across her forhead and vanishes under her hair. That part is almost always invisable under her hair, unless you look close enough.
Is very kind and polite to the other Arrancars, though is said to be a little emotionless at times. She is more happy around Grimmjow then any one else. But if you make her mad she can get pretty scary. Akina has also been picked on for her personality.
Hueco Mundo Arc:
A few days after Akina was born she was attacked by some lowly arrancars who didn't like how 'kind' she was. After the battle Grimmjow found Akina wounded and unconsious. He would have just left her there if he didn't see three giant ice pillars and a strong reitsu from deep within Akina's body.
So Grimmjow took Akina and fixed her up. After Akina had regained consiousness Grimmjow asked her who she is, Akina told him her name and that she's Arrancar 13. After awhile of Grimmjow trying to get Akina to release her Resurreccion forme Grimmjow gave up trying and told Akina to leave him alone. Of corss Akina didn't listen and continued to follow him.
A few days later Grimmjow was ambushed by three arrancars who wanted to become the sixth Espada. After defeating them Grimmjow was badly injured, and much to his displeasure Akina healed him with her 'Amatsuhitengai'. After Grimmjow was healed he made Akina apart of his Fraccion, more or less he keeps her so she can heal his wounds after battles. Akina doesn't object to this, instead she likes to follow Grimmjow everywhere and anywhere she can. And when that is not possible, Akina likes to go to the human world, or help out in the infirmary in Las Noches.
Powers and Abilities:
Akina out stretches her right arm, then she puts her left hand on top of the right arm, holding it at the point where the elbow bends. The Cero itself comes out of her right hand's palm and is a light blue color. (it resembles some kido spells stance)
Resurreccion - Amatsuhibara
Aisubara -- Amatsuhibara
When Akina calls out "Spread your wings, Amatsuhibara" Her Zanpakuto changes into a white sythe with a blue crystal on the blade part of the sythe. Also Akina attains white wings that resembles those of an angel, With the wings Akina moves faster then before. Akina's mask grows into a larger arrow and the band's ends spike out of Akina's hair and down wards a little bit before stoping behind her ears. Akina's tie is ripped off, showing where her hollow hole is, and the back of her clothes is ripped where her wings are attached to her back. Her eyes also change color from blue to a bright red, in which they slowly turn back to blue as time passes, showing her true weakness in her Resurreccion form, Time.
Akina has been picked on by other arrancars who say she's more shinigami like then arrancar like, an example of this is her release command.
Zanpakuto Abilities:
Hitsuki(ice moon)-
is a slash that erupts from her sythe in resurreccion form, in the shape of a cresent. Its as large at her sythe blade, and can freeze almost anything on contact. So far she can only do about four giant ones before her Resurreccion ends. And can only do it in her Resurreccion form.
Hitoku(ice shield)-
by putting her Zanpakuto (non resurreccion form) in front of her she can create a shield the size of her body. It comes from the blue crystals on her zanpakuto and can take up to three weak hits, and only one strong one.
In her Resurrecction form she has to spin her sythe in front of her to create the same barrier. It is stronger and can take up to three strong back-to-back hits.
Amatsuhitengai(Heavenly Ice Dome)-
(non Resurreccion form and Resurreccion form) She can heal wounds by holding her zanpakuto above the injured person. By saying 'Amatsuhitengai' a large oval dome the size of the patient comes from the zanpakuto and surounds him/her. Akina then takes her hands and places them above her Zanpakuto.(like the way Orihime does) it takes hours for them to heal completely, depending on their wounds. In Resurreccion form the wounds heal faster and it takes a shorter ammount of time.
(pictures with be added later, please dont steal my OC)
Name: Akina Shichiyou
Type: Reduced Soul- A Reduced Soul is a soul that, well, has been 'Reduced' by the backfiring of a conso. The back firing of a conso is rare, and only occurs when the soul has a large amount of spiritual power. That power is released as the conso make contact with the soul, After the inital explosion, the soul is left as a mini version of itself. If the soul's spiritual power escaped completely, the soul would vanish, and cease to exist. But, in the likely hood that some spiritual power remains it becomes a mini version of itself, growing until it has fully regained its spiritual power. To some shinigami/hollows/and other spiritual beings they would not be able to see the reduced souls, hence their ability to become invisable at any time. They normally stick to one person (normally being the Shinigami that had tried to conso it) And will normally only show itself to that person. Soul society knows little to nothing about Reduced souls, do to the fact that they normally dont like to show them selves long enough to study. While the reduced souls are 'Reduced' they can not be conso'd and are normally stable. If a Reduced soul uses up to much of its spiritual pressure while still being reduced, it would either start to vanish slowly, or shrink in size. Also during the souls 'reduced' stait, it normally sleeps alot in order to regain spiritual pressure.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Weapon Description: A white/silver sythe. Reduced souls, when they become reduced, gain weapons, the maximun of weapons is three, and can range in type and shape, some times the weapon stays with them when they turn to normal, and some times it disapears. Some say their like Zanpakuto only smaller. (sythe in pic)
Abilities: Reduced souls can range in their abilities, but they normally have the ability to turn invisable, and the control over one element.(EX: Fire) The ablilities are just like the weapons, in it that they could stay, or disapear, when the soul turns normal.
-Invisability: Being able to turn invisable, this takes no spiritual pressure to happen.
-Ice/snow element control: Ranges from throwing ice shards to ice shields, though in order to use larger amounts of ice to produce larger ice shards and shields, a larger amount of spiritual pressure is needed.
-Healing: Akina can heal small wounds by using her own spiritual pressure, a blue dome apears over the wound as she heals it, much like the dome that Orihime's healing abilities have. It takes more spiritual pressure to heal bigger wounds, and is normally used on her self.
Forms: the size of a baseball. Reduced souls can range in size. from the size of a tenis ball, and up, normally stoping at their normal size and height.
Character Description: Akina was a normal soul, When a Shinigami came and 'consod' her. Sadly it back fired causing her to loose most of her spiritual pressure and turn into a reduced soul. The shinigami who tried to conso her returned to soul society after wards, not even noticing that he left Akina behind. Now Akina is stuck in her reduced body, and stuck in Karakura town. She is as of right now searching for a person with a high ammount of spiritual pressure in order for her to recover and return to normal quickly. Akina can also be a bit stuborn, like a little kid.
Picture: http://john_jay.blog.friendster.com/files/momo.gif(Her weapon is the sythe in the picture. This is the large version of her by the way the small version is the size of a base ball, if not a little bit smaller. Her eyes are blue-er and her hair is more silver/white along with her outfit which is white-er.)
Aren't Nobodies nor Somebodies...
Their a mixture of both...
Like Nobodies, they do not have hearts...
And yet, like Somebodies they have Emotions...
Their the opposite of them, their nobodies and sombodies.
When a Nobody is born, an Anybody is born as well...
When a Somebody is born, an Anybody is born as well...
When a Nobody dies, its Anybody seizes to exist...
When a Somebody dies, its Anybody seizes to exist as well.
Nobodies and Somebodies are suposed to Exist,
But Anybodies on the other hand...are not.
They destroy what it means to be 'Alive'...
Because they have Emotions...
And yet they do not have hearts.
They can not feel love, or do they just don't want to feel love?
That is what a Anybody is.
and now its time for Their story.
"ALEXIS! GET BACK HERE!" yells a boy with blond hair as he runs through the long hallways of the castle that Always was. "HaHa! try to catch me LOSER!" yelled a girl with long red hair as she runs away from the boy while dragging a young girl with long dirty-blond hair.
"I AM NOT A LOSER!" yelled the boy as he throws what apear to be daggers at the girl, who rounds a corner, nearly missing a dagger.
'THUD!' The sound of heavy bags hitting concrete echos through the long marble hallways as the boy whacks right into the wall. This sound of corss makes the girl stop and turn around.
"pfft...HAHAHAHA!" laughed the girl as the younger blond girl laughs as well.
"That was Classic! CLASSIC!" said the red head through her laughs.
"now where to Alex?" said the small blond girl as she looks up at the taller Anybody.
"Hmm...Oh! how about we go bother Vixen?" said the red head as she stops laughing.
"No...remember? Vixen has her lab's door locked, and i heard she's doing Very important work...plus he has Axis guarding the door..." said the young blond.
"Hmm...your right...what about messing with Nixla?" asked the red head.
"No good, she's on a mission with Brixa..." said the blond anybody
"hmm...what abo-" said the red head before she's cut off by the younger blond.
"Every one Exept for Axis, Vixen, Sanex, and Lexan and us are on a mission...this was a very busy week for missions" said the blond girl.
"Ugh, Lets see, we could mess with Axis, but we'd be killed by her...Vixen is locked up in her lab, thats no good...Sanex is Somewhere...and Lexan is out cold..." said the red head.
"A-Alexis..." said the blond girl, in a saky voice.
"Sshh Roxsan! i'm thinking!" said the red head with out looking down at the blond.
"A-Alexis...I-I think my N-Nobody is in trouble..." said the blond again in the same voice.
"Huh? why would you thi-HOLY SH*T! Roxsan! your Vanishing!" said the red head as she looks at the blond girl, fear and worry on her face. Roxsan, the younger Anybody's hands are slowly vanishing.
"Dont worry Roxsan, lets find my Nobody, he'll know where your nobody is" said the red head as she opens up what apears to be a dark portal, dragging roxsan through it by her cloak's hood.
"...i wonder where Roxas went...i wasn't finished with him" said Axel as he walks down the streets of Twilight town, a fake town that Diz made for Roxas to hide him from Organization XIII. Suddenly a dark portal opens up right infront of Axel, making him stop dead in his tracks 'Did Roxas remember how to use portals? or is it some one else from the Organization?' thought Axel quickly. Suddenly Alexis runs out of the portal, taking Axel by surprise. Knocking Axel over as she whcks into him.
"OW! Hey watch where you going, Brat!" said Axel angrly as he sits up.
"S-sorry..i didn't look to see who was the-" said Alexis as she sits up and looks at who she ran into. Axel's eyes suddenly widen as he jumps back wards, summoning his chakrams.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! AND WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE ME!" yelled Axel as Alexis gets up, helping Roxsan up she then looks at Axel.
"You can put down you Chakrams, i'm not a enemy...i'm a 'friend'" said Alexis as she puts up her hands, by now the portal has closed.
"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" yelled Axel as he runs at Alexis ready to hit her with his sharp chakram. Alexis grabs Axel's arm, dodging the chakrams blow as she grabs his neck, pinning him down on the ground.
"Shut up and listen to me you crazy lunetic!" said Alexis getting a little bit angry-er if that is even posible.
"A-Alexis...dont kill your Nobody..." said Roxsan worriedly.
"What the hell is the girl talking about?!" said Axel, still pissed.
"i'll tell you later, now, where is Roxas?" said Alexis in a Very serious tone.
"pfft...like i care where that traitor is..." said Axel as he looks side ways away from Alexis's glare.
"You SHOULD care! he's your friend! best friend even!" said Alexis angrly.
"...i dont really want to find him anyways...i have orders to kill him when i see him...but i dont want t-"
"THEN DONT!" yelled Alexis angerly. "Dont kill him! tell us where he is so we can Save him!"
"Wha-? what do you mean 'Save' him? what happened to him!?" said Axel, now more worried.
"...he's going back into Sora to wake him...if he does, you'll never see him again..." said Roxsan.
"...no way...your lying! he'd never!" said Axel getting a little bit angry.
"its true, or else, we wouldn't be here...looks at my friend there...see whats happening to her? that how we can tell that Roxas is suffering the same fate..." said Alexis as she gets off of Axel.
Getting up from the ground Axel looks at Roxsan who is slowing vanishing.
"...well what do you want Me to do about it?...i have no clue where he-...wait...i think i know where he is...yeah...its the only place i haven't looked yet..." said Axel as he thinks for a moment.