***Set in a zombie apocalypse
Juniper's eyes scanned the desolate street. It seemed empty, but she had learned early during the virus's rampage that looks were deceiving. She silently pulled her shotgun from it's sling on her back and warily swung it from side to side as she crept through the shadows. I need more shells...I only have six left. As if sensing her near helplessness, a zombie shuffled around the corner of a building, blood dripping from the stump of it's shoulder. Obviously, this wouldn't be it's first fight. It seemed eager to sink it's filthy teeth into Juniper's pale flesh. Juniper aimed. I like my limbs attached, thank you very much... Juniper fired. The zombie went down, and didn't move again. But with a sinking realization, Juniper realized she had just rung the dinner bell for all the ravenous demonic little nightmares in earshot. Crap.
Juniper ran. She ran faster than she had ever ran before. She knew for a fact that there were hundreds of zombies in this city alone, the remaining radio stations on air had specifically said,"Stay away from New York!" But Juniper needed to know if her family was safe. She sped down the streets, thanking god she signed up for track in the seventh grade. She heard the unmistakable groans and shrieks as zombies followed her, eager to have pieces of pale warm flesh sliding past their broken teeth and down their putrid throats. Juniper knew she couldn't take out that many with six shells. So, Juniper ran.
The stink of rotting bodies and decomposing flesh wafted towards her, filling her mouth with bile. She spat it to the side and rounded a corner, coming face to face with the barrel of a rifle. Her eyes widened, but she didn't have time to be shocked. She ducked and kept running, shouting over her shoulder,"RUN!!!". The person holding the rifle cursed as she saw the hoard of undead and followed Juniper. A feminine voice came from behind Juniper. "Up ahead, there's a truck. Get in it and drive." Juniper saw the black pick-up and ignored everything but she sight of the truck and the sound of her sneakers slapping the cracked and dry pavement.
She turned the key in the ignition and the mystery girl jumped into the bed of the pickup, spewing bullets from her gun. Juniper gunned the engine and hauled a** out of the zombie infested area. After they were a few miles away from New York, Juniper pulled over, and switched to the passenger seat as the other girl climbed up front. Juniper held out her hand and stated,"Juniper." The girl shook it and answered,"Jamie." They didn't say anything after a while, and Jamie began driving. Juniper noticed Jamie kept blinking rapidly, as if trying to stay awake, and said softly,"I'll drive. You're nearly asleep at the wheel."
Jamie nodded, and they switched places. There was no heater in the truck, and their breath began to make the window shield fog up. Juniper rolled down the window, despite the cold, and could just make out a town up ahead. The remaining lights flickered feebly. She pulled over. There was no sense in driving through a likely zombie inhabited town at night. Their chances were slim enough during the day. She looked at Jamie, and didn't want to wake her new companion up. She Grabbed her shotgun and sat on the hood of the truck. She didn't sleep that night; She took watch.
Sometime early morning, Jamie woke up and found a droopy eyed Juniper on the hood of the car, gun loose in her hands. She said quietly,"Good morning.You look worse than I did last night. You should have woken me up to take watch." Juniper shook her head tiredly and muttered,"You had just fallen asleep. There's a town up ahead, and I don't know about you, but I'm running low on food. First we can find a little coffee shop, and I'll make us something. Then we need to get food." She looked at Jamie and added,"If we stick together, we have a better chance..." Jamie nodded, and they got back in the car and slowly approached the town. It was eerily silent.
After a while of driving around the town, Jamie spotted a coffee stand. With a over excited fist pump, Juniper climbed out of the car. All at once, she knew something was wrong. It was like the smell before rain, the feeling in the pit of your stomach before something terrible happens. She turned slowly, and looked down an alley way. There was nearly 14 zombies. One stopped and stared, then the others as well. Juniper reached for her gun, but it was in the car. She said flatly,"Jamie, go." Jamie rolled down the window and began to ask something, when she saw them as well. Juniper repeated. "Go. There's no way we can take them all out. Drive." Jamie started to protest as a zombie lurched forward, it's empty eye socket sickening. Juniper cut her off and hissed,"GO. I'll be fine. I might come and find you if I survive." Jamie rolled back up the window. Defeated. She revved the engine and the car squealed through the town, just as the zombies screeched and all at once swarmed out of the alley. Oh crap. There was way for than fourteen. Juniper closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of air. This was the end, and she knew it. As the hoard descended upon her, one last thought crossed her mind. "Please let Jamie be safe."
Three hours later, Jamie drove back through the town. Blood covered the ground where she left Juniper. She felt sick. She turned the car around and drove out of the godforsaken town. At the edge, there was a battered sign reading,"You are now leav-" the rest was too rusted to read. Jamie looked into the rear view mirror and what she saw was like a suck punch straight in the gut. A black haired, green eyed, mutilated zombie stood, staring impossibly at the car.
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OC's, a story I wrote, and art. But I don't journal.
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Denim denim denim.
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