The only Edward i want to hear about is Edward Thatch
Twilight is a poor to mediocre book series that gets treated like its some true masterwork of originality when really its story has been done a hundred times over. Its teen pop culture dribble that is written for overly developed and lonely preteen girls who want to have sexual experiences but are not ready to try it themselves as stated by author Stephen King. Why do you think Edward is never described. It is so Girls can insert their own perfect dream man as him making it equivalent to sexless porn.
(1st they do describe Edward, and if you got over yourself and actually read the book before bashing it you would know that. 2nd it is treated like that (this is my reason) only because it is the romance that a girl never did or will have.)On top of that Robert Pattinson himself openly said in an interview he cant understand why women like the books and that it seems like its Stephanie Meyer's own personal fantasy. The kind of book that should not be published. he goes on to call Meyer a mad woman
.(It is her own fantasy,again if you took note of the actual book, she admits the book came to her in a dream. and yes only a mad woman would publish it but she obviously chose the right thing by publishing it.)I see it everywhere i go. Its over advertised and treated far beyond what it deserves. The fans are nuts and seemingly will attack both physically and verbally anyone who does not agree with them. Twilight is not nor will it be a cult classic though its fans "Twitards" seem cult like in nature
.(Really you see it everywhere? because I really dont. Neither do my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, ect. Some wont attack unless people are saying stuff proving that they are bashing the book when they never even read the book. And calling people Twitards is plain rude and sounds idiotic)It also proves to me that people are sheep incapable of thinking for themselves. Not two years ago interest in vampires, werewolves or any of the related made you a freak and or an outcast. Fast forward two years and every teenage girl and their mother maybe even their grandmother is now obsessed with the so called vampires of Twilight
.(ok first hun, BASHING THE BOOK WHEN YOU NEVER READ IT IS KINDA PROVING YOU ARE A MINDLESS DRONE TOO, YOU BASH THE SEREIS BECAUSE YOU THINK ITS COOL TO BASH IT. second, some of the people who like twilight were the so called freaks for liking vampires and whatnot.)Though an author does not need to follow all rules of a mythical creature's traits Meyer seemingly deviates to far from what vampires are. even going as far as to say they have no fangs and sparkle in sunlight. even though i have read about vampires that do not burn up in the sun, i regret to inform all Twilight fan girls that there's only one kind of man that sparkles and none of them will ever be interested in you
.(Its Meyers vision let her say what she wants technically its her OPINION, if you're not intrested in it stop talking about it. And how do you know this? really? do you know vampires? are you a vampire? I mean really HOW DO YOU KNOW.)Meyers Characters to top everything off are Mary sues. Though her vampire character stray away from the norm they only become nearly indestructible and seemingly perfect. Characters without flaws and weaknesses also lack any personality or depth which seems from what i understand a more than accurate description of her character Bella. Also no being a bit clumsy doesn't count for a flaw
.(They don't all have depth. But yes they(some of the characters do have flaws. like i said If you read the book you would know)What pisses me off seemingly the most about it is how its talked about so much that i know the entire book and story without ever having to pick it up. Just catching bits and pieces of conversations has given me all the information i will ever need about it
.(exactly you never picked it up. You go on other peoples opinion, you go on what it seems to be.)I personally do not mind that people like it. I have no problem with that at all. I'm just tired of seeing it and hearing about it wherever i go. anyway that's my two cents.
(Its not everywhere, that is an exaggeration.)Now please i ask you to go to the sticky.